Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:23 pm
[-Lolli-pop-] Indulge [In Words] Teh K a a C h a n Indulge [In Words] >////< Oops.
...ZOMG! HOORRRAYYY! HOT SAUCE! APPLE SAUCE! YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!! >W< *dances around like a maniac* When my pieces shatter... -SQUEE-
I'm ssssoooo happy. The only thing that could mess it up though is Peter's court thing in Febuary.... Some asinine lady is trying to sue my brother for an accident they were in, that was cause by A COMPLETLY DIFFERENT PERSON. evil
Butbutbutbutbut-! Who should I cosplay?!?!?!?!?! ZOMFG, you totally need to help me figure that out in SC! >.< 'Kaa-chan has NO CLUE You refused to help pick them up...TIFA! ZOMG. Tifa and Rikku. <3 Tehehe. From FF X, though. I'm not dressing as Rikku from FF X-2. D; ♪ She looked prettier in X-2 than in X... ♫ D; No way am I wearing that tiny little top... EVER.
Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:23 pm
Teh K a a C h a n Indulge [In Words] TIFA! ZOMG. Tifa and Rikku. <3 Tehehe. From FF X, though. I'm not dressing as Rikku from FF X-2. D; When my pieces shatter... D:
I need piccies the mmmooossssttttt.... D:
Or Yuna....? >.>...... I thinking like.... Hair-wise. It'll probably be to mid-back/elbow length next year round this time....
>.< aaaahhhh, this is hard! >>...... Does it have to be FFX? You refused to help pick them up... I'm not a fan of FFX. I like FFVIII and FFVII best.
Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:24 pm
[Ange de la Morte] [R]ainbow [K]isses [Ange de la Morte] [R]ainbow [K]isses [Ange de la Morte] [R]ainbow [K]isses I know! It's like JEEBUSCHRIST. Painful. /3
@Ange: Peeetttee Weeennnttz! -gasmgasm- <333333333 Haha. Have you ever seen sixteen candles or the Breakfast Club? Sixteen Candles as in the music video for Fall Out Boy? && Yush I've seen The Breakfast Club! =DDDD xd Then:
OMG! :OOOOOO Exactly. He got like, hotness syrum or something and drank it. Yea. Haha. =DDD
Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:24 pm
[R]ainbow [K]isses Indulge [In Words] [R]ainbow [K]isses Indulge [In Words] [R]ainbow [K]isses I know! It's like JEEBUSCHRIST. Painful. /3
@Ange: Peeetttee Weeennnttz! -gasmgasm- <333333333 ZOMG! PETE WENTZ DID WHAT-!?! O: HE DID WHAT WITH HIS p***s?! :OAt least he stopped taking orders from his p***s and broke up with Ashlee Simpson. talk2hand LOL. His p33n is soooo much more famous then he is. ;DCheeya. What guy takes pictures of his p33n with his sidekick!? Only Peter Wentz the Third. talk2hand
Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:25 pm
Teh K a a C h a n x3 thisismysn x3 It sounds like it's worth it though. It sounds like a ton of fun. Who were you thinking about cosplaying? When my pieces shatter... I have NO clue.
I got the weird idea of doing like.... Tifa, or something.
But at first, I kinda liked the idea of going as Keiko from Yu Yu Hakusho or Orihime from Bleach....
TO GOOGLE! (research. ;D) You refused to help pick them up... I say orihime. ninja
Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:25 pm
[Ange de la Morte] I'm not a fan of FFX. I like FFVIII and FFVII best. When my pieces shatter... >.>.....
I actually know NOTHING about FF or KH other than character names and plot lines.
I'm useless other wise. I don't even really know about personalitys places in the plot, clothing, looks.
I need information if she wants me to go as someone. sweatdrop You refused to help pick them up...
Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:25 pm
Teh K a a C h a n Indulge [In Words] TIFA! ZOMG. Tifa and Rikku. <3 Tehehe. From FF X, though. I'm not dressing as Rikku from FF X-2. D; When my pieces shatter... D:
I need piccies the mmmooossssttttt.... D:
Or Yuna....? >.>...... I thinking like.... Hair-wise. It'll probably be to mid-back/elbow length next year round this time....
>.< aaaahhhh, this is hard! >>...... Does it have to be FFX? You refused to help pick them up..."D; No way am I wearing that tiny little top... EVER. "
OH! Yuna would be even better though... Hm. *looks at better pics*
Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:26 pm
Indulge [In Words] [-Lolli-pop-] Indulge [In Words] Teh K a a C h a n Indulge [In Words] >////< Oops.
