Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 8:45 am
~Echo Noir~ The echoes of my past fade away... Echo looked around. She moved smoothly after the others, only hesitating when she saw a green-haired girl with some sort of veil dismiss a set of guards. Good they would ask her too many questions anyways. Echo followed after the group of kids around her age. These were the hirs to the thrones that she was supposed to 'meet'. Echo stood near the rest now looking forward at the large room. She blinked at it tilting her head in curiousity. Eventhough she had trained for this she was still unsure of how to react int this situation. Echo glanced at the girl to her right. She had a flame of red hair and bat like wings. She had to be the half-succumbus princess named Morrigan. "Hello" she said looking back at the dark room and listening to its large echoes. ...I am the orginal Black..
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 9:49 am
(( Yeah I just got your character and Silver confused that's my fault haha! xp ))
Lord Vackel looked down at her. " That can wait till later my dear go ahead and have fun with the others.We will discuss you in a little bit. " He said with a kind and wisened smile.
Kristen took that as her signal. She knelt down to look at her eye level. " Alright now that that's settled let's go see if we can't find the others. " She said as she patted the top of her hair.
Fayte's footsteps sounded like he was running around the place, which he was he was having some trouble finding the device when finally. " Found it! " He shouted. There was the sound of a powerful generator powering up, along the solid black walls threads of multi colored light began to appear dancing around the group of children. The thousands of threads only lit up a small portion of the black space. " Just wait it's powering up. " He said with a laugh as firework like displays began to shoot up into the high ceiling of the room exploding into an array of extraordinary colors and designs. A single firework exploded into a white burst from it came a large bird made of ethereal light which flew down att he children cawing lightly it left a soft vapor trail as it encircled them befor flying into the air and eploding in another display of fireworks. " Leon always did like to make things flashy. It's funny but this is only the powering up display. " He laughed.
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 10:38 am
The day passed by and Klay just sat in his room tinkering with his various electronics. He was getting really bored so he got up and left his room. His sisters, Kayla, Kaylene and Kaylie were all in their rooms doing what Klay would suggest to be "Girly things" so he did not bother. He continued down the stairs and realized his Mom had not moved and his father must have gone out. Klay opened the door and walked outside, sort of hoping Ume would be standing in the exact same spot he left her, but he wasn't so lucky. "Aww man." Klay kicked the ground underneath and stared back up at Damascus' great palace, how he dreamed to one day be a part of something so big. A breeze drifted by and Klay slowly walked down the street. A few minutes passed and the Damascus mines rose from behind the rocky landscape. "I wonder if anything cool is going on over there!" Klay exclaimed, he ran down the path and jumped over rocks until the entrance seemed to swallow him. A big sign was in front of the mine reading 'DO NOT ENTER'. Klay smirked and let out a harty chuckle, "Psshaw, I'm not one to fall into the crowd that actually listen to what they're told!!" Klay happily hopped into the cavern.
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 10:57 am
Silver followed Fayte and the others down the hall and into a room. It was dark, and thank god the bodyguards left before. They knew she was safe in the palace. She walked in, and it was pitch black. She squinted, only hearing the footsteps of Fayte. What was he doing? She stepped a little closer and then a huge bang scared her half to death. She watched as the fireworks-like thingy's started spraying into the dark room, lighting it up with colors. She smiled and started giggling. A bird made from some sort of light came down and swooped around her, which made her hands fly up to her mouth to stop her from giggling so hard. She smiled after a while and giggled at Fatye. "That was SO cool!!" She said, grinning brightly.
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 11:13 am
As the bright sun light shot upon the nation of Damascus. A young Keenen rose out of his bed, after sleeping in. "Oh snap i'm late" I got up and threw my scarf on. i thought "who needs a sweater?" I ran up the stairs grabbed my goggles as i may of needed them and i dashed through the door. The neighbor hood dog was around the corner and i didn't wan't to hear the barking so early, so i decided to take the route around the mines. as i was walking passed I had seen a green haired kid recklessly jump into the mines with out fear. I thought to myself "why the hell would someone jump into a DO NOT ENTER area. Can he not read?" I quickly hopped the fence myself and rushed after the kid sneakily and steadily."watching his every movement, waiting to see what he was doing. Cause its what a hero would do
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:28 pm
((Can I have a summary of where all the characters are located? Thanks.))
Another beautiful night in the city of Meracitile. The black haired librarian would have smiled if the scenery wasn't so usual. In a couple of minutes, Dais Balderon would be off his breaktime and back to his librarian duties. It wasn't a difficult job for him, and he had access to books. Every now and then, he would travel to the libraries in Vackel or the other kingdoms to retrieve requested books.
Next to the librarian was a brown furry ferret chewing on a cracked, whispering moving up and down, twitching in happiness at the food. Aldon was an energetic creature and would often go out exploring into the city, dodging traffic and whatnot.
