Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 10:13 pm
Z, look what I read in Easily Angered ShopkeeperQuote: In Earth Bound, taking eggs and bananas from the Happy Happy Village's food stand without paying causes the Unassuming Local Guy watching over it to attack. However, said Local Guy is weak and easy to defeat and doesn't attack again if you beat him. * In a sort of meta-trope, pirating the Earth Bound game itself will enact an anti-piracy measure that makes the random encounters MUCH more frequent and MUCH more powerful in an attempt to make the game as un-fun as possible - not to mention that if you get to the final boss, the game crashes and deletes your save file. Good thing ROMS don;t count as pirating!
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 10:15 pm
TtheHero Z, look what I read in Easily Angered ShopkeeperQuote: In Earth Bound, taking eggs and bananas from the Happy Happy Village's food stand without paying causes the Unassuming Local Guy watching over it to attack. However, said Local Guy is weak and easy to defeat and doesn't attack again if you beat him. * In a sort of meta-trope, pirating the Earth Bound game itself will enact an anti-piracy measure that makes the random encounters MUCH more frequent and MUCH more powerful in an attempt to make the game as un-fun as possible - not to mention that if you get to the final boss, the game crashes and deletes your save file. Good thing ROMS don;t count as pirating! I remember seeing a video of that in action a while ago.
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 10:16 pm
xd PERFECT for the LOL House
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 10:23 pm
TtheHero xd PERFECT for the LOL House It's posted there now. The last post on the previous page is a bad place to leave it.
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 10:23 pm
This would've been extra funny if it actually happened. it's about the EB copy protect, but on the entry for Copy Protection.Quote: They missed a trick with that copy protection there, I reckon. Given that the final boss in this case is ,everyone's favourite, the ever-friendly face of Giygas, they could have made it so that the game freezes as a result of his first 'You Cannot Grasp The True Form' attack (he would hit you, the player, with something so incomprehensibly powerful that your savegames are killed). If you recall, you type in your full name when the game begins, so it would have been possible. It would have been a nifty case of juxtaposition as well, to boot! Given that this boss battle is one when with the characters praying to anyone who will listen for help, it is you, the player who answers the call and delivers the final series of crippling blows that defeat Giygas once and for all. Sadly, the game freezes directly after the introductory conversation ends and directly before you're given back control of the battle menu, so you don't actually get to trade any blows before the freeze occurs.
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 10:34 pm
TtheHero This would've been extra funny if it actually happened. it's about the EB copy protect, but on the entry for Copy Protection.Quote: They missed a trick with that copy protection there, I reckon. Given that the final boss in this case is ,everyone's favourite, the ever-friendly face of Giygas, they could have made it so that the game freezes as a result of his first 'You Cannot Grasp The True Form' attack (he would hit you, the player, with something so incomprehensibly powerful that your savegames are killed). If you recall, you type in your full name when the game begins, so it would have been possible. It would have been a nifty case of juxtaposition as well, to boot! Given that this boss battle is one when with the characters praying to anyone who will listen for help, it is you, the player who answers the call and delivers the final series of crippling blows that defeat Giygas once and for all. Sadly, the game freezes directly after the introductory conversation ends and directly before you're given back control of the battle menu, so you don't actually get to trade any blows before the freeze occurs. Now I wish they'd done that, and I don't even care to pirate the game. XD
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:18 pm
If you value your well-