Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:22 pm
With her hand in his, he followed along with her as she led him to the doctor's place. Keeping close, he didn't want to lose sight of her in case of another attack. He... doubt that she would be able to take another blow like this one... With his grip tightening slightly, he kept a lookout as they passed into town.
Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2011 11:49 pm
Walking along with him, she ignored the ugly looks. Though she was surprised when a group of men from earlier walked up before removing their hats. Stopping she looked to them before hearing them apologize about the past. Feeling her eyes widen she then felt them begin to burn. Smiling a bit she rubbed her one eye with her free hand."T-Thankyou.. It means the world to me.. I'm sorry too.."Whispered her voice gently and softly as she smiled crying from being relieved and happy. She hadn't expected them to apologize. But this, it was too good to be true. Wiping away her tears she then smiled waving a bit to them catching them off guard a little. They then smiled before waving her off. Finally reaching the old doctors building she moved in. Waiting quietly she then saw him and watched him almost take a doubletake. She did afterall look very similar to her mother. Releasing his hand she curtsied elegantly before standing up straight looking to him."Mr.Philip.. A pleasure to see you.. I'm sorry to ask for help on such a short notice.. But I need your help.."Spoke out her voice with a bit of elegance and authority. Looking to him, he then nodded gesturing her to his backroom. Glancing back to Melthos she waved a bit for him to follow before she walked into the backroom.
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:05 am
Though he didn't show it outwardly, he was glad to see that these townsfolk were starting to treat her well now. How long it would last, however, was beyond him, yet that wasn't something he should think about. Continuing on, he followed her into the doctor's place, her hand releasing from his. Seeing that she was heading to the backroom, as well as wanting him to follow, he headed back with the two. Once they were in the room, he took his place against the inner wall and waited for her to be settled before releasing his energy from her, making the wound and pain return.
Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:34 pm
Laying down on a examining table behind a curtain, she was asked to lift her dress up so he could see. Though once she did he asked if she could remove it completely wincing behind the curtain. Luckily she kept her bra on along with her panties. Wincing a bit she then layed back down. Once he removed the bandage he gasped a bit. The wound had torn open even more than before. Asking her what she had been doing she lied and said she was mugged. Though the man didn't ask many questions he placed stitches in both sides of the wound before giving her medicine. That was before he peeked his head out of the curtain presumming Melthos was her husband to be. Telling him that she needed rest more than anything he even gestured for him to come in. Though getting a pillow thrown at him, he fell forward revealing her sitting up."Dummy!! Don't be inviting him in! You are so.."Growled out her voice before she noticed the curtain. Blinking she looked straight to Melthos before blushing brightly tossing a pillow at him then a shoe."Look away, look away, look away!!"Hissed her voice shyly before she grabbed her nightgown holding it to her body.
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 9:57 pm
Standing where he was, Melthos watched as Zemira and the doctor had moved behind the curtain. Though he could hear the two talk, he chose to keep his focus elsewhere. Specifically, he was keeping his attention on everything, in case of another demon attack. Eventually, though, he saw the doctor peek out from around the curtain and he moved over to him. Hearing that she needed to get rest, he nodded to that in agreement. Still, it would be hard to keep her still for once... Blinking as the doctor gestured for him to come in, he blinked a second time when a pillow knocked the doctor flat to the floor. Suddenly, he was staring at Zemira's almost naked body... Holy... wow... Even he had a blush rising on his face from seeing her figure. Of course, he himself also got a pillow, and a shoe, to the face for just looking. Now on the floor as well, he sighed as he cast his gaze away to avoid anymore of these... unnecessary fits.
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:05 pm
Blushing brightly she manuevered to get behind the curtain before shoving the doctor out. He apologized before sighing rubbing his head mumbling about how she didn't need to hit him that hard. Slipping on her clothing she then winced before coughing a bit. It hurt, everything hurt from this. Standing up she slipped on her jacket before slipping on her one shoe. Walking out she grabbed her shoe from Melthos before clearing her throat. Her cheeks still a dark red color she then looked to the doctor before he gave her pain medicine. Thanking him quietly with just a simple nod she then moved forward."Melthos.. Come on.."Murmured her voice quietly before she looked forward. Sighing deeply in an attempt to lower the blush or atleast pale it. Yet with her luck, it wasn't working at all. Her heart was pounding from the little incident she couldn't believe the doctor or Melthos this was so embarassing.
