Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:23 pm
whee My BDay is tomorrow! =D
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:23 pm
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:23 pm
{Hold} me |tender|, hold me `sweet` ;_______;
Why is it so hard to find a list of the female characters in FFX? /Kill/ me *quickly* in my -sleep-
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:23 pm
x3 thisismysn x3 Red Toxic I agree with the candy hearts and peeps. Ugggh. D;< Blasphemy!!! evil Yes, Peeps and Candied Hearts have all the sugar a growing child needs for a healthy childhood! Otherwise you grow up to be a child molster gonk
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:23 pm
Word up, yo. I'm back, bishies.
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:24 pm
ninja Ninja ninja ninja
ninja Raven ninja
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:24 pm
Red Toxic ChibiKittenChan Red Toxic ChibiKittenChan Mystic Shadow on Pink ChibiKittenChan *crashes through a window and into the thread* HIYAAA! biggrin DD
Ello, all. <3 Lovely entrance. Hello. <3 Most definitely. Crashes and bangs and explosions and everything. biggrin DD I didn't get to crash through a window upon entering this thread earlier because I found it VERY NECESSARY to comment about the whole gatorade thing. o.o Ello there! <3 How are yooooou on this very fine day? My dream about the gatorade holocaust? Yeah, that. xD It was quite disturbinginteresting. o.o
Mystic: Well, I think I might be getting sick. xP But at least I got to skip swim team practice today because of it. xD;; Haha. You know it was awesome. x]
I also had a dream about these little kids sitting on a merry-go-round. But it started going faster and the kids were sitting on little-bitty airplanes and dressed like aviators. And then, when it was going really fast, they took off, each one flying off behind the other one. x] xDDD! That puts really weird mental pictures inside my head. :'D
Mystic: YESH. Yesh, they do. o.o;; And not just what we do in the pool, either... our dryland exercizes are just as hard. Six laps around the whole darn highschool, that has to be at least two miles, I tell you... xP One time I almost fainted/threw up because I got too dehydrated. That wasn't fun. o.o
Dumber: Those marshmellow peeps? :0 Well, they really do look yummeh on the outside... for the longest time I was dying to taste one... but when I finally did, I just found them really disgusting. I'm sorry...? xD;;
Mysn: *shrugs* Don't ask me. xD The same reason I don't like Recess cups, I guess. Everybody always thinks that's so strange, but I don't see what the big deal is. ^^;;
Ninja: Oh man, I don't like candy corn OR nuts. xDDD Gah! The horror! o.o
Mmm... but man do I like steak, chicken-flavored ramen noodle soup, skittles, cookies and cream flavored ice cream, cream soda, and brownies... <333
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:25 pm
i'm sooooo bored and i don't know what to do! cry cry cry cry
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:25 pm
DumberDan x3 thisismysn x3 Red Toxic I agree with the candy hearts and peeps. Ugggh. D;< Blasphemy!!! evil Yes, Peeps and Candied Hearts have all the sugar a growing child needs for a healthy childhood! Otherwise you grow up to be a child molster gonk ninja Ninja ninja
Like the story of ***** Bear?
@Chibi- You're just crazy then xO
ninja Raven ninja
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:25 pm
Red Toxic x3 thisismysn x3 Red Toxic I agree with the candy hearts and peeps. Ugggh. D;< Blasphemy!!! evil Gagsphemy.
...I tried to make it work. :[ talk2hand Didn't really work too well, did it?
@kitten: Well, I don't like peanut butter cups. They're icky. I just like eating the chocolate part. I throw the peanut butter part away.
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:25 pm
Pelvic Thrust me. . [harder]. .. and . . Moan for me. .. Comment me
OH MY GOD. I watching . . are you smarter then a fifth grader. .
Okay. . is 8/7 and improper fraction. =.= Answers in white. Yes. =.=;
Thrusts: 13,o26
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:26 pm
The_Cherry_Panther i'm sooooo bored and i don't know what to do! cry cry cry cry ninja Ninja ninja
Talk here =D
ninja Raven ninja
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:26 pm
Ninja Raven DumberDan x3 thisismysn x3 Red Toxic I agree with the candy hearts and peeps. Ugggh. D;< Blasphemy!!! evil Yes, Peeps and Candied Hearts have all the sugar a growing child needs for a healthy childhood! Otherwise you grow up to be a child molster gonk ninja Ninja ninja
Like the story of ***** Bear?
@Chibi- You're just crazy then xO
ninja Raven ninja I don't know who you a re talking about, but sure...
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:26 pm
ChibiKittenChan Red Toxic ChibiKittenChan Red Toxic ChibiKittenChan Most definitely. Crashes and bangs and explosions and everything. biggrin DD I didn't get to crash through a window upon entering this thread earlier because I found it VERY NECESSARY to comment about the whole gatorade thing. o.o Ello there! <3 How are yooooou on this very fine day? My dream about the gatorade holocaust? Yeah, that. xD It was quite disturbinginteresting. o.o
Mystic: Well, I think I might be getting sick. xP But at least I got to skip swim team practice today because of it. xD;; Haha. You know it was awesome. x]
I also had a dream about these little kids sitting on a merry-go-round. But it started going faster and the kids were sitting on little-bitty airplanes and dressed like aviators. And then, when it was going really fast, they took off, each one flying off behind the other one. x] xDDD! That puts really weird mental pictures inside my head. :'D
Mystic: YESH. Yesh, they do. o.o;; And not just what we do in the pool, either... our dryland exercizes are just as hard. Six laps around the whole darn highschool, that has to be at least two miles, I tell you... xP One time I almost fainted/threw up because I got too dehydrated. That wasn't fun. o.o
Dumber: Those marshmellow peeps? :0 Well, they really do look yummeh on the outside... for the longest time I was dying to taste one... but when I finally did, I just found them really disgusting. I'm sorry...? xD;;
Mysn: *shrugs* Don't ask me. xD The same reason I don't like Recess cups, I guess. Everybody always thinks that's so strange, but I don't see what the big deal is. ^^;;
Ninja: Oh man, I don't like candy corn OR nuts. xDDD Gah! The horror! o.o
Mmm... but man do I like steak, chicken-flavored ramen noodle soup, skittles, cookies and cream flavored ice cream, cream soda, and brownies... <333 I knowww! Haha.
@Dan; I get plenty of sugar, dooon't worry. x]
Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 5:26 pm
ChibiKittenChan Mystic: YESH. Yesh, they do. o.o;; And not just what we do in the pool, either... our dryland exercizes are just as hard. Six laps around the whole darn highschool, that has to be at least two miles, I tell you... xP One time I almost fainted/threw up because I got too dehydrated. That wasn't fun. o.o
It's like exactly what happened to my friend over here! I wanted to join the swim team, but after I heard about all that I was like "NO." But then, I saw this girl who was on the swim team, like before and after, and she gained A LOT of muscle. It was so cool. >.<