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PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 1:31 pm
Growling low, she clawed at the nets around her before hollering to the driver of the truck. "So what are you going to do to me now, vile human? You've already made it impossible for me to survive in the light!" Her fur was almost back to it's normal coloring, though her usually glowing colors were dulled down a bit.  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 2:30 pm
Aeden whimpered as he heard a whisper from someone behind him. Had he been spotted, he questioned himself pressing even firmer to the ground not daring to even turn to acknowledge the speaker. To his surprise the voice almost sounded friendly and urged him to escape.

No he can't be speaking to me, he thought. No one ever speaks kindly to me.

A fresh stream of tears began to fall silently down his mud covered cheeks. He was so exhausted and scared. He wished the mud would just swallow him up and he could become invisible to the world. For a second, his body even seemed to go lax as if he were ready just to give up.

Abruptly, Aeden's memory snapped to the large tree he had seen. His body tensed as he thought about running to it. That's it, I'll just run to the tree and hide in it. He knew the plan didn't make any sense but it was all he had. He could feel the pulse of the tree deep within his soul, calling him to its protective branches.

Without a further thought, Aeden erupted from his crouched position through the grass. He ran like a crazed animal, staying as low as possible. The grass whizzed before his ears. Desperately, he tried to focus on the whizzing of the grass, blocking out the sound of all the humans. His eyes stayed locked on the blurry form of the tree, refusing to see anything else.

Like a rocket, Aeden shot up the tree, scaling it like a lizard. It was as he emerged against its dark grainy wood that his form finally became visible. Aeden had always considered himself a complete abomination. He had both to much human and yet to much beast to fit in any social circle. His upper torso to his head was that of an eleven year old boy. The only animalistic features seen there were the long pointed ears that sprouted from his wheat colored hair. His lower torso however was complete beast. He had powerful hind legs that dipped into large padded paws. He also had an unnaturally long tail sprouting from his rump. It was far to long in comparison with his small body and he could only seem to manage it properly when he was climbing something. Like a monkey's tail it powerfully curled around the branches as he clambered for a protective spot in the tree. He didn't dare look down.  

Krissim Klaw


PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 5:40 pm
The trunks vibrated and moved along. Sirus could look out the window around the front, and see the area move around him. The rain had fallen to a light drizzle, bringing nightfall upon them. Sirus wasn't chained up or held in a cage, they knew he wouldn't try anything. He got over his tears and began to worry over Mephi. Where was he? Was he alright? He wasn't with them, they didn't kill him did they? His heart tightened. All he had was the human in the suit before him. The others would be okay for now, at least he hoped.

"Who are you?" Sirus asked cautiously.

"Like I said, think of me as your father. I created you, using the wolf and snowleopard samples. I must say I am proud of my work. You turned out pretty nicely considering you're the only survivor out of the test group," the man said. He pushed his glasses closer to his face. "I'm surprised you're living this long, with all the drugs that were pumped into the hosts. The drugs effected the samples to greatly. I'm even more surprised they managed to escape. But judging by your company, they didn't survive long,"

Why was he telling Sirus this? Why was he making him feel less like a living being and more like an experiment. The human reached forward and touched Sirus's chin, inspecting his face. "You have the wolf's fur color, but the leopard's spots. And his eye color. It's amazing what we've done now. During you're project we didn't know how to control the fur, but with Project no. 007832 we found out a way to control the fur color. Hence the rainbow effect," he said and smirked.  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 6:26 pm
Aeden couldn't believe he hadn't been spotted, at least he didn't think he had been spotted. He could see a couple of the trucks starting off down the road but he didn't know if there were other humans still lurking around. Humans could be tricky creatures, especially when they were on the hunt. Weakly, he watched the trucks speed away, their wheels flicking a spray of mud into the air. He had always thought he had run fast but the trucks were far faster. For some reason he couldn't help but feel he was being left behind again.

But that was what he wanted, right? To be unnoticed, thus uninjured? All he could seem to think of was that kind whisper he had heard when hiding in the bushes.  

