Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 5:35 pm
"well im your problem now"charls said as he looked up vichen looked at charles and said"oh just shut up"
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 5:41 pm
selena sighs a sigh of relife knowing now that it wouldnt kill her by drinking actdently "are sure haru she seems pretty warm ?" selena looks down at niara selena sigh and shakes her head " yes she needs stoping the red drinks maybe i should go out into the human market and buy her some other red drinks no and some food the kitchen is getting low " selena sighs and the told her in thought purely now becuase she didnt want niara to hear this " haru she been having nitemares of her human parents deing do you think it worng of me to ease them becase i found a recpice for that maybe it would help thing dont you think if she only remmbers us as her family what do you think haru ?"
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 5:49 pm
"Well at least someone agrees with me that he should shut he's mouth" she say's before sighing before waving her hand infront of herself and an image of Selenia appeared infront of her and image of herself appeared infront of Selenia. "She might just have a colg for all we know, wait and see what happens before you decide anything okay" Haru say's before smilling "You'll have to learn if you're to have her as you're human child Selenia"
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 5:53 pm
"and you wont believe it but lady akemi just loves him" charles turned in her lap and said"what is it that i could do to actualy make you like me?"his devil smile wwas there
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:05 pm
Flicking him in the forehead to shut him up she looks back at the image "you're going to have to wait and see and if it gets worse than contact me again okay" she say;s before looking at Charles "Please do not tempt me to push you off this dragon". Shaking her head she doesn't move he's from her lap. "I really can't believe it someone likes him"
(sorry g2g people see you tomorrows)
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:09 pm
charles stood up and said"i dont need this" and then jumped off of the ledge and started flying with fire coming from his legs and then said"i'll meet and see how snowball is doing he then flew infront of the dragon and petted its nose vichen then said"oh s**t hold on" the dragon then flew back and stood in the air and started to play with charles charles then kept a close eye to see weither or not she falls off of the dragon
Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 7:05 am
Sighing a bit Haru slides down until she was sitting right infront of it's back leg. Smirking to herself she brings her foot forward than back with all her strength. Having read up on these animals she hits a sensitive spot on the dragons leg which causes it some pain and gets it's attention also. "Much better" she say's with a smile.
Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 9:51 am
selena waves her hand and the image disappers and kept watch all nite long over niara to make sure that she couldnt get any worse but harus answer kpet resounding her selena ears "you're going to have to wait and see and if it gets worse than contact me again okay" selena sighs " i hope she doesnt get worse " selena moved the sweaty hair out her eyes
Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 11:57 am
i blew fire and howled andcovered its self in spike in a self defense and then said"what the hell"
Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 12:30 pm
"No, I didn't drink anything red. I drank some water...." she says. She then grimaces and starts coughing. She spits up a little bit of blood. "Mommy, is that good?" she asks before passing out on the bed.
Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 3:26 pm
selena see niara faint after hearing she drank water selena links to haru and her voice panicked " haru no she didnt drink anyblood she drank water and she just coffed up some blood and fainted ok haru whats should i do you the human expecter " selena sighs nevorus and worried about niara " haur do you think i should change her ?" selenma sighs and felt niaras head the fever had gotten worse "and the fever she had hadnt broken yet it only gotten worse "
Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 5:12 pm
Niara cannot catch her breath. She tries to breath, but can't. She gasps trying to catch her breath, but unable to. She is aware that Selena is there, but she can't reach her. She continues gasping, but then stops breathing altogether. ((cute dress Selena))
Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 5:28 pm
selena watch as her human daughter get the wind knocked out of her selena reach down for niara buecause she was reaching up for her but as soon as selena reach down niara stoped breatheing selena screams " NIARA ...... " but doesnt wake up selena starts crying i have no other choice selena heart her human daughter heart beat slowing to till it almost stop selena crys "i dont want to do this to you but your going to die other wise im sorry please forgive me for taking away your huamnity for which you can never get back " selena think to her self "think how would you do it master kayin has told you how to do it once before " then master kayins words folloed selena mind " drain them to the brink of death then pour blood into the mouth and it should take with in the second but then you have to have alots of blood on hand for the new bron vampire " selena she didnt have time for all that but selena sighed and turned her daugther head and bit into her neck and drank and drank until her heart almost stop beating then selena bit into her own wirst and pour blood into nairas mouth " come on niara come you cant die on me now i wont let you die i proism you "
Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 6:07 pm
Sighing Haru stands up a moment before and was standing easily on the dragon. "Now I know why dragons were supposed to have gone extinct a long time ago" she mumbles bfore hearing Selenia's call "Damn" she mumbles before watching through Selenia's eyes. "Since you've decided to change her make sure she has no internal wounds that could take a while to fix, if she does you're going to have to do something about it before she wakes up" Haru say's over to her before looking towards the dragons head "You things are always way to playful for you're own good"
Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 6:24 pm
selena kinda growls at haru " dont patrunize me i had no choice she was dieing and i had to do something to save her " selena glares " haru you think i want to take you humanity away from her at such a young age NO !!!!! but my hand was force it was either let her died as a human or make sure she lives forever as one of us i picked the less of the two evils !" selena shake her head " well what would you have done if you where here in my spot insead of me huh? " selena barked selena sighed "im sorry haru it just i feel so gulity and treible for changine her but the was no other opitino open to me shell almost never age and and " selena sighs " i guess it better that way for her " selena sighs " and no i dont think there anything spyhcaily worng with her intrunaly i think she just got some kinda human sickness that made her almost die and not she really did die but not she a vampire shes one of us !! as it should be"