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:28 pm
Upon hearing her say to come on, Melthos reopened his eyes and got back to his feet. Brushing himself off, he could see that she was flustered by the embarrassment of it all, though he wasn't going to push it any further. Taking her hand gently, he then thanked the doctor before leading her back home. It was time that she got some real rest...
Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:32 pm
Blinking once he took her hand, she averted her eyes. Feeling her cheeks burn a bit more it was almost like they were a couple. Well, thats what a lot of people continued to think about them. But it wasn't like she didn't like him.. Though she'd never admitt it but she kind of did. Looking to the side she followed along looking to the side. Noticing some people from earlier looking to her, she blinked a bit before getting waved at. Smiling a little she nodded her head in greeting before peering forward.
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:15 am
Leading her through the street and back to the manor was an easy venture. What he expected to be difficult, however, was trying to get her to rest. Taking her all the way to what she assumed was her bedroom, he walked her right over to the bed and released his grip. "You heard the doctor, Zemira. You need your rest."
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:26 pm
Following him obidiently instead of usually fighting him. She then blinked when he walked into Willows old room. But even more when he released her hand next to the bed. Looking down a bit she shook her head before walking out."Not in here.."Murmured her voice quietly before she walked down the hall. Opening a door that was three doors down she walked in seeing her old room. Sighing deeply she moved in before slipping off her jacket and shoes. Removing her bra before placing it under her jacket she quickly slipped into the blankets. Looking to the door a bit she wondered where he would stay. Shaking her head a bit she turned over before pulling the covers up to her cheeks. She couldn't believe that doctor doing that. But even more Melthos hadn't even looked away. Feeling her cheeks burn even more she shook her head trying to get the thought out.
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 8:59 pm
Blinking for a moment as she left the room, he was about to call her back before realization hit him. ...Oh...right, there was another girl in this manor... Peeking out to see where she went off to, he closed the door behind him and walked down the hallway. Upon arriving outside her room, he peeked in just in time to see her backside as she started to remove her bra. Not wanting another shoe in the face, of course, he brought his head out of sight and waited. When he heard her crawl into bed, he then said, "Rest easy, Zemira," before closing the door to her room. Standing in the hall, he took a few steps to the side and then dropped on his butt. This would be his guard station and sleeping bed. Really, it was all he needed...
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:17 pm
Pulling down the covers a bit once she heard his voice she then nodded. Looking to the side a bit this would surely complicate things. She wanted to see her sister so badly. It was like she wasn't truthfully complete without her. Closing her eyes she turned over a bit. This night would be a most restless night ever. She had too many things on her mind, and a slight guilt on her concsience. Allowing a sigh to escape her lips she then remembered Samiels' words. Your contracted.. Your no good.. Not to me anymoreOpening her eyes slowly she wondered what he meant. Maybe Melthos would know.. But then again she wasn't going to bother him with such little worries. ((EDITED))
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 9:33 pm
While Zemira worried about her own things, Melthos sat in the hallway quietly, his gaze nowhere in particular. He would protect him, he must! But... why did he care so much now? Before, he had been willing to give up his life just to slit her throat. But now... he didn't know. Casting the thought aside, he closed his eyes and began thinking up other things...
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:06 pm
Sighing deeply she closed her eyes rethinking over everything. Before she hated Melthos.. Now.. It was just.. Crushing the thought she then shook her head. There was no way in hell, she was going to think about that. Turning over again she looked to the side. She was so childish sometimes thinking these things. But beginning to relax she then began to feel a bit sleepy. That doctor gave her that medicine.. Oh that cheeky b*****d! He knew she'd worry! Feeling the thoughts being pushed aside she began to fall asleep.
Posted: Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:17 pm
Without much to do, Melthos himself fell into a slumber...