Krissim Klaw


PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 6:34 pm
With the trucks moveing, NG would hitch a ride in the cab of one, sitting in the window, with her head resting on the window sil, and her body on the seat. The men where used to her, and she seemed accustomed tot hem aswell, there was never any guess on who was takeing here to the next destination, but someone always was, of course.  
PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 9:23 pm
The truck rolled along, and Crim sat silently, reflecting.

They were going to the lab. In a way, she hated it. All her work, her planning, all that damned running... all for nothing. It was all undone in a matter of-- minutes? Hours? She'd lost all track of time.

In a way, though, returning to the lab would be alright. She would see her brother, her lover. She would see Cresh again, and once she was with him, this would all be a little more bearable.

She began to think about Sirius. She wondered how much experience he'd had dealing with humans. Crim wasn't worried that he could hold his own against them-- she had no doubt of that. She was worried how he would stand up to their various forms of physical and mental torture.

She shuddered in the darkness.  

Rigu Ryu

Sheol Zone

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 12:12 pm
Golden eyes watched from the other side of the bars, taking in the frantic movements of the humans. She leaned up with a start, realizing what their hurry meant. "Oh no, they've captured someone." She hissed softly, still shocked. The two lumps of dark fur shifted beside her, clinging closer to her hind legs. "Whazzat?" One asked nervously, his paws digging into her fur. Sheol hissed softly in pain, but only stroked the cub's headfur. "It's nothing Lex, go back to sleep." The cub stared at her blearily with half opened gold eyes before laying his head down on her hip again. The other cub whined in his sleep and she soothingly stroked his headfur now.

As soon as they had quieted back down into peaceful slumber, the white tigress peered out again, fearful of who they'd bring back. The lab was noisy but the loudness was normal. She could go back to sleep if she wanted to, however; she wanted to know who'd they bring back. One of the humans cast a dark glare her way and she meekly laid her head down on the metal flooring, eyes downcast with a clawed fingertip gently winding in her long black headfur. The tips were neon green from when she'd dyed it, but that had been a long time ago. Long before she'd been captured at least.

[Finally found my way in. 'S okay, yes?]
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 12:21 pm
((Sorry guys, not gonna be able to post as often cause I moved out of my mate's house. I'll still get on as much as possible though))

Her normal colors were now back. She could feel the truck begin to rock side to side as it moved and she growled. "I don't even get a damn response from the vile beasts...." She kicked her large hindlegs at the back of the cab and growled loudly in anger, her fur stood on end from her rage.  



PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 12:22 pm
((Perfectly fine 3nodding ))

The truck moved for what seemed like hours. Sirus wanted the man to go away, but he wouldn't stop talking to him or touching him. It make Sirus sick. By the end of the ride Sirus found himself on the man's lap. Once the truck stopped the man took Sirus's hand and stepped out. The group's leader, leading his coyote out first, and collected the subjects. The man in the suit was almost in glee.

"All of my projects are back together again. I was afraid all my hard work was going to go to waste," He turned to Crim. "My dear, it wasn't so nice to leave your family behind. They suffered so greatly without you,"

Reaching out he pet Sphixie in her net. "My little weapon has gotten hurt. Don't worry; we'll make it all better," he said and grined.

He motined for them to follow him and he took his subjects inside the lab. Sirus followed quietly, wanting to run to his friends. But he was held tight by the man in the suit. The building inside was bright white. Everything looked extremely clean, un-natural. They were taken inside a room filled with cages, there he many others like them. Some injured, others looking sick. In front of him was a tigress with her cub. Hit bit his lip, jelous of the cub with his mother.  
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 12:26 pm
Snarling she lashed out her claws at the man, allowing the darkness to lengthen her claws and trying to bite at his hand. "Vile human!" She snapped her fangs at him and tore at the netting with her lengthened claws.  