"Dais! Come on! The head librarian wants us to work on this special exhibit, and he wants us over now!"
The golden eyed librarian merely nodded to the ferret, who was finishing up the cracker, and left to greet the owner of the voice. Ironically, Dais was older than the head librarian, but no one knew that. His appearrance made him seem as if he was in the 20's in human age. Convenient.
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:42 pm
~Echo Noir~ The echoes of my past fade away... Echo closed her eyes. The room was large from the echoes. Her ears listened as Fayte ran around looking for something. Echo opened her eyes before anyone noticed anything weird. Her body tensed. What if this was some sort of a trap? She never did well with things like this. She had yet to learn how to 'keep her cool' completely. Suddenly the sound of a large generator rippled through the air. Multy colored light appeasred soon after in their own type of brilliance. One of them shot up and exploded like fireworks. Echo watched in wonder at the colors. DShe reached out her hand toward the vapor trail that encircled them all. "Wow..." she breathed. She looked at Fayte as he spook the back at the display. "This is amazing" she said audiably. ...I am the orginal Black..
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:51 pm
((Okay, yet another one. I'll include EVERYONE this time. biggrin
So Fayte, Akatan, Silver, Morrigan, Hitomi, and Echo are in the Vackel Palace, in which Fayte is showing them something that had a crazy firework powerup thing which they have still to discover. Destiny was last seen trying to master her powers in the garden. Sumiko is talking to the Lord and Lady of Vackle in another room. Ume and Klay had met in Damascus? and they had some fun on Klay's board, which resulted in a few bruises. Klay was last seen jumping into a cavern with a 'DO NOT ENTER' sign in it. Keenen had awoken and seen Klay jump into the cavern and had followed sneakily. Omotayo and Luina are in Damascus, and up in the piano room, and had just heard from a guard that Omotayo's father returned, but he was very wounded, and that Lunia's father, the king has yet to return, it doesn't look so good. They go out to see Omotayo's father. Mystearica was swimming in Vackel, and then started roaming around. Xalain arrived in the Vackel palace, attempting to scare Morrigan, but we then never heard from him. Oh, and I'm pretty sure everyone is in their kid years, sooo yup.
SO, everyone is pretty much in Vackel, with a few in Damascus. I really hope I got most of that right, if not or if I missed someone, just clear it up for us, Thankya' ^^ ))
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 12:51 pm
Morrigan looked at the room as it began to light up with the fireworks and everything. It was neat, but not totally amazing. She smirked. "Not bad..." she trailed off. She then noticed a young girl (echo) as she examined her. She could smell that she had siren lineage, a distant cousin of the succubus. "Who are you girl? You reak of siren...a formidable ally of a succubus...a man trapper" she said exposing only half of her lineage. I want your love and I want your revenge ..You and Me could write a bad romance. ((Oh yea we're all in Vackel...well most of us anyways, we're in Fayte's palace))
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 1:10 pm
(( Nope I think you got all of that right on spot good job Strawberry! smile ))
Fayte turned his head to see Echo. " Oh hey there how are you doing?" he asked with a smile. He then realised that the generator was finished powering up. " remember how I said you shouldn't come here if you were afraid of heights? This is why. " He said as he pressed a button on the control panel which started up the real machine. Crackling sounds echoed throughout the room as the once black walls, floor and ceiling began to literally discentigrate into the air revealing on the other side of them an endless expanse of land filled with twisted and tying mountains, fauna filled the ground and strange bird like creatures flew through the air landing gracefully on the canyon walls. The battle scarred canyons were now a maze of tunnels and passageways, a place a child with an active imagination could really explore. The kids were floating in the air during this experience when the floors had disappeared the generators real purpose was revealed, the rays of sun hitting them gave off heat despite this entire sight being nothing but a fabrication. Instead of walking Fayte floated around the scenery shooting donwn he shot inbetween the many speckled holes of the canyons disappearing only to pop out of a different hole." Welcome to the Tattered Canyons! Or at least the part of the Canyons that Dimensional Bonds knows. " He said with a smile. Using this machine we have tapped into Dimensional Bond's ability to connect worlds allowing this room to become literally any place you could want the fact that we are flying is thanks to an anti gravity generator that you heard powering up earlier, everything else may be a simulation however it is still very life like. " He said as he reached out and touced the canyons rough surface. " Everything is tangible, and next to real it's my way of traveling inbetween worlds, of course I can't actually do that but this is the next best thing. " He said as he exitted the holes. " If you have any requests feel free to ask I'm always up for something new! "
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 2:14 pm
As Klay continued further into the mines the light became less and less, so little he pulled his watch out and made it's luminescent screen shine down the twists and turns of the cavern. He pressed on until he reached a fork in the tunnels, two ways to go. Klay grabbed a rock and threw it down one tunnel, the echo lasted for a good minute long and then he picked up another rock and threw it down the left tunnel, the echo ended quickly. This told Klay that the right tunnel was longer, and a longer tunnel ment longer adventures. "Ya hoo!!" Klay yelled as he ran down the right tunnel, not caring for the consequences that may result in his reckless actions. "Life has no limitations, except the ones you make." Klay laughed as he continued to run. Suddenly the tunnel stopped and turned into a hole. "Aaaaaahh!!" Klay yelled out as he gripped onto the edge of the hole, the ground was damp and slippery. "HELP!!" Klay screamed out, his body dangling freely over the edge of the huge drop leading to a sure death.
