Lord Devitos The Merciless "Embrace the dark side, only then will you know true strength. Remember, peace is a lie, there is only passion."
Devitos felt a presence coming near him, a dark energy similar to his own. "Oh? Another Sith? Guess I'm not alone." Devitos smiled and looked over his shoulder looking back at the energy coming his way. Devitos, bored of waiting looked back at the people and continued to slaughter them. Once his work was over Devitos just sighed and turned off his light saber, hooking it on his waist. He moved up the stairs past the dead bodies and those of the ones who were mauled badly but left alive. Their tears and screams of pain were like music to his ears, he was truly a sadistic murderer. The sith chuckled and left them to suffer before they died, though he was a little sad that his weapon cauterized their wounds, he preferred more blood to be involved. "So, kill the inhabitants and strike fear into their hearts then rule over them. Rinse, lather, and repeat on the next planet."
"Through passion I gain strength, through strength I gain power, though power I gain victory, through victory my chains are broken, the force shall free me."