Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 5:45 pm
((Twist time...hehehe (:<))  Darkness suddenly appeared outside of the hotel as Roku began to emerge. Stepping out of the portal, he walked into the hotel and headed towards his room,only taking slight note of Kaen and Mina's auras. Walking into his room,he looked towards the bed, at the pitiful body laying there. Roku walked up towards the body, a sinister smile creeping on his face. "I'm surprised you hit her..." he said,waiting for the responce. All of a sudden,the body jerked up and looked straight into Roku's eyes. "Could you expect anything else from your clone?" Roku smiled as he took this in. She did much damage to you...what would they do,i wonder,if they knew you were only able to access one third of my power?" He said with an blood-curling laugh. "I don't know...what do you plan to do?" Roke again smiled,before responding. "I will give you more power,so you will posses not one third,but half of my power." Roku's clone smiled upon hearing this. "When will we become one,and let our full power challenge them?" Roku looked at him carefully,making sure his body was physically okay to take on more of his power. "Soon..." he said as he breathed power into his clone. "Try not to lose to badly next time..." Roku said as his body became one with the wind "I will be back,and then we shall be one." "Roku" got up and stretched,liking the feel of his new powers. "Soon...our angel and our demon shall fight as one..." he mumbled as he dissapeared and reappeared at the last fighting area,wanting to fix the damage he had done on the area.
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 5:59 pm
Kaen nods, examining the craftsmanship of the sword. "It is a fine blade, I shall admit that," he states, placing the blade back down before sitting on his bed at the statement of 'modesty to be a weakness'. He watches, admiring her lithe frame until it is covered, not phased a bit. "As soon as we have breakfast. The others can find us if they do not realize the plan," he states, standing to pull on his boots, already dressed and ready for the day other than that. "That, and Roku seems to have plans of his own."
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 6:05 pm
He listens intently, frowning at the description of the battle. "Well, we put up one hell of a fight at least, Princess. Next time, we will kill them all!" he growls, eyes glowing with slight bloodlust until he blinks, hearing the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps. "Alright, there's breakfast," he states with a smirk, standing to his feet to face the still flustered soldier carrying two stacks of pancakes and syrup. "H..here sir." "About damn time!" he growls, snatching the platter away from the bewildered soldier. "Now get!" he snaps, the soldier doing as requested immediately. After the soldier turns around, he smirks, sitting back down. "So, need help eating, Sky?"
Posted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 7:54 pm
Mina~Bade ~_~ When the blade was put down, she didn't make much haste in picking it up once her hair was in an agreeable state. From there she put it in a bigger blade sheath and stood up. "Ok then, let's go cause I am kinda famished." From using alot of energy yesterday of course."Oh? What does he have in mind exactly?" Roku kinda sparked some curiosity cause she wanted to know if he were going in alone or just being out to take care of other things. If he were fighting, she'd wanna join, otherwise stay out of it.
Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 9:10 am
 After cleaning up the damage done to the area with his element powers,Roku appeared before Kaen and bowed. "What is the next order of business,sir?" he asked in a polite manner,in order to show his loyalty and respect. In his head,he wondered what Kaen thought about the fight he had,and if he was upset he had lost.
Posted: Sat Sep 25, 2010 10:00 pm
He nods in agreement to her statement, quite hungry himself after the exertion of his powers(though mild in comparison to the training he put himself through). When asked what he had in mind, he sighs softly. "My guess is to strengthen himself. He has a higher potential than the one he is currently at," he explains, watching as Roku appears before him in a bow. "At the moment we are about to transfer to a new headquarters that I have bought. But first, we are heading to breakfast. Join us," he states, walking to the door and out, his few possessions carried with him already transferred to the new building other than his wallet.
Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2010 4:47 pm
 Roku smiled and started following Kaen when he realized Mina was standing there. "Coming?" he said with a smile. He had gotten better in acting like he had emotions and was now putting them to use.
Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 6:16 pm
Mina~Bade ~_~ "Is he planning on destroying the world or something?" And speaking of him, Roku appeared. She said nothing just yet as he loyally approached Kaen in an odd manor. They were all usually casual with each other, what was this? Kaen didn't take it as anything odd when he addressed him on the idea at hand to move into their own place. Breakfast first of course. Mina started watching them depart, unwilling to leave the comfortable bed behind. Roku noticed her in question. Reluctantly, she picked up her bags. "Yeah..." And followed them out and all the way to the car. "Glad we have this." Her stuff was unloaded with gratitude into the truck as she handed the keys to Kaen. "You can drive if ya want." ((W-wha? I responded to that post already O_o Wtf.... ))
Posted: Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:36 pm
He decides not to respond to her question when asked considering the fact that he had no concrete clue as to what the man is planning. He walks out of the hotel calmly, listening and feeling the duo follow him out and to the truck they commandeered. When offered the chance to drive, he nods, take the keys offered to him. He opens the driver's door, jumping in without much ado. Turning the car on, he waits for the other two to be situated before driving calmly away from the motel/restaurant towards the outskirts of the city. "It will be about two hours before we reach the new location, so you best get comfortable," he instructs, keeping his eyes on the road.
Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 3:53 am
 --OoO-- SkyRaiden --OoO-- "To hell with protocol, I'm doing this my way." She sat up and eagerly dug into her pancakes. She was starving and hurt. She didn't understand why her healing ability stopped, but she didn't care right now. Eating pancakes was what she cared about. Smiling, she finished off the last bite and scooped up some of syrup and just ate that enjoying the sugary taste.
Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:19 am
"Take that as a no," he chuckles as she snatches her plate from him, practically inhaling the food. He calmly pours a boatload of syrup onto his pancakes, cutting them with ease. He then eats them, trying to not dwell on the fact that the b*tch took Mugen from him when he was down. That was the biggest insult dealt to him, the only thing he owned to remind him of his parent's sacrifice to keep him safe. When done, he sighs in satisfaction, his stomach satisfied for the moment. With the pancakes down, he brings the plate to his face and licks up all the excess syrup off the plate.
Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 8:16 am
ll Epic 13oner ll  Roku smiled and sat in the back seat,giving Mina the front because he knew they were sort of friends...He sat and positioned himself so he could go into a meditating pose and learn what powers he had aquired.
Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 5:26 pm
 --OoO-- SkyRaiden --OoO-- "To hell with protocol, I'm doing this my way." Tenderly, she pushed herself off the bed and stood up on her own kinda iffy about walking around, but she didn't care. "Well, I'm going hunting later," she growled as she set her plate on the counter and leaned on it heavily relying on it to keep standing. She gently rubbed her gut feeling slightly better, but not much. She was completely drained. She had no energy or anything to give her her normal skills.
Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:24 pm
He blinks, lowering the plate as he hears Sky get up from the bed. "Hey! Princess, sit back down!" he exclaims, putting the plate back down onto the table, prepared to catch her in-case she falls down. But, the worry turns into frustration as she declares that she is going hunting later. "Oh no you're not! You can barely stand and had your a$$ handed to you on a silver platter, you aren't going anywhere until panther doc says you're fully recovered!" he growls, putting his hands carefully on her shoulders to prove his point.
Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:10 pm
 --OoO-- SkyRaiden --OoO-- "To hell with protocol, I'm doing this my way." "Why not? You would if you were the one beaten down, you would go and hunt that bi^ch down!" she said back to him standing up on her own getting in her face a little. Her eyes changed slightly looking more like the fiery, golden, reptile eyes that were from the poison that coursed through her body. She looked so pissed off and sad at the same time leaving her with mixed emotions she didn't know how to handle. She just wanted to cry into Cade and hide from the world, but at the same time, she wanted to get in his face--like she was--and just get all of her anger out. A single tear slid down her face threatening her that she was going to end up doing just both.