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Live the life of a wizard! Based on J.K. Rowling's books, this guild focuses on the Ministry of Magic and everyday life. Open and accepting! 

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Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 1:00 pm
Orphan Sisters for Life
First Years

Location : Madam Malkin's
With : Each other... Plus others

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Today was going to be the most exciting days these four girls had ever been on. All four of them would be going to get their school supplies in preparation for Hogwarts. Equally Alana, Minako, Kimberly, and Candace were excited to be going to a magical school where things made a bit more sense. While they were still new to it all, none of them seemed to mind. It was an adventure or so Candace liked to remind them. Of course no one was more excited about going clothes shopping then Minako.

“Can we hurry it up? We need to get our uniforms for school!” Minako called to the other three as she rushed along the street. “Wait up Mina you don’t want to get lost.” Alana tried to reason but her words only fell on deaf ears. Candace seemed to practically be dancing to the shop. “We aren’t in a rush.” Candace said looking to Kimberly whose walking speed matched that of the blonde’s skipping. “She just has an irritating love for shopping…” Kimberly muttered under her breath. “Oh Kim, don’t worry she’ll winded down once it’s out of her system.” Candace assured her.

As Minako made it to the door, she practically threw it open with excitement. “We made it!” She declared before marching in like she was on a mission. Alana followed in after her shaking her head but none the less keeping her head down. “Alana come look at these robes.” She called over to her. Ironically enough it was the same one’s that Lucy was looking at. Alana walked over without a word, preparing herself for an endless fashion conversation. “Just look at how detailed these are. They’re so beautiful. See this is the kind of thing I’m talking about. Clothing is a work of art and it should be treated as such.”

As Minako continued on the lecture Alana on how clothes are a wonderful thing, Kimberly and Candace walked in. “Mina honestly we know what you want to do but you can’t.” The dark haired girl told her Japanese friend. “Not can’t, it’ll happen Kimi believe me, it will.” She said confidently. “Besides considering I accessorized you this morning you should be grateful.” She added only causing Kimberly to cross her arms. “I’d hardly call tying a shoe lace around my neck helpful…” Kimberly replied back.

Candace not wanting to get involved in the debacle that revolved around clothes turned to the two that were there. “Sorry about them. I hope my friends aren’t bothering you. They can get overly animated sometimes but they mean well. I’m Candace by the way. My friends call me Candy or Ace depending on the day.” She said apologetically. She doubted that these two planned on getting an ear full from her friends.

Alana ~ Status : Happily Content Theme ~ Attire
Minako ~ Status : Overly Delighted Theme ~ Attire
Kimbery ~ Status : Content but a bit annoyed Theme ~ Attire
Candace ~ Status : Excitedly Happy / Apologetic Theme ~ Attire

OOC: Might have gotten away from me sweatdrop

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 11:00 am
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                                                              P E T E RxxxW H Y T E

                                                              FIRSTxYEAR xxxxxxUNSORTEDxxxxxxMUGGLEBORN


                                                              Today was not going well for Peter at all. It started out alright he supposed, but he was stuck with Reyna and her irritating cousin who wouldn't stop yammering about how excited she was, giving him a headache. Even worse, when he started commenting on their screeching, they told him to shut up and of course, Uncle Jon was of no help. The street, which was apparently called Diagon Alley despite the fact that it was clearly not just an alley, was pretty incredible, Peter had to admit. it was The strange and clearly magical displays intrigued him and he would have liked to have stayed and observe more, maybe write about them, but his uncle dropped them off at the local clothing store to get their uniforms. Peter couldn't help the snort that escaped him, hats and robes? Could they get any more stereotypical?

                                                              Reyna went to get her uniform first and Peter followed the other one, Lucy, as she ran towards one of the displays, curious. She was clearly fascinated and Peter opened his mouth to say something when the shop door opened and more screeching assaulted his ears. Holding back a groan, he turned and watched as a group of girls his age entered the store, creating a ruckus. One of them approached him apologising. "That's alright, I'm pretty excited too! I'm Lucy; well, Lucinda actually but just call me Lucy," Lucy introduced herself cheerfully, but Peter merely sneered at the girl, ticked off by the disturbance. "If your friends always create enough noise to rival a barrel of monkeys then maybe they shouldn't be allowed to be out in public, just to spare us all from the screeching." he told her; nothing like having a pack of harpies to ruin your day even more.