Sheol Zone

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 12:31 pm
Sheol shifted, mournfully watching the room fill. Two recaptured, she recognized them briefly, and a young one. A new one. She looked back down at the two cubs curled at her sides, her paws smoothing their fur before she attempted a weak smile at the new one. Lex woke up at the sounds, mewling in his fright and clinging to her side. His distress woke up Annie (Anthony.. >>) who whimpered and tried to hide himself behind her. "Ssh, it's alright." The tigress tried to soothe them, they just watched fearfully out at the suited humans.  
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 12:42 pm
The man in the suit undid the net and shoved Sphixie into a large, sealed change. Only a single hold was there for air, and a light was pointed dirrectly at it. The then placed Crim in a chage next to the tigress. He bent down and kissed Sirus's head.

"My dear boy, I'm going to put you with her," he said pointing at the tigress. "I can't keep my little hybrid with me at all times. May as well let something take care of you until I need you,"

He opended her cage and lightly pushed him in. Sirus looked away and looked at the tigress before him. He sat on the floor of the cage and heard it click close behind him. The young teen stared at the mother tigress before him, shyly peeking out from his legs.  


Sheol Zone

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 12:52 pm
The cubs had been pushed behind her, her eyes narrowed slightly when the human had gotten so close, but as soon as he was away.. she relaxed. Lex peered around her at him, his gold eyes mere slits, "You're new." Annie whapped his brother with a paw, "Shh! You'll scare him!" The cubs had been whispering until Sheol scooted closer to the little one. She tilted her head, ears lowered a little, and then she stroked his cheek. "It's alright now." She tried to smile, whispering in her most comforting way, "Come over here, we won't hurt you."

Lex padded forward slowly, sniffing the air. "He smells different." He complained quietly, Annie sniffed too. "Sort of like .. " "Clean." Sheol told them, looking back over her shoulder. "Smells like the outdoors, free and clean."
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 12:59 pm
((I'm a psycho goth nurse for halloween, yay! D: *is such a loser*))

Hissing and laying on the floor in agony after being shoved into the room full of light. Her fur went stark white, and her markings turned grey. She curled in a ball in one of the corners, trying to avoid the light as best as possible. Whimpers and wails of pain erupted from her lips as she suffered through the light.  


Krissim Klaw

PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 1:17 pm
Terris stood calmly as he watched the last of the lab units pull out. Unlike the rest of the people, dressed for the hunt, he was wearing his usual white lab coat. He wasn't actually a member of the group's unit, but a visitor from a neighboring lab. He had come to share notes and when he had learned they had spotted some escapees he had gone for the hell of it.

He would have already left if it hadn't been for the small figure he had spotted running from the grasses and up the nearby tree. He supposed he should have pointed it out when no one else seemed to notice, but that seemed like a waste. It would be far easier for him just to slink around and calmly take the unknown creature. He found the rough, physical approach the rest of the team had been using to be overkill. Though, he had to admit they certainly did know what to use to take down their subjects. The light trap for the one female had been highly amusing.

Leisurely he made his way around the back of the tree and picked a spot where he could see the creature's flanks through the branches. Clearly enjoying his task, he slowly pulled out a dart gun. He then drew out several darts and examined each one closely before finally loading the gun. Squinting, he raised the gun with one hand and pulled the trigger.

Aeden let out a sharp scream jumping three feet into the air and clambering up onto a higher branch. Fitfully his hand went to sooth the sore spot thinking a bee had stung him. Instead, he found a cold medial object imbedded in his fur. He squinted at the object, bring it before his face. For some reason he couldn't seem to focus on it. He kept trying to clear his vision, but it only seemed to grow worse until the entire world was spinning. With one last whimper, his form went lax, tipping over the branch and falling with a thud.

Terris cursed, walking toward the creature. He had hoped the small beast wouldn't fall out of the tree, but it couldn't be helped.

"My, my, you certainly are a strange one boy," he said examining Aeden both for injury and out of general curiosity.

Satisfied that the boy would be fine, he lifted him up in a strangely gentle manner. With that he walked over to his nearby jeep. He set the boy down on the passenger seat and hopped in. Within seconds the jeep was traveling across the same trail as the vans had earlier roared.  
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