*snicker* Very cute, Riyoku! I love the bottommost parts of the first page. The cat's expression when you start yelling is the absolute best.
Uh...I think Mie-Tanuki was there pretty early on....
So...earliest posts (self-imposed investigation!):
#1-4 Aruri/Chewi/Foxy/Lorit: pg1
#05 Eerie (ME!): pg2
#06 Neo_Italy: pg4
#07 Kieden: pg6
#08 PKumo: pg7
#09 Reikurai: pg8
#10 Mie-tanuki: pg11
#11 Takuya: pg15
#12 DarkTakuya: (birth)pg20, (first appearance)pg28
#13 GBGirl: pg21
#14 Kejoka: pg27
#15 Abstract Angel (who is now Riso): pg32
Guh....I think that's enough for now... So you have the first 30+ pages in order of appearance of the people who still post now. I hadn't thought I'd posted so early on, until I checked.
Tada!! *collapses*