                                                                  c u r r e n t l yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                                                                  a txxMadam Malkin'sxxxxxw i t hxxLucy, Minako, Kimberly, Alana, Candace
                                                                  f e e l i n gxxxxirritatedxxxxxw e a r i n gxxcasual clothes


                                                              o o c
                                                              So did I, whoops ^^"




Feral Fairy

25,550 Points
  • Haunted Haute Couture: Vintage 200
  • Rat Conqueror 500
  • Candy Fiend 150


Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Waffles! 25
  • Team Jacob 100
PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 4:44 pm
Orphan Sisters for Life
First Years

Location : Madam Malkin's
With : Each other... Plus others

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Candace smiled at the girl. Lucy seemed nice. She got the excitement which meant that she too was probably a first year like them. That was great. Well everything was great until the boy with her opened his mouth. Candace kept her cool. She wasn’t going to let the boy’s words bother her. However, she could not say the same for Kimberly. All three girls saw it coming.

“He did not just say that.” Kimberly said her blood beginning to boil just by the comment along. Alana and Candace could think of worse but apparently not Kimberly. “Kimi… let it go.” Alana tried to reason quietly before suddenly she snapped. “A barrel of monkeys?! Is that seriously the best you could come up with? Maybe you’re the one who shouldn’t be allowed out in public with that mouth of yours. You insolent little termite…!” Kimberly practically shouted just as she was prepared to pounce. “Kimberly!” Candace shouted in shock before grabbing her. “Stop it!” She said holding her back.

Suddenly the door to the shop chimed and the governor who brought them came in. After explaining where they would go first and what the shop looked like, the girls had taken it upon themselves to find it. It was then Kimberly stopped fighting Candace. “Is there a problem?” The governor asked them. “No.” Kimberly answered with a huff and she crossed her arms. “We’re good thanks.” Candace said letting go. “Anyways, nice to meet you Lucy. I’m Minako, most call me Mina.” She greeted. “The quiet one is Alana, I call her Lana sometimes.” She said gesturing to her as she spoke. “Hi…” Alana greeted with a small wave in acknowledgement. “And you know Kimberly.” Minako added. “We usually call her Kim or Kimi.” Candace added with a smile. Kimberly stood there glaring at the boy. She didn’t even care what his name was. “It’s nice to meet you. Him I couldn’t care less.” She commented still very unhappy about his comment.

Alana ~ Status : Happily Content Theme ~ Attire
Minako ~ Status : Overly Delighted Theme ~ Attire
Kimbery ~ Status : Irritated Theme ~ Attire
Candace ~ Status : Excitedly Happy / Apologetic Theme ~ Attire

OOC: Sorry that took so long.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 12:45 pm
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                                                              L U C I N D AxxxJ A C O B S

                                                              FIRSTxYEAR xxxxxxUNSORTEDxxxxxxPUREBLOOD


                                                              Lucy looked up from the robes when two girls joined her, one of them gushing about the details of the robes. She grinned, glad that there was someone else who appreciated them as much as herself. Before she could say anything, another girl greeted her (and Peter, whom she'd just noticed standing behind her) and apologised. The girl seemed nice and Lucy introduced herself, hoping to make a new friend, but Peter had to open his giant mouth.

                                                              Lucy's jaw dropped and she whirled on Peter, intent on chewing him out. "What in Merlin's name was that, Peter?" she barely kept herself from yelling, poking her finger into his chest. "She was just being nice!" The dark-skinned girl looked ready to beat him up as she yelled at Peter if she wasn't being held back by tCandace; Lucy was surprised by her restraint since she wasn't exactly willing to stop the girl herself.

                                                              Peter didn't seem affected by her or the girl's words at all; if anything, his expression soured even more. "I was only pointing out that you and your group were disturbing everyone else in the shop; I was only minding my business until you came along." He moved closer, as if not caring that he was making himself an easier target. "In fact," he sneered, "you're doing a splendid job of proving me right by acting like a little beast who should get locked up."

                                                              That's it! thought Lucy, and she shoved Peter back away from the other girl. "What is wrong with you? Are you that much of an idiot?" She would have continued but was interrupted by someone, apparently the the girls' governor, who's appearance calmed the girl down. After reassuring the governor, the other girls introduced themselves. Lucy smiled at them, "it's nice to meet you all as well. Please ignore Peter behind me, I don't know what's his problem." Peter merely glared at them. "I'd say meeting you is a pleasure but I wouldn't want to waste my breath and time."

                                                              Lucy ignored him. She turned to Minako and grinned giddily. "I heard what you said about the robes, aren't they great?" She sighed in longing, "I wish I could embroider like that but I still have to get past knitting."


