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PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 9:05 am
i stood up and headed back up the slope again. "i'm gonna go look for lance. you can either come or stay here. cuz i dont want to lose trake of anyone else." continues up till i see erasers gaurding the area. "they must want us back. just great." heads back down to take another route. "careful. erasers might be after you too since you helped us to escape." continues onward in the directon lance went.  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:47 pm
"i'll come with you. and just let me deal with them." puts shirt bak on (finally!!!) and starts to walk up slowly.

one eraser spots shade "hey, what the hell happened?! you ok?!?!" "yeah, im alright. i guess i took a wrong step." shade smiles sheepishly "so wat u doin here, dane?" "looking for you, doofus. the scientists were worried that you left without telin us. your cousin was ESPECIALLY worried." dane shakes his head slowly. "oh, and we lost some of them bird kids. you seen any of them?" he shakes his head "no, havent seen them, even if i tried to look for them." "heh, cuz u smell like them!!!" he takes his weapon of choice, a sickle. "heh, so u sayin im a traitor?" "yeah, im sayin u BETRAYED US!!!!" he attacks shade with it. shade jumps back, yanks out katana, and stabs his friend in the shoulder "i thought we culd trust you!! you were my CLOSEST friend!!!!" well, things change!!! people change!" shade screams back "we arent even HUMAN!!!!! WE WERE MADE INTO THESE THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "well let the world pity us. we may not truly be HUMAN, but we can TRY to act like it!!!!!" shade jumps back, holding his sword to his right arm, as in atack mode. "i swore to this day i'd protect my friends, even if it costed me something dearly. right now, those 'bird kids' are MY FRIENDS!!!!! I WONT LET YOU RECAPTURE THEM AND TAKE THEM BACK TO THAT HELL!!!!!!" shade screams at dane. all dane can do is watch, horrified at the turn of events "so..... u really think they are human? LOOK AT THEM!!!! THEY'RE MORE FREAKS THAN WE ARE!!!!!!" shade shakes his head in disgust "and you say that, yet u say we rnt human. heh, your pathetic......" under the moon, dane can see shade is crying. "why you crying? because you got too damn soft?" "no, im crying because i care about them, and all you want to do is kill them.... i can smell your bloodlust." "go ahead then, just kill me. my life was over the moment claire broke up with me....." dane turns away, as if HE was crying. "heh, i told you she wouldn't last for long. but, im sorry firend, you are endangering my friends, so i must do all i can to stop you."
"NO, YOU CANT!!!!!" a voice comes from out of nowhere. "show yourself!!!" shade screams. "its me, claire. i came to stop you both. seems i came at the right time..." she smiles, but inside shade can sense she's been really depressed about something. "what the hell do you want?" shade snaps at her. "i came to ask you if we can.... you know...... join you guys. i know you needed to leave that place, shade. you AND dane both needed to. just look at you two!!! you cant even look each other in the eye ever sinse that happend. why?! you two used to be like brothers!!!!" shade looks away in pain "not now....... dont bring it up. they are still here......... and i dont want to remember what happened then." well, you must!! its the only way you two will ever forgive each other!!!!" dane just stands there, totally upset and confused. he never thought claire cared about that day................  



PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:00 pm
i stop when i hear Shade's response and heads up to the top of the hill and ends up standing next to a strange girl whos yelling at the two Erasers. whats going on? silently i listen wondering what had happened that day. and quietly listens to see if there was any way i could bick up what had happened.  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:28 pm
"well i dont care!!!! yell at me all you want, it'll NEVER CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shade screams at claire "you can MAKE it change, shade!!!! you have to, for YOUR BROTHERS SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she puts her hand over her mouth if shock. shade just stnads there, about to bawl "you said......you'd NEVER TALK ABOUT HIM!!!!!!!! I HATE YOU!!!!!!!" he points to alex, but looking at claire "LOOK< ONE OF MY FRIENDS IS HERE, AND YOU JUST HAD TO BRING HIM UP?!?!" dane walks up to shade, and punches him in the face. shade is taken by suprise, and claire starts crying her eyes out. "why the hell do you care about him? you did nothing when he was killed by them!!!!" dane shouts at shade. shade just shakes his head, crying. "no..... you got it wrong....... i cared about him, i was just too...." "afraid? you are messed up, you know that?" shade stands ther, in total pain. "you dont understand........ NONE OF YOU DO!!!!!! THIS IS THE EXACT REASON I SAID I HATED YOU, DANE!!!!!!!!!" shade punches dane, and runs away. "what........ *gulp* you... hated me? what did i evr do to you, shade?" he said in hysteria. "i dont think he meant it.... he was always sarcastic...." claire tried to comfort him "no...... i think he wasnt sarcastic. he'd never cry, or run away." a car comes up the trail. shade races back, and sees darian. darian pulls out a gun "little cousin, you let them escape. why? because you are TOO WEAK!!!!" shade yells in disgust "IM NOT WEAK, I CARE ABOUT OTHERS, UNLIKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" darian tries to shoot at shade, but wont. "damn it, stupid erasers are here. oh and look, one of the bird children are here. i guess you'll be first..." darian points the gun at alex, and shoots three bullets.
before any of the bullets touch her, shade jumps in the way, taking all of them. he falls onto the ground, moaning "you b*****d........ why cant you see i won't let you hurt them?" shade tries to get up, but a bullet is lodged in his arm, so he isnt able to get up more than three feet. darian comes to face shade, and he kicks his cousin in the head, sending him fyling. shade grunts, and lands on his feet.
you'd never understand what happened then, older cuz. you'd never see why steven was killed...... why he was shot down by YOUR KIND!!!!! THOSE DAMN SCIENTISTS KILLED HIM BECAUSE HE WANTED TO HELP THE OTHER BIRD KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU NEVER HAD THE COMPASSION THAT HE HAD!!!!!!" "SHUT UP!!!! STEVEN WAS WEAK, THATS WHY HE WAS KILLED!!! AND GUESS WHAT? I KILLED YOUR BROTHER!!! IT WAS ME, WHOM PULLED THE TRIGGER ON YOU BELOVED BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!" "no, this cant be happening!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU THOUGHT YOU'D NEVER MEET THE MURDER, DIDNT YOU?! WELL, I'LL KILL YOU AS WELL!!!!!" shade just flinches, as a self defence mode.
let me out!!! i can help you deal with him!!!!! fine....... just make sure that no one else dies.... got it
shade's body goes limp for a minute, then flares back to life. the only difference, is his eyes arent ice blue, they're midnight black. and his hair has got silver streaks. and his arms are covered in tatoos "aah, its good to be back in charge of this co called 'life form' now, all the kid said i had to do was kill his b*****d cousin. now lets see, who smells like a murderer???"
dane stands like a stone "oh no, HE'S back........ not again, please no....." claire stares at shade in horror.  



PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:39 pm
"shade!!" i run out and kneel beside him as he takes the hits. hot tears stung my eyes and i tried to brush them back. i stare defiently and shockingly at the murder. but when shade stands up i fall back on my butt and out of the way not knowing what was happing. damn i hate to be in the dark i back up a little and wip the tears from my eyes and stare up at the transformed shade. "y-your not shade."

((for one who has never read the books your doing pretty well in staying within the story-like lines.^^))  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:41 pm
Arctic shrugged. "I can deal with people changing moods, Tarou..." she smiled, a little bitterly, remembering her classmates. "SO I'm fine if you choose this." She looked at Matthew for a moment, then shook her head slightly. She was able to sympathize with someone who'd lost a sibling to anything like crazy parents. Swallowing, she nodded slowly. "Okay. Tarou's up for this... now what?"

- - -

"We've got something for you to do." Shanks grinned. He'd been looking forward to the day he got out of the School to go hunt. The scientist tossed a packet of pictures onto the desk in front of him. "Bird kids. Escaped. Find them." Shade nodded, grabbed the packet and walked out. Flipping through it, his grin broadened, teeth sharpening, as he saw his one competitor, someone he had never beat.

Shouldering a gun and walking through the doors, he hoped that Arctic was ready for this attack.

((Sorry... -_-" I rememebered Shanks.))  



PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:58 pm
(i am? KOOL!!!! :whee )

"heh, no im not shade. you may call me DEMONATA. i am shade's darker side, or his sub concuios. the dormant part, at least.
well, i must complete my taks, or master shade will never let me see the light of day, or night either.
" demonata takes shade's sword, and transforms it into a massive broadsword "much better. nevr liked the wimpy blade, you, master darian? " he swings behind darian in the blink of an eye, and sends the sword down his side. darian crumples to the ground, without his left side of his body. "oh dear, this boy has some majorly bad wounds. well, its not going to be my problem anymore, sinse i have completed my task. good night to you all." demonata bows, and then SHADE crumples to the ground

he gets up slowly, trying to remember. sadly, these past few minutes, he cant remember a thing "what happened, dane? did IT come out??" dane just nods his head. "it said you let him out. you know what happens when IT comes out!!!! look at darian, he's DEAD!!!!!!!" shade stares at the lifeless body, with no emotion "he deserved it. he killed my brother, and he tried to kill alex." so what?! it doesnt give you a right to let that MONSTER OUT!!!" "SO WHAT?! HE IS THE REASON I HAVE THAT DEMON IN ME!!!!! HE DESERVED WHAT HE GOT!!!!!!"

