Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:38 am
Shut up, Onyx! We don't want him angry at us...I don't want him to pull out the maginc blade-thingy that made us like we are. Acos hissed at Onyx.
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 10:40 am
elaise stood up slowly and looked at bair before standing next to onyx and looking down. " the vision involved all of us." she said looking around her at the others " but the image was distorted as though something is likely to change." willow looked at elaise and frowned " what do you mean?" she said. " i can show you." said a male voice behind them he moved forward and stood beside elaise resting his hand on her head before closing his eyes and projecting the vision into the mind of the others.
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 11:20 am
Onyx exhaled, his eyes narrowing intently. Our abilities are a part of us, Acos; before I found out about the spark stone or Antera... I had talents of my own I haven't yet revealed... other than dreamwalking, he growled mentally.
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:30 pm
Fussypants, was all Acos said.
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 12:58 pm
Eiji chuckles making a few practice swings. I believe she is referring to when her powers switched from darkness to light. His sword works like that. I should know since it is the dark side of myself. It feeds on darkness. More than likely it pulled the darkness out of her and left the light.
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:05 pm
Probably did. Acos watched Eiji practicing.
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:13 pm
Onyx inhaled softly, sensing Scaoill's wariness. I should be fortunate it is a revelation weapon and not a soul weapon, the demon muttered.
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:34 pm
Eiji stops so that he doesn't tire himself out before their fight. Yes, it would be most unfortunate if it did. Sometimes I could swear that it calls out to me when near.
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:35 pm
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:38 pm
(( to those who don't already know my account got hacked. sad ))
elaise looked around at the others, before sitting down. " it seems that the vision may not be as important to them all as it is to me." she said softly resting her head in her hands. the man walked over and rested his hand on her shoulder " come now. it's not that it takes some time for them to get the vision to." he said smiling at her slightly before noticing her puzzled expression " you are the only one here that can see me."
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 1:51 pm
Onyx glanced at the man near Elaise before speaking. "You're wrong; I may not be able to see you, but I can sense you as clearly as she can see you," he murmured. He didn't show it, but the vision he'd seen bothered him deeply.
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:18 pm
the man smiled slightly " as you've probably already guessed it was me that put her in a trance before. it was the only way that i could get ehr to have the vision you have just witnessed. " he said making him self visable to onyx as well. " who are you?" elaise murmered watching him closely " why put me in a trance.it was you that made my powers go out of control earlier as well wasn't it." she looked at him before sighing and looking away again.
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:30 pm
Onyx snorted. "I doubt it was him; more likely it was a Tel'akai'gau, or Pulse of Dreams, that did it. That only happens when one uses Tel'aran'rhoid to shift dimensions and worlds as Bair likely had to to get here," he said softly.
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:36 pm
elaise nodded at onyx before looking back up at the man " but still why are you here? why did you want me to see that vision." she said softly. " i wanted to allow you the opportunity to see what is at stake if you carry on with the path you are taking." he said " think carefully before you take action." at that he turned and dissappeared again.
Posted: Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:49 pm
"If we don't, much more could be at stake... like other worlds and dimensions, not just Earth and Antera. Tel'aran'rhoid exists in all worlds yet is separate from each and every one of them," he said quietly. Onyx sighed softly.