                                                                  c u r r e n t l yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                                                                  a txxMadam Malkin'sxxxxxw i t hxxPeter, Candace, Kimberly, Alana, Minako
                                                                  f e e l i n gxxexcitedxxxxxw e a r i n gxxcasual clothes


                                                              o o c
                                                              I don't even know what to say 8'D




Feral Fairy

25,550 Points
  • Haunted Haute Couture: Vintage 200
  • Rat Conqueror 500
  • Candy Fiend 150


Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Waffles! 25
  • Team Jacob 100
PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 5:37 pm
Orphan Sisters for Life
First Years

Location : Madam Malkin's
With : Each other... Lucy, Peter, School Governor

User ImageUser Image
Alana’s first thought was that Peter was your typical angry kid. There were a few at the orphanage who were like that. She tended to avoid them because they just fought and bullied people. When they did come around Kimberly was always there to stand up for her, so were the rest of her friends. Though you could always count on Kimberly to be there to throw a punch, not that Alana ever wished harm on them. Those kids were just acting out. What was Peter’s reasoning for it though? Watching Lucy tell him off, Alana was glad they had someone else on their side. Candace appeared too busy holding off Kimberly to really notice, though she had heard the blonde’s words.

Kimberly so wanted to kill Peter. His comment and movement forward only made her want to do it more. “Candace you better let me go. I’m going to send him into next year.” She spoke up. “Alana’s right Kimi let it go. He’s not worth it.” She attempted to reason. Sure Peter bothered Candace too but she wasn’t about to show it. He wasn’t worth getting stressed over. He clearly enjoyed seeing people mad at him. Something told her Peter would love for her to let Kimberly go so she could try and take a swing at him. Course if she did, she’d never forgive herself.

Luckily the school governor walked in when he did because Alana couldn’t take much more of it. She could stand fighting. ‘Why does everyone have to fight…?’ She thought. With Kimberly more or less calmed down, Candace went over to Alana. “Hey don’t let him get to you.” She told her placing her hand on her shoulder. Alana looked up from the floor at her and gave the girl a small smile. “Okay.” She agreed with a nod.

With introductions out of the way the girls were hopeful, maybe not towards Peter but Lucy certainly. “We can do that.” Candace said brightly before looking to Kimberly. “Right, Kimi?” Kimberly just looked over at her friend before turning back to Lucy and Peter. She couldn’t say she didn’t like Lucy, the girl had a certain tell off for the boy. “Yeah, we can do that.” She replied simply before glaring at Peter. ‘Just ignore it…’ She told herself silently as she took a breath.

Minako smiled at Lucy, she was simply delighted that they’d met something with the same tastes as her. “They are. The detailing is simply amazing.” She agreed brightly. “So do I, I want to do something like that but haven’t quite figured it out. At least not yet, it’ll happen. I could just imagine wearing something like that. With my hair in a bun or maybe an updo…” She said beginning to fantasize. “There she goes again.” Alana commented quietly. “Earth to Mina, come in Mina.” Candace said with a giggle. Shaking her head Minako came back to reality. “Oh! Sorry, about that.” She apologized before looking back to Lucy. “I like your skirt by the way.” She added brightly. It was so nice to see someone with a similar interest as her.

Alana ~ Status : Happily Content Theme ~ Attire
Minako ~ Status : Overly Delighted Theme ~ Attire
Kimbery ~ Status : Irritated Theme ~ Attire
Candace ~ Status : Excitedly Happy Theme ~ Attire

OOC: - - -

PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 6:57 pm
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                                                              P E T E RxxxW H Y T E

                                                              FIRSTxYEAR xxxxxxUNSORTEDxxxxxxMUGGLEBORN


                                                              When the dark-haired girl moved as if to hit him, Peter felt a flash of fear shoot through him, and barely kept his relief from showing on his face when she was stopped by her blonde friend, Candace. He didn't want to get beaten up, especially not in public, but this girl clearly wanted to. It wasn't the first time but they usually stopped bothering him after speaking to him once or twice; he idly wondered if the girl would do the same. It wouldn't be all bad if she did hit though (he winced internally at the thought), she'd just be showing us all how she was even more unfit for society. He did glare at Lucy when she shoved him. "I would call that 'disturbing the peace' rather than being nice; not everyone likes being approached by strangers with whom they've got no business with." He wasn't surprised by Lucy's reaction though; he already knew from the little interaction they had in the car that she'd be a pain.

                                                              After the everyone calmed down when the girls' governor entered, Lucy talked to the girls more although Peter hissed when she mentioned him. "You could have kept my name out it," he muttered under his breath, "harpy." She glowered at him, clearly having heard his words but he ignored her and she turned back to her new friends.

                                                              Lucy nodded along to the East Asian girl. "Definitely, it'd suit you," she told her, giggling when she zoned off. Peter privately thought it sounded more like a squeaking rat. "I'm sure you can! I won't be doing embroidery like this anytime soon but it will happen! Even if my fingers bleed!" She looked sheepish for a moment, "Well, maybe not that far, it'll ruin the cloth. And all your outfits are amazing! I especially like your blouse, Mina!"

                                                              Peter rolled his eyes at the group; they were trying so hard to ignore him it was almost funny. "Good luck getting your things looking like these robes. You'll need it if you don't want them to end up as rags," he informed the girls. They didn't look nearly competent enough to spell out anything resembling cloth and Peter felt sorry for them; big dreams wouldn't get them anywhere.