(oh yeah, i ttly 4got about shanks..... oops 0.O""""
do u think i shuld RP as dane? jw, cuz i think it'd be bettr to have three erasers instead of just me and shanks)  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:59 pm
Smiling faintly, Tarou nodded and took the wire necklace with the magatama from the table. As they talked, Tarou began to play with the wire ends that Matthew had snapped.

Matthew looked to the window again, this time just for a second. "What do you mean... ? You can hang out here if you wish, but you most likely won't like doing that, so there's always the option of leaving, " he said, not quite sure what he was supposed to say. "But if you look for the others, be careful... Feel free to call for me if you want."  



PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:05 pm
((. . . un. . . Shanks is going to hunt them and, in the real book, erasers don't really tag along... in fact, they all die really quickly... but it doesn't matter to me.))

Arctic opened her mouth about to say something, but hesitated, feeling her old instincts kick in. "I think... somethings going on, and I think we should go..." Standing up abruptly, she bit her lip. "Well, Tarou, I think it would be safer for you to stay here... but... do you want to come?" She turned to Matthew and his mother and smiled, though still a little awkwardly. "Thanks... for everything. I'm sure Tarou appreciates it..." She walked over to the door and held it open, waiting for Tarou to follow if he wanted.  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:10 pm
stares blankly at the lifeless bound of body. tears still fresh. my throught cloged up. "h-he. he didn't h-have to die..." i whispered. can i still trust shade? he killed. even though he had tried to kill me. but that was his mission. i may not want to die but still...he was just...Alex! shut up! i'm repeating myself. shads a good friend. i can trust him. its just the darkerside i cant... i back up away from shade and the body that lay on the dirt. to much killing has occured on this hill...  



PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:19 pm
Getting up from the couch, Matthew's mother smiled warmly, picked up the tray and left to the kicthen. Matthew also stood up, "No problem. You're actually doing us more of a favour than you know..." Trailing off, he walked to the stairs, probably to his bedroom or something.

"Thank you!" Tarou called out, hoping they'd hear him before he went to Arctic. Sure, he heard what Arctic said earlier about it being safer, but he didn't want to be seperated from her. At least, if he could prevent it.
Quickly tying the ends of the wires, he tucked the magatama under his shirt so the others wouldn't see, and stepped out, waiting a few steps from the door for Arctic.  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:25 pm
(oh really? damn... ><""" )

he spits out some blood, then freezes. dane walks over to him. "what's wrong?" "someone's...... coming. wait........... it's an eraser! shoot!!!!" he almost jumps, but cant, because of the bullets. "we need to get you treated for that, like now!" "it can wait. we need to warn the other guys about this...." shade looks out from under the cliff. where did the three of them go...?
he remembers that alex is with them. he turns and walks slowly toward her, with no intention of harming her. he squats in front of her. "listen, im sorry about not tellin you guys about him. i was just too nervous to get the courage inside me to do it. and i guess he shouldn't have dies, but i guess i lost control of my emotions and let my hatred for the person who murdered my brother get to the best of me. i'm really sorry........." he tries to smile, but he cant go through it. what am i saying? i HAD the chance, i just never took it. well, that's your own problem. oh jsut shut up, will ya? whatever....  



PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:29 pm
calms down a bit, "i understand." nods head "but you shouldn't too much. the bullets...." the gun! maybe...no. i dont have the heart to weild one of those...  
PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:29 pm
Arctic, smiling in relief as Tarou walked through the door, closed it and spread her wings. "I think... I think somethings going on..." She said, trailing off. She didn't really see much point in going back- after all, they had managed without them so far. Then again, she couldn't very well ignore her instincts for very long. "Let's go..." Getting a running start and hopping up, she flew over to the original site, happy to be in the air again... until she saw a dead guy, a girl, another eraser and Shade and Alex with no one else, that is. Hoping that Tarou would be able to find them, she landed and looked around, eyebrows raised. "Soo... what the hell happened while I was gone?"  



PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:35 pm
Following Arctic, Tarou managed to awkwardly fly to the others. And he somehow managed not to crash into the ground next to her. He was a bit nervous that there was some dead guy, and more another eraser besides Shade, but managed to look a bit calm.  
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