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 2:19 pm
╔═════════╗ Hitomi Michiko ╚═════════╝ ‚·°·‚·°·‚·°·‚·°·‚·°·‚·°·‚·°·‚·°·‚·°·‚·°·‚·°·‚·°·‚·°·‚·°·‚ 》》》Hitmoi noticed the new girl, but before she could react to her there was a spectacular display of fire work type things and their vapor being left behind. And this was only the warming up part? Hitomi looked around in astonishment as they suddenly started to float off the ground. Everything disappeared and now they were somewhere else. She listened to Fayte and was very interested. So this was all just some kind of illusion."This is amazing."she said as she tried to get use to the floating. It was a good thing that she was not afraid of hights because then she wouldn't have been able to enjoy this fantastic experience of floating. She didn't pay much attention to the area around her, she was more focused on the fact that she was not standing on the ground and able to be free in the air. She guessed that this is probably how it felt for Morrigan when she would fly.
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 2:21 pm
(( Alright because of the massive amount of profiles I've recieved the page where I posted the accepted ones ovreflowed deleting the ones at the very end of the page, I think I put all the ones that disappeared back up but if yours is missing please let me know and I will put it up. ))
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 2:22 pm
Lunia-Alexis Alexandria Camera
The Last Hope

As they walked down a long hallway, Lunia stopped. A sudden pain could be felt in her head, she held onto it and looked at her bracelet. Which was shining brightly, "It's calling out for help, someone has gone into the caverns of which this bracelet protects..." she said, falling to her knees in pain. A few guards rushed over, but Lunia shrugged them off. "Go now, to the caverns... and bring the fools that wish to go in to caverns... NOW!" she yelled, and with that... the guards rushed off to the caverns, aiming to find Klay and Keenen and bring them to the castle. Lunia sat on the ground, breathing heavily. The bracelet causing her a great deal of pain, it was something she was told could happen though if someone was to go into the caverns. She could see images of Klay hanging on the edge of the cliff, making her shake from fear. She grabbed onto Omotayo and hugged into him, shaking even worse. "It hurts Omotayo... it really hurts..." she said, almost crying. Anyone would cry if they saw such a little girl go through such pain.
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 2:24 pm
((Great. Thanks. Time to give Dais an excuse to go to Vackel or Damascus, whoever needs more people.))
"A display on Memoria?" Dais's fellow librarian asked. "Isn't that place in disarray?"
The elderly white haired bearded head librarian nodded. "Now, that is a topic that might come up some time in the future. But for now, we will be doing an exhibit on Vackel. Do you understand?" The head librarian pushed up his horn rimmed glasses.
Dais nodded.
"But, ok. So, we are going to do exhibits of each of the kingdoms. That is the theme for the next few years? Seems a little long to me," Dais's companion librarian mused.
The head librarian shook his head. "Each of the kingdoms has its own quirks and there is much to cover. We shall have a series of exhibits for each kingdom. A mini museum, you might even call it. The young ones these days are always curious about exploring. Let's bring it the exploring to their home here in Meracilite." The head librarian chuckled. "Then the parents won't have to worry about the children wandering off."
Dais blinked. "Interesting," he said.
"Indeed it is. Now, since we are building up to thix exhibit, we must gather information. We will alternate. Dais, you will go to Vackel first for a few weeks, and then we will alternate," the head librarian explained.
The black haired librarian nodded, and soon the meeting was over.
"Oh, you're lucky, Dais. You've gotten some time away from the old fogey over there," the other librarian laughed once they were away from the head librarian. The other librarian was actually an assistant librarian and obviously younger. When Dais made no comment to his remarks, the assistant sighed. "Well, Dais, if you don't mind, can you pick up something in Damascus for me on the way? There's a book there that I'll need."
Dais eyed the assistant. "Fine, but you do know that the book could have been your excuse to leave the library, don't you?"
The assistant laughed. "The old guy's not going to let me leave anytime soon. He's a tad mad at me because I flopped up some of the records."
"Where are you, young man?" the head librarian's voice suddenly thunder through the library.
"Oh, right, I have to go," the assistant chuckled nervously. "Thanks, Dais. Catch you later." He ran off.
Dais simply sighed. He didn't mind the journey. Perhaps, he'd pick up more interesting issues along the way. With that, he began to pack.