((Unfortunately, for personal reasons, Ivory_Coated_Stars has decided to quit Gaia. This of course, makes continuing this rp completely impossible. If there is anyone out there who was following this rp for the story, I'm very sorry that it will never reach a conclusion. All I can ask from any crew member reading this is please do not delete this rp. I really enjoyed writing it. It was fun, it's fun to re-read this. I would be a very sad camper if this rp suddenly disappeared. Maybe one day I can take the ideas that started this rp and refine them. I would like this to remain available then so I can work form it, or re-read it and be inspired. Or at the very least, feel the nostalgia that'll come from re-reading it. I only wish that this story could have been played out to a conclusion. I'm sad that it never was able to get that far.))