Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:46 pm
Romyion Lifeless-Fox Romyion Lifeless-Fox I can work and I'm 13.. What are you talkking about Romyion? In America, we have child labor laws. 13 years olds cant work here in America. Only until they are 16. Same here. Unless someone in our family knows the employer, but I didn't accept the job at a Chinese restaurant. No people skills, I'm too shy. But 14 is when you can get one without knowing the employer. Oh. A Chinese restaurant? Were you going to be a Cashier or something? Server d00de. I was gonna take orders and such. But basically the same, so yeah.
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:47 pm
Chibi Kawaii-chan Romyion Chibi Kawaii-chan Demonix13 Chibi Kawaii-chan Is it really that difficult??? @_@;; Not for things like herro and such (which you really shouldn't use, because accents don't carry over into text), but words that are actually Japanese, like kunichiwa or kawaii for example, yes it is pretty hard. B-but... I never had any trouble on Gaia like this before~~ ;_; Well you should have thought about that before you went to College. Eh??? College??? What are you talking about??? O_o;;; Excatlly.
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:48 pm
Romyion Chibi Kawaii-chan Romyion Chibi Kawaii-chan Demonix13 Chibi Kawaii-chan Is it really that difficult??? @_@;; Not for things like herro and such (which you really shouldn't use, because accents don't carry over into text), but words that are actually Japanese, like kunichiwa or kawaii for example, yes it is pretty hard. B-but... I never had any trouble on Gaia like this before~~ ;_; Well you should have thought about that before you went to College. Eh??? College??? What are you talking about??? O_o;;; Excatlly. HUH?? You're not making any sense~~~ >_<;;
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:49 pm
Chibi Kawaii-chan Romyion Chibi Kawaii-chan Romyion Chibi Kawaii-chan B-but... I never had any trouble on Gaia like this before~~ ;_; Well you should have thought about that before you went to College. Eh??? College??? What are you talking about??? O_o;;; Excatlly. HUH?? You're not making any sense~~~ >_<;; Excatlly.
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:49 pm
Chibi Kawaii-chan Romyion Chibi Kawaii-chan Romyion Chibi Kawaii-chan B-but... I never had any trouble on Gaia like this before~~ ;_; Well you should have thought about that before you went to College. Eh??? College??? What are you talking about??? O_o;;; Excatlly. HUH?? You're not making any sense~~~ >_<;; He does that a lot. Don't mind him.
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:51 pm
Romyion Chibi Kawaii-chan Romyion Chibi Kawaii-chan Romyion Chibi Kawaii-chan B-but... I never had any trouble on Gaia like this before~~ ;_; Well you should have thought about that before you went to College. Eh??? College??? What are you talking about??? O_o;;; Excatlly. HUH?? You're not making any sense~~~ >_<;; Excatlly. I dont get it~~ >_<;; I think he's trying to insinuate that my intelligence/education level is subpar, and is mispelling "exactly" some kind of inside joke?? And didn't he just meet me??? @_@;;
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:51 pm
Chibi Kawaii-chan Romyion Chibi Kawaii-chan Demonix13 Chibi Kawaii-chan Is it really that difficult??? @_@;; Not for things like herro and such (which you really shouldn't use, because accents don't carry over into text), but words that are actually Japanese, like kunichiwa or kawaii for example, yes it is pretty hard. B-but... I never had any trouble on Gaia like this before~~ ;_; Well you should have thought about that before you went to College. Eh??? College??? What are you talking about??? O_o;;; demonix: 10 points for remaining civil, even if this annoys you. Don't mind Romyion. I don't think anyone in the cult knows what he talks about. And thanks for the 10 points. I CAN LEVL UP NAO!!
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:52 pm
Chibi Kawaii-chan Romyion Chibi Kawaii-chan Romyion Chibi Kawaii-chan Eh??? College??? What are you talking about??? O_o;;; Excatlly. HUH?? You're not making any sense~~~ >_<;; Excatlly. I dont get it~~ >_<;; I think he's trying to insinuate that my intelligence/education level is subpar, and is mispelling "exactly" some kind of inside joke?? And didn't he just meet me??? @_@;; Heh, just a little joke. So whats up?
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:53 pm
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:53 pm
Chibi Kawaii-chan ............................... Thats right, dont say anything. stare
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:56 pm
Im gonna go find a translator. I gotta find out what Nani, and Herro mean.
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:57 pm
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:58 pm
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 4:58 pm
OK, I'm bored now. The majority of people here are too nice to get all superior or start bitching at me for using Engrish. I'm just some mule.
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 5:00 pm
What are you trying to say? That im bitching at you?