Good lord, responsibility. *hides from it like it's the sun*
I'm kidding. It'd be good for me to have stuff to do, cause as it is, I'm just a lazy good for nothing who sits and reads all days when she has nothing else to do. I've done minor work on websites before. And I mean very minor. I can't code myself, but I can modify code. If I have a basis to work from and a program in which to do so.
In the case that I will be helping with this, it's a good idea if you and foxy add me to your msn...if you use it. Because you will have to poke at me. I have an almost non exsistant memory. If it's not posted anywhere, pm me to get the address.
*blinks at Riso* I'm in for a random what now?
YES> my eye got better when I had a shower. My eye really didn't like me putting off getting clean? That or the pain killers kicked in. Either or.
I just had the silly impression of the welcome page to the site being the chibiwar members in poses akin to the Ouran Host Club.
Expect mentions of cosplay from me. I'm going to be building a costume soon, and although I know who I'm going as, I'm still cycling other ideas.
I can post much text again. I switched back to my original keyboard, because my other one's spacebar was on the fritz. You have no idea how agrivating it is to type with a malfunctioning spacebar.