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Formerly the Mil-a-Day Giveaway, this guild is now a just great place to hangout and meet some new friends. 

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:15 pm

Red Toxic
Ninja Raven
Red Toxic
I just want everyone to know that I'm freakily owning pages. 3rd in a row. <3
ninja Ninja ninja

Gatorade Holocaust?
Did you kill all the Gatorade for Vitamin Water?
ninja Raven ninja

Pshhh, no. The Nazis wanted the Gatorade, but we were hiding a gatorade vending machine in our backyard. So they shrunk us and put us in the vending machine. Then I got out and led an uprising of the civilians to overthrow the Nazis. :]

Nah-uh talk2hand
PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:15 pm

Red Toxic
ninja Ninja ninja

ninja ninja ninja
ninja domokun ninja
ninja ninja ninja

ninja Raven ninja

Ninja Raven


PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:16 pm

Ninja Raven
Ninja Raven
Mystic Shadow on Pink
Ninja Raven
Mystic Shadow on Pink
Yush, I saw this thread too.
I would definately not try them.
ninja Ninja ninja

I think I'd be brave enough to try 1 xD
I don't think I'd like them though =O
ninja Raven ninja
I might try if my friends really wanted me to.
Peer Pressure.
Then I'd be all
"*gag reflex* GROSS!"
Even if I didn't think it tasted that bad.
ninja Ninja ninja

Peer pressure towards candy?
That'd be funneh
ninja Raven ninja

Oh trust me, it exists. o.o
One time my two friends dared me to eat a cinnamon peppermint, knowing perfectly well I absolutely hate them. So I ate one of the milllions that were being passed out to all of us at the time, but it tasted so bad I decided to go spit it out in the garbage can, even though my two friends kept telling me not to.
Well... in our school, the pencil sharpeners on the walls are always right above the trash cans, right?
So I went and bent down to quickly spit it out... but apparently I bent too low and raised my head too quickly, because BAM, I hit the top of my head on the pencil sharpener and got a nasty bleeding cut on my head. I was laughing and crying at the same time. xDDD;;

Indulge: Byeness, then! <3
ninja Ninja ninja

xD and aw man
I have never had an experience that bad
The worst I remember was in grade school when I ate a bunch of candy hearts and got sick.

@Red- A great plan, I must say =D
ninja Raven ninja

Oh man, I don't blame you one bit... I hate candy hearts. xD;;
And candycorn.
And marshmellow peeps.
For some reason all these different holiday sweets... o.o
PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:17 pm

@ChibiKittenChan: And whats wrong with peeps!? scream


x3 thisismysn x3

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:17 pm


Oh man, I don't blame you one bit... I hate candy hearts. xD;;
And candycorn.
And marshmellow peeps.
For some reason all these different holiday sweets... o.o

How can you hate candy corn & peeps?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:17 pm

Red Toxic
Ninja Raven
Red Toxic
I just want everyone to know that I'm freakily owning pages. 3rd in a row. <3
ninja Ninja ninja

Gatorade Holocaust?
Did you kill all the Gatorade for Vitamin Water?
ninja Raven ninja

Pshhh, no. The Nazis wanted the Gatorade, but we were hiding a gatorade vending machine in our backyard. So they shrunk us and put us in the vending machine. Then I got out and led an uprising of the civilians to overthrow the Nazis. :]

Nah-uh talk2hand
ninja Ninja ninja

Maple Story sig!

@Chibi- I don't like any of that except candy corn, especially with peanuts =]

ninja Raven ninja

Ninja Raven

Red Toxic

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:18 pm

Red Toxic
Ninja Raven
Red Toxic
I just want everyone to know that I'm freakily owning pages. 3rd in a row. <3
ninja Ninja ninja

Gatorade Holocaust?
Did you kill all the Gatorade for Vitamin Water?
ninja Raven ninja

Pshhh, no. The Nazis wanted the Gatorade, but we were hiding a gatorade vending machine in our backyard. So they shrunk us and put us in the vending machine. Then I got out and led an uprising of the civilians to overthrow the Nazis. :]

Nah-uh talk2hand

@Ninja; domokun domokun domokun :yourmother: :chucknorris:
And I know, a greeeeeat plan. Haha.

@Kitten; Lol. ;P
PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:19 pm

Tally is back, yo.

User Image
My BDay is tomorrow! =D

Rainbow Epidemic


PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:19 pm


Oh man, I don't blame you one bit... I hate candy hearts. xD;;
And candycorn.
And marshmellow peeps.
For some reason all these different holiday sweets... o.o
Yah, I never liked the holiday candies either.
They all taste funky in my opinion.
PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:20 pm

Ninja Raven
Ninja Raven
Mystic Shadow on Pink
I might try if my friends really wanted me to.
Peer Pressure.
Then I'd be all
"*gag reflex* GROSS!"
Even if I didn't think it tasted that bad.
ninja Ninja ninja

Peer pressure towards candy?
That'd be funneh
ninja Raven ninja

Oh trust me, it exists. o.o
One time my two friends dared me to eat a cinnamon peppermint, knowing perfectly well I absolutely hate them. So I ate one of the milllions that were being passed out to all of us at the time, but it tasted so bad I decided to go spit it out in the garbage can, even though my two friends kept telling me not to.
Well... in our school, the pencil sharpeners on the walls are always right above the trash cans, right?
So I went and bent down to quickly spit it out... but apparently I bent too low and raised my head too quickly, because BAM, I hit the top of my head on the pencil sharpener and got a nasty bleeding cut on my head. I was laughing and crying at the same time. xDDD;;

Indulge: Byeness, then! <3
ninja Ninja ninja

xD and aw man
I have never had an experience that bad
The worst I remember was in grade school when I ate a bunch of candy hearts and got sick.

@Red- A great plan, I must say =D
ninja Raven ninja

Oh man, I don't blame you one bit... I hate candy hearts. xD;;
And candycorn.
And marshmellow peeps.
For some reason all these different holiday sweets... o.o

I agree with the candy hearts and peeps. Ugggh. D;<

Red Toxic

Ninja Raven

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:20 pm

Red Toxic
Red Toxic
Ninja Raven
Red Toxic
I just want everyone to know that I'm freakily owning pages. 3rd in a row. <3
ninja Ninja ninja

Gatorade Holocaust?
Did you kill all the Gatorade for Vitamin Water?
ninja Raven ninja

Pshhh, no. The Nazis wanted the Gatorade, but we were hiding a gatorade vending machine in our backyard. So they shrunk us and put us in the vending machine. Then I got out and led an uprising of the civilians to overthrow the Nazis. :]

Nah-uh talk2hand

@Ninja; domokun domokun domokun :yourmother: :chucknorris:
And I know, a greeeeeat plan. Haha.

@Kitten; Lol. ;P
ninja Ninja ninja


@Tally- Welcome Back =]
ninja Raven ninja
PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:21 pm

Red Toxic

I agree with the candy hearts and peeps. Ugggh. D;<

Blasphemy!!! evil

x3 thisismysn x3

Red Toxic

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:21 pm


@Ninja; All I can say is.. :chucknorris'mother:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:22 pm

x3 thisismysn x3
Red Toxic

I agree with the candy hearts and peeps. Ugggh. D;<

Blasphemy!!! evil


...I tried to make it work. :[

Red Toxic

Ninja Raven

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:22 pm

Red Toxic

@Ninja; All I can say is.. :chucknorris'mother:
ninja Ninja ninja

-instadead- X[
ninja Raven ninja

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