                                                                  c u r r e n t l yxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                                                                  a txxMadam Malkin'sxxxxxw i t hxxLucy, Minako, Kimberly, Alana, Candace
                                                                  f e e l i n gxxxxirritatedxxxxxw e a r i n gxxcasual clothes


                                                              o o c
                                                              Sorry it took so long to get this out! Couldn't get internet before this ^^"




Feral Fairy

25,550 Points
  • Haunted Haute Couture: Vintage 200
  • Rat Conqueror 500
  • Candy Fiend 150


Beloved Vampire

9,900 Points
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Waffles! 25
  • Team Jacob 100
PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 10:59 pm
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User ImageLocation: Work (Madam Malkin's)

Jasper had moved out of their parents’ place and since then Alice had been spending most of her time at his apartment. They’d been dating for several years now and things had been going relatively well. Jasper had been teaching her a thing or two about reading the future. He might have only gotten as far as his OWL testing but that didn’t mean he couldn’t teach her something. The Hufflepuff alum would like to think she was getting good or at the very least better at do so. She’d been practicing. The worst part was her concentration which had gotten semi-better since her years of school.

Unfortunately as of recently Alice had been cut off from being intimate because of a dream she had weeks ago. She’d woken up one morning after having a dream that she was pregnant. Of course Jasper took it literal and freaked out. It had made her nights so much more frustrating since he refused to help make it a reality. Why he had to be such a kill joy Alice didn’t know but she could try and respect his wishes even if it killed her.

Today, Alice was at work. More accurately she was on break and playing with cards, tarot cards to be exact. It had been a relatively quiet day, and the short brunette was happily fiddling with a desk of cards she was now obsessed with. There was no better way to spend you’re break then looking into the future. Shuffling her deck, Alice drew a random card. Looking at it she wondered if she was interrupting her cards right. ‘I wonder what surprises awaits me in the future.’ She thought staring intensely at her cards.

Status: In thought
With: No one

Wearing: Peach and Navy Blue

OOC: Free to interact with (Thought I should post her cause why not, haven't done so in a while)  
PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 7:01 pm
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xx» wнere «xx
xxxxxxxx» wιтн «xx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx» ғeelιng «xx

                                                          𝔓𝔢𝔬𝔭𝔩𝔢 𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔰 𝔬 𝔞 𝔯 𝔦 𝔫 𝔤, 𝔞𝔩𝔴𝔞𝑦𝔰 𝔢 𝔵 𝔭 𝔩 𝔬 𝔯 𝔦 𝔫 𝔤 xxxxxxxxxxxx
                                                          𝓗 𝔦 𝔤 𝔥 𝔢 𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝑦'𝔳𝔢 𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔟𝔢𝔢𝔫 𝔟 𝔢 𝔣 𝔬 𝔯 𝔢 xxxxxxxxx
                                                          𝔅𝔲𝔱 𝔴𝔢 𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔡 𝔬 𝔴 𝔫 𝔥 𝔢 𝔯 𝔢, 𝔣𝔢𝔢𝔱 𝔬𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔤 𝔯 𝔬 𝔲 𝔫 𝔡 𝔫 𝔢 𝔞 𝔯 xxxxxx
                                                          𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔯 𝔦 𝔰 𝔢 𝔲 𝔰 𝔲 𝔭 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔯 𝔢 𝔰 𝔱 ? xxx


                                                          spaceWesley made a sympathetic noise as the girl retched, once again wondering if he shouldn't have just sucked it up and learned to drive at some point or another. There wasn't really a viable form of magical transportation that didn't cause illness of some degree or another. The consequence of moving across the globe in the blink of an eye was apparently losing your lunch, regardless of how you did it. He reached in his pocket, pulling out a small mint. "If you like," he offered. Most children took it; regardless of if you were bothered by your own breath or not, he'd found that no one really cared to wander about all day with a bad taste on their tongue. "Typically, the sensation lessens over time as you get accustomed to it. Though there are those that refuse to apparate period because of it. Unfortunately, in my line of work, there's no guarantee that any alternative methods of transportation will be reliable. Having to get all the way here from every corner of the country leaves me with few options. My apologies."

                                                          spaceThe governor made a small hum of acknowledgement when she agreed to start with her robes. "This way, then," he said, gesturing towards the shop in question. He led her as swiftly as he could down the busy street, and entered the shop, noting the familiar tinkling of bells as the opened the door. "Someone will be out momentarily," he told Rayne. After a pause, he glanced at the racks. "Most students find that they like to pick up something in the way of an accessory or the like to wear with their uniform, to be more... distinct. If you'd like to do the same, you can look around while we wait." Wes had bought a good many odds and ends to satisfy the needs of children to be 'unique', at least since he'd married Siobhan. Before he'd been rather stringent with the uniform, but nowadays he looked back on that and cringed. Shoving children into boxes and insisting on uniformity and predictability helped no one. His son owning the wand shop (and being rather successful, if Wes did say so himself) rather than having gone into the Wizengamot was proof enough of that.