...ZOMG! HOORRRAYYY! HOT SAUCE! APPLE SAUCE! YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!! >W< *dances around like a maniac* When my pieces shatter... -SQUEE-
I'm ssssoooo happy. The only thing that could mess it up though is Peter's court thing in Febuary.... Some asinine lady is trying to sue my brother for an accident they were in, that was cause by A COMPLETLY DIFFERENT PERSON. evil
Butbutbutbutbut-! Who should I cosplay?!?!?!?!?! ZOMFG, you totally need to help me figure that out in SC! >.< 'Kaa-chan has NO CLUE You refused to help pick them up...TIFA! ZOMG. Tifa and Rikku. <3 Tehehe. From FF X, though. I'm not dressing as Rikku from FF X-2. D; ♪ She looked prettier in X-2 than in X... ♫ D; No way am I wearing that tiny little top... EVER. ♪ Oh, well, yes, that tiny little top... Big problem. What about Paine, from X-2, she looks pretty in that game. ♫
Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:27 pm
Indulge [In Words] [R]ainbow [K]isses Indulge [In Words] [R]ainbow [K]isses Indulge [In Words] [R]ainbow [K]isses I know! It's like JEEBUSCHRIST. Painful. /3
@Ange: Peeetttee Weeennnttz! -gasmgasm- <333333333 ZOMG! PETE WENTZ DID WHAT-!?! O: HE DID WHAT WITH HIS p***s?! :OAt least he stopped taking orders from his p***s and broke up with Ashlee Simpson. talk2hand LOL. His p33n is soooo much more famous then he is. ;DCheeya. What guy takes pictures of his p33n with his sidekick!? Only Peter Wentz the Third. talk2hand && He was gonna send them to his girlfriend! :O
Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:27 pm
When my pieces shatter... I kinda do too... I'd have no problem actually, going as her. All I'd really have to do is make her clothing and dye my hair bright red. <3
I think I could even make her hairclips and I'd straighten my hair and everything. I even have a big hairclip I could use that looks like the one she wore when she went to Soul Society with Ichigo and everybody. <3 You refused to help pick them up...
Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:29 pm
Teh K a a C h a n When my pieces shatter... I kinda do too... I'd have no problem actually, going as her. All I'd really have to do is make her clothing and dye my hair bright red. <3
I think I could even make her hairclips and I'd straighten my hair and everything. I even have a big hairclip I could use that looks like the one she wore when she went to Soul Society with Ichigo and everybody. <3 You refused to help pick them up... And if you didn't want to dye your hair, you could always use a wig? 3nodding
Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:29 pm
Indulge [In Words] "D; No way am I wearing that tiny little top... EVER. "
OH! Yuna would be even better though... Hm. *looks at better pics* When my pieces shatter... >.< But my hair'll be too long... xD And yeah. tiny tops on me = NEVER GUNNA HAPPEN. Tiny top would have to be AT LEAST belly-button level.
>.>..... Would you be mad if I went as Orihime...? You refused to help pick them up...
Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:30 pm
*flys around persons' heads*
Allo! How be yous?
Anyone know when cosplayboi last posted? I was working on fan art but got mad at it and I want to start a new one... >.>
Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:32 pm
x3 thisismysn x3 And if you didn't want to dye your hair, you could always use a wig? 3nodding When my pieces shatter... >.>..... I'd rather dye it.
I'd end up taking the wig off halfway through the whole thing, and carry it around. I've worn a wig before for a halloween costume, and was it HOT AND ITCHY. D:
'Sides. I've always wanted to dye my hair BRIGHT RED. <3 hehehe. You refused to help pick them up...
Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:33 pm
[-Lolli-pop-] Indulge [In Words] [-Lolli-pop-] Indulge [In Words] Teh K a a C h a n Indulge [In Words] >////< Oops.
...ZOMG! HOORRRAYYY! HOT SAUCE! APPLE SAUCE! YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!! >W< *dances around like a maniac* When my pieces shatter... -SQUEE-
I'm ssssoooo happy. The only thing that could mess it up though is Peter's court thing in Febuary.... Some asinine lady is trying to sue my brother for an accident they were in, that was cause by A COMPLETLY DIFFERENT PERSON. evil
Butbutbutbutbut-! Who should I cosplay?!?!?!?!?! ZOMFG, you totally need to help me figure that out in SC! >.< 'Kaa-chan has NO CLUE You refused to help pick them up...TIFA! ZOMG. Tifa and Rikku. <3 Tehehe. From FF X, though. I'm not dressing as Rikku from FF X-2. D; ♪ She looked prettier in X-2 than in X... ♫ D; No way am I wearing that tiny little top... EVER. ♪ Oh, well, yes, that tiny little top... Big problem. What about Paine, from X-2, she looks pretty in that game. ♫ Maybeh... Hm. I really adore Rikku's hair, and I really won't need any sort of wig for that...
@ Rainbow- Oh sure. Thats REALLY creepy though... His girlfriend, rigghhttt... >>.... *cough*boyfriend!xP*cough*
@ Na-chan- NAH! Thats fine with meh. :] I might even be able to find someone in bleach to dress up as. ^^" <3