Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 4:35 pm
"I thought I'd help cook..." Dark explained, putting down the pot. "But I couldn't cook properly, so I thought I'd use some magic... I went overboard, I guess" He laughed. Silver growled. "Go back to where you belong!" She said, slapping him. "Until you learn how to take things seriously!"
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 1:10 pm
Roselina's eyes widened and the redness flew up her neck and ended into her hairline. "Caelyn!" she groaned, biting her lip and looking away as he laughed. "Well, I'm glad we agree on something!" he laughed, looking down at her flushed face. "Rose, can we go somewhere after your shift?" he asked, and Roselina looked up, startled. "How did you-" "Nametag." they smiled at each other. "Duncan Reese, at your service." she blushed as she took his hand. "Lovin' the name. Very, ah...." she blushed more. "Handosme? Mysterious? Sexy?" he laughed. "Oh, sure. Let's go with those!" she giggled.
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 2:18 pm
Caelyn agreed with Silver. "Dark, she's right. Maybe you should go. Or ask someone to be your mentor. You know what I'm trying to say, right?" she asked him, squated on the floor to pick the ladel. She put in on the counter. Caelyn then turned and looking out the small window to where Roselina and Ducan stood, she smiled, making a purring sound like she rolled her r's. "How about all three! She really loves the name. You know what else is Mysterious, Handsome and Sexy? Dark Warrior. I think that's what his name means. Either I think thats really hot! Hey, Duncan," she said with a laugh, "If she turns you down, call me sometime! I'l take care of you!" she laughed. "No, but seriously, take good care of her, or me and Silver here will beat you up... Actually, I probably will, and she'll just cheer me on." she smiled warnly. "Have fun you two!!" she said, waving.
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 3:30 pm
"......" The was a loud popping sound, and Dark vanished. "... Maybe I shouldn't have been too rough...." Silver mumbled, feeling guilty.
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 3:46 pm
"Caelyn, for the love of all that is Mike, pah-leeez stop talking!" Roselina groaned, and Duncan luaghed again. "It's ok. I like your friend. She's got...spunk." "That's for sure," Roselina sighed, adn Duncan's mother suddenly call out; "Duncan! Where is he? I know he did not go try and talk to that little girl!" The sound of her voice gratted on both Roselina and Duncan's nerves. Heaving a sigh, Duncan smiled down at her. "On the morrow, sweet," he bow before taking her hand and kissing it. "Shakespeare?" Roselina blushed. "Think so. Who knows?" Duncan gave her a wicked grin, calling out, "Coming, Mom!" Giving her a wink, he turned to follow his parents out teh door.
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 3:55 pm
Silver chose to turn her attention to Roselina. She heard what the woman had said, and she frowned. "Man, that old hag has such a horrible voice. I'm surprised all the customers haven't fled yet." She said, walking up to Roselina.
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:08 pm
"Girl, you and me both believe it." Roselina sighed, and then blushed. "But OHMYGOSH isn't Duncan just the sweest?" She giggled, blushing even more.
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:26 pm
"He's quite a nice young man." Silver agreed, smiling slightly. "So do you have a date with him?"
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 4:33 pm
"Well," Roselina gave Silver a smug look. "I do believe I've a date. With a VERY nice looking young man, I might add," she giggled again." 'So what happened with Dark and the Eggs? I heard a bang, but was easily distracted." Roselina smiled.
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:44 pm
Caelyn went to stand on the other side of Roselina. "Man, what I wouldn't give to have a piece of that cake!" she gave Roselina a smiled and purred like she was rolling her tongue. "Very nice. Sweet on the eyes, and with a very nice butt, I might add." she laughed. "So, when are you going on your date?" she dragged out the word. She'd had half a mind to threw a cup the woman's head. "I'ma shoot her one day." she added with a blunt tone. "Hey where's Dark?" she said cheerily.
Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 6:53 pm
Silver frowned. Her master was probably upset, pouting in some dark place. "He's probably in a cave or something, fighting a bear." she said, rolling her eyes. "So, Roselina. How should we dress you up?" She asked, changing the subject. Although Silver couldn't care much about how she dressed, she did enjoy dolling people up.
Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2011 2:42 pm
Caelyn raised her hand and slowly put it down. "i got nothing." she sighed. "He may be a bit sleazy, but I hop he doesn't get mauled." she commented silver said about Dark fighting bears in a cave. "Hell, i would fight too if I could." she gave a short laugh. "Hey, I've got my dark moments. Don't judge me."
Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 1:44 pm
Roselina's forehead creased with slight worry. "But Our shifts don't end for another hour or so, I think..." she pondered, but then shrugged. "To hell with it! Doll me up!" she ended up squealing with excitement.
Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 3:27 pm
"Hey," Caelyn let out a small laugh. "Heh heh, just one quick question." she said quickly. "Yeah, where are we doing this?" she asked Silver, gesturing to Roselina.
Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2011 4:35 pm
Silver smiled slightly. She clapped her hands, and illusions showed up. "They'll serve the customers." she explained, taking Roselina's hand and dragging her to the storage room. "Not the best of places, but you won't be seen changing in here."