                                                          xxx 𝔲𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔮 𝔲 𝔦 𝔵 𝔬 𝔱 𝔦 𝔠, 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔯𝑘 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔯 𝔬 𝔟 𝔬 𝔱 𝔦 𝔠
                                                          xxxxxx 𝔐𝔢𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔩 𝔦𝔫 𝔫𝔞𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢 𝔞 𝔩 𝔩 𝔱 𝔥 𝔢 𝔱 𝔦 𝔪 𝔢
                                                          xxxxxxxxx 𝔄𝔫𝔡 𝔭 𝔲 𝔩 𝔰 𝔢 𝔰 𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔣 𝔦 𝔯 𝔦 𝔫 𝔤 𝔦𝔫 𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔥 𝔢 𝔞 𝔡 𝔴 𝔦 𝔯 𝔦 𝔫 𝔤
                                                          xxxxxxxxxxxx 𝔊𝔲𝔦𝔡𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔞 𝔠 𝔱 𝔦 𝔬 𝔫 𝔰 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔟 𝔢 𝔦 𝔫 𝔤 𝔰

                                                          User Image

                                                          xx» «xx
                                                          xx» oυт oғ cнaracтer «xx
                                                          Julian I dun wanna post Fi o/ sorrynotsorry

                                                          Summer II

                                                          Jade Galaksylph


MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

14,625 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Loving Fortune Seeker 250
  • WilyTrickster 50

Summer II

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 7:20 pm
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r a y n e clarke
f i r s t y e a r u n s o r t e d


no you don't know what its like
when nothing feels alright
you don't know what its like to be like me
to be hurt, to feel lost
to be left out in the dark

When offered a candy, even a mint, Rayne looked at the man skeptically and didn't accept it, because sweets had to be earned and she rarely earned them. She did, however, follow the man into the shop and glance around. She liked clothing, but she didn't own anything that wasn't a hand-me-down. Narrowing her eyes, she looked around the shop. There weren't any kinds of security tags on these, like in the normal shops. That meant she could probably easily steal from the shop. Rayne glanced at the man as he said that some students liked to accessorize. "Like I could afford anything here," she said sardonically. Maybe she could steal something. Her foster parents usually threw out anything they found that was new, because they knew that she hadn't bought it. But this school... she could hid her stuff there. "Maybe I could look around a bit." When she'd first started stealing, she got nervous but now, it was barely a thing. There were some decent hair bows or some jewelry that she liked, maybe a sweater, since Rayne had heard it gets cold up there. The shop was busy and it seemed like the shopkeeps were busy at the time so Rayne picked up a bow and slipped it into a pocket on her bag.

to be kicked when you're down
to feel like you've been pushed around
to be on the edge of breaking down
and no one there to save you
no you don't know what its like
welcome to my life

Out of Character: ...

Cara MiaKitty
PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 7:38 pm
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xx» wнere «xx
xxxxxxxx» wιтн «xx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx» ғeelιng «xx

                                                          𝔓𝔢𝔬𝔭𝔩𝔢 𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔰 𝔬 𝔞 𝔯 𝔦 𝔫 𝔤, 𝔞𝔩𝔴𝔞𝑦𝔰 𝔢 𝔵 𝔭 𝔩 𝔬 𝔯 𝔦 𝔫 𝔤 xxxxxxxxxxxx
                                                          𝓗 𝔦 𝔤 𝔥 𝔢 𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝑦'𝔳𝔢 𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔟𝔢𝔢𝔫 𝔟 𝔢 𝔣 𝔬 𝔯 𝔢 xxxxxxxxx
                                                          𝔅𝔲𝔱 𝔴𝔢 𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔡 𝔬 𝔴 𝔫 𝔥 𝔢 𝔯 𝔢, 𝔣𝔢𝔢𝔱 𝔬𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔤 𝔯 𝔬 𝔲 𝔫 𝔡 𝔫 𝔢 𝔞 𝔯 xxxxxx
                                                          𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔯 𝔦 𝔰 𝔢 𝔲 𝔰 𝔲 𝔭 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔯 𝔢 𝔰 𝔱 ? xxx


                                                          spaceWesley had frowned when she'd refused the mint. It was unusual, to say the least, and things about the girl were beginning to add up in ways he didn't much care for. But, he hadn't commented, instead deciding to watch her more carefully.

                                                          spaceThe comment that she couldn't afford anything from the shop made him sigh; he'd thought it was clear that the financial compensation was being taken care of. Then again, she might assume that only referred to things explicitly on her list. Which, technically it did, but he'd never hesitated to spend a little on the first years. Particularly not the ones in situations like Rayne's. It was obvious that nothing she owned was new, and he doubted very much if anyone had cared for her in a very long time. The girl's sudden change of heart, though, made him pause, and he frowned when he watched her snatch a bow from one of the displays and try to pocket it.

                                                          space"Rayne, if you like the bow, it can be purchased," he said coolly, frowning slightly at the girl. "You're not spending any money today, that's part of my job description. But if you don't intend to include it in your purchase, put it back." He crossed his arms expectantly, stone faced. "Might I recommend, if you intend to steal, that you do it from a large chain corporation around muggle London, rather than a privately owned small business. Miss McKinney, and her employees, and all the owners and employees in Diagon, make their living entirely off their profits." Considering his wife and son both owned shops in the district, he knew exactly what it looked like when people stole. Not that it made much difference to either of them, since Damien was married to an Auror, and Siobhan was... well, married to him. But Fiona had two young children now, and Wesley wasn't sure what sort of money the father made. And she had several employees to pay as well. Her business did well enough thanks to the name and reputation, but that didn't mean she could afford theft.


                                                          xxx 𝔲𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔮 𝔲 𝔦 𝔵 𝔬 𝔱 𝔦 𝔠, 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔯𝑘 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔯 𝔬 𝔟 𝔬 𝔱 𝔦 𝔠
                                                          xxxxxx 𝔐𝔢𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔩 𝔦𝔫 𝔫𝔞𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢 𝔞 𝔩 𝔩 𝔱 𝔥 𝔢 𝔱 𝔦 𝔪 𝔢
                                                          xxxxxxxxx 𝔄𝔫𝔡 𝔭 𝔲 𝔩 𝔰 𝔢 𝔰 𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔣 𝔦 𝔯 𝔦 𝔫 𝔤 𝔦𝔫 𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔥 𝔢 𝔞 𝔡 𝔴 𝔦 𝔯 𝔦 𝔫 𝔤
                                                          xxxxxxxxxxxx 𝔊𝔲𝔦𝔡𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔞 𝔠 𝔱 𝔦 𝔬 𝔫 𝔰 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔟 𝔢 𝔦 𝔫 𝔤 𝔰

                                                          User Image

                                                          xx» «xx
                                                          xx» oυт oғ cнaracтer «xx
                                                          Julian I dun wanna post Fi o/ sorrynotsorry

                                                          Summer II

                                                          Jade Galaksylph


MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

14,625 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Loving Fortune Seeker 250
  • WilyTrickster 50

Summer II

PostPosted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 7:50 pm
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

r a y n e clarke
f i r s t y e a r u n s o r t e d


no you don't know what its like
when nothing feels alright
you don't know what its like to be like me
to be hurt, to feel lost
to be left out in the dark

Rayne had thought she was in the clear when she'd nicked the bow, but suddenly, Wes was behind her and reprimanding her for taking the bow. The girl flushed red and took the bow from her back, placing it on the shelf. "I'm sorry Mister Wes. I won't do it again," she said, trying to sound sweet. That usually got her out of trouble. He was going to pay for things because that was his job, but him offering to pay for extra things seemed a little off to her. She wasn't used to people being kind to her. She'd only had one nice set of foster parents, but they'd sent her back after she'd had an accident... an accident that she now knew was caused by magic. "I don't need it," she said solemnly, looking at the floor. She'd get measured for her uniform or whatever it was they needed to do here, then she'd get going to the next store.

to be kicked when you're down
to feel like you've been pushed around
to be on the edge of breaking down
and no one there to save you
no you don't know what its like
welcome to my life

Out of Character: ...

Cara MiaKitty
PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2017 5:15 am
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
                                                  Never good, just the bad and the ugly laid in front of you
                                                  Nothing quite like seeing the world through the TV's window
                                                  Feeling helpless I look for distraction, I go searching for you
                                                  Wandering through our city to find some solace at your door
                                                  I can't stop thinking about it, tell me did you see the news tonight?

                                                  MIRZAM HARRISON OWENS
                                                  SαƖєм AƖυмηυѕ HαƖf-ƁƖσσɗ Mαɗαм MαƖкιη'ѕ Sнσρ Aѕѕιѕтαηт

                                                  < Summer 2036 >

                                                  It has been year with Mirzam had such an "fortunate" family reunion with Rui, but he didn't think he was going to say it to anyone. Ever since being assaulted with a ******** knife by his own sister in Godric's Hollow, he called it quits, ditched his dyed hair, and moved to the new house in Hogsmeade because still staying in the Hollow will only give him bad nightmares. He wasn't wounded, sure, but maybe his mind if that counts? He wanted to take the loft that was above Fi's shop but, someone was already living here and that miiight end up pretty bad. The thought of Rui stalking him every night made him shudder and he just wished he was very wrong about that, otherwise Mirzam would ask someone to put him out of his misery and he certainly didn't want to die so it would be better if he was wrong.

                                                  Disasters aside, he just finished doing his cash counter duty with some bratty whiny first year (seriously, the kid was whining about her parents, at least her parents weren't like his parents) when another came in. But this time, it was once again a familiar face, but then again Mr. Edgeworth and the other governors visited this shop every summer. He was going to take a step in since Fi and Alice were probably busy, then in his very gold eyes he saw the preteen girl just snatched something before Wesley promptly told her to put it back to where it came. Mirzam wasn't sure if he should be happy that Fi probably didn't notice that, otherwise he didn't want nor need to know what she looked like when she's angry. And as much as he wanted to add on that yeah, he could admit that his paycheck wasn't that great, he decided to shut up if he wanted to live and not be fired. Or worse, being hexed by a Hogwarts Governor. Clearing his throat as he approached the pair, he greeted them, "Hey Mr. Edgeworth, nice seeing you here again. S'there someone who needs their new robes?"

                                                  Ɯιтн [Wesley and Rayne] αт [the Front Counter]

                                                  Ɗαтιηg ƘуƖα ƇσƖƖιηѕ Aттιяє Ƭнємє Sσηg

                                                  < 𝔒𝔲𝔱.𝔒𝔣.𝓒𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔯 >
                                                  i feel Betrayed(tm)
                                                  haha lol jk thanks for calling me in lulz <3 <3

                                                  So come on, let's forget the emotion- tie the blinkers on
                                                  Hold both hands right over my eyes, deafen me with music
                                                  'Til we're lost in the heat of the moment, and I'm moving in you
                                                  Help me keep these hours alive, help me chase those seconds
                                                  Hold me in this wild, wild world, cause in your warmth I forget how cold it can be
                                                  And in your heat I feel how cold it can get (Now draw me close)

Cara Miakitty

Summer II

Julian Galaksylph

Festive Stylist

10,225 Points
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  • Forum Sophomore 300

MJ Spooks

Demonic Cat

14,625 Points
  • Demonic Associate 100
  • Loving Fortune Seeker 250
  • WilyTrickster 50
PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 10:25 pm
User Image

xx» wнere «xx
xxxxxxxx» wιтн «xx
xxxxxxxxxxxxxx» ғeelιng «xx

                                                          𝔓𝔢𝔬𝔭𝔩𝔢 𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔰 𝔬 𝔞 𝔯 𝔦 𝔫 𝔤, 𝔞𝔩𝔴𝔞𝑦𝔰 𝔢 𝔵 𝔭 𝔩 𝔬 𝔯 𝔦 𝔫 𝔤 xxxxxxxxxxxx
                                                          𝓗 𝔦 𝔤 𝔥 𝔢 𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝑦'𝔳𝔢 𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯 𝔟𝔢𝔢𝔫 𝔟 𝔢 𝔣 𝔬 𝔯 𝔢 xxxxxxxxx
                                                          𝔅𝔲𝔱 𝔴𝔢 𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔡 𝔬 𝔴 𝔫 𝔥 𝔢 𝔯 𝔢, 𝔣𝔢𝔢𝔱 𝔬𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔤 𝔯 𝔬 𝔲 𝔫 𝔡 𝔫 𝔢 𝔞 𝔯 xxxxxx
                                                          𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔯 𝔦 𝔰 𝔢 𝔲 𝔰 𝔲 𝔭 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔯 𝔢 𝔰 𝔱 ? xxx


                                                          spaceWesley had known enough children in his life, and enough troublemakers, that he knew better than to trust her sudden change in tone. She'd been quiet at best and aggressive at worst for the majority of the short time he'd known her. Suddenly going sweet when she'd been caught attempting to shoplift was a sign that she'd likely do it again. Particularly since she'd felt the need to say as much. He'd have to keep his eye on her, he thought with a sigh. The fact that she'd declined the offer to purchase it had his jaw set tight. She probably hadn't owned anything she liked that she hadn't had to steal in a while, he'd wager. He had a good mind to speak with Kenny and his lot about the girl. Living in an orphanage wasn't great, but the woman running it nowadays was a sight better of a guardian than what Rayne was apparently enduring now... He shook his head. His wife had turned him into a meddler.

                                                          spaceHis expression adjusted as Mirzam approached, his obvious agitation masked with a cool smile. "This is Rayne," he said, gesturing to the young girl. "First year robes, obviously." He did hope that Mirzam hadn't caught the exchange between them. She might be an attempted thief, but she was still a child. She didn't need anyone giving her a hard time. Though, he was confident that anyone Fiona hired would know better, and be more understanding. It wasn't as though children from difficult backgrounds were a rarity, as sad as that was.


                                                          xxx 𝔲𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔮 𝔲 𝔦 𝔵 𝔬 𝔱 𝔦 𝔠, 𝔰𝔱𝔞𝔯𝑘 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔯 𝔬 𝔟 𝔬 𝔱 𝔦 𝔠
                                                          xxxxxx 𝔐𝔢𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔩 𝔦𝔫 𝔫𝔞𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢 𝔞 𝔩 𝔩 𝔱 𝔥 𝔢 𝔱 𝔦 𝔪 𝔢
                                                          xxxxxxxxx 𝔄𝔫𝔡 𝔭 𝔲 𝔩 𝔰 𝔢 𝔰 𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔣 𝔦 𝔯 𝔦 𝔫 𝔤 𝔦𝔫 𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔥 𝔢 𝔞 𝔡 𝔴 𝔦 𝔯 𝔦 𝔫 𝔤
                                                          xxxxxxxxxxxx 𝔊𝔲𝔦𝔡𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔞𝔩𝔩 𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔞 𝔠 𝔱 𝔦 𝔬 𝔫 𝔰 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔟 𝔢 𝔦 𝔫 𝔤 𝔰

                                                          User Image

                                                          xx» «xx
                                                          xx» oυт oғ cнaracтer «xx
                                                          Julian I dun wanna post Fi o/ sorrynotsorry

                                                          Summer II

                                                          Jade Galaksylph

PostPosted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 2:52 pm
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

r a y n e clarke
f i r s t y e a r u n s o r t e d


no you don't know what its like
when nothing feels alright
you don't know what its like to be like me
to be hurt, to feel lost
to be left out in the dark

Rayne watched the man who was approaching them, then asked if Mr Edgeworth needed anything. Turning her head, she glanced up at Wesley, who answered for them, saying that she needed first year robes. Glancing back to the young man, Rayne made a face. Did that mean he'd have to measure her? She hated having to stand and be prodded at. The doctors did that every time she got moved from a foster home into an orphanage or vise versa. She huffed a sigh and turned away from them to look around the shop. There were a lot of kids there with their parents, all bustling around buying stuff for school. She wanted to steal something, but with Wes watching her, she would wait. Maybe she could steal something from a kid at school. Would they go through her stuff at school, like her foster parents did?

to be kicked when you're down
to feel like you've been pushed around
to be on the edge of breaking down
and no one there to save you
no you don't know what its like
welcome to my life

Out of Character: ...

Cara MiaKitty

Jade Galaksylph

Summer II

Julian Galaksylph

Festive Stylist

10,225 Points
  • First step to fame 200
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  • Forum Sophomore 300
PostPosted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 8:37 pm
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
                                                  Never good, just the bad and the ugly laid in front of you
                                                  Nothing quite like seeing the world through the TV's window
                                                  Feeling helpless I look for distraction, I go searching for you
                                                  Wandering through our city to find some solace at your door
                                                  I can't stop thinking about it, tell me did you see the news tonight?

                                                  MIRZAM HARRISON OWENS
                                                  SαƖєм AƖυмηυѕ HαƖf-ƁƖσσɗ Mαɗαм MαƖкιη'ѕ Sнσρ Aѕѕιѕтαηт

                                                  < Summer 2036 >

                                                  "Right, of course. Hello Rayne, m'name is Mirzam" The seamster made a weak chuckle when Wesley was all, "First year robes, obviously" because God, of course he was going to ask for those. Mirzam felt like he's doing an awkward introductory move, but he just nodded regardless. Getting his measuring tape from the counter, he came back to see the girl turn away from him.

                                                  Turning to the Hogwarts Governor, he asked, trying to pretend that he never saw the attempted theft the girl did earlier. "Don't take this the wrong way but... is she knew in this wizarding stuff or something?" Because if that was the case, Mirzam miiight let it slide and just call Rayne so that he could wand away this measuring tape at her. Otherwise, he could a little bit confused, but he supposed someone would say that it was none of his business. Right?

                                                  Ɯιтн [Wesley and Rayne] αт [the Front Counter]

                                                  Ɗαтιηg ƘуƖα ƇσƖƖιηѕ Aттιяє Ƭнємє Sσηg

                                                  < 𝔒𝔲𝔱.𝔒𝔣.𝓒𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔯 >
                                                  i feel Betrayed(tm)
                                                  haha lol jk thanks for calling me in lulz <3 <3

                                                  So come on, let's forget the emotion- tie the blinkers on
                                                  Hold both hands right over my eyes, deafen me with music
                                                  'Til we're lost in the heat of the moment, and I'm moving in you
                                                  Help me keep these hours alive, help me chase those seconds
                                                  Hold me in this wild, wild world, cause in your warmth I forget how cold it can be
                                                  And in your heat I feel how cold it can get (Now draw me close)

Cara Miakitty

Summer II
The Graveyard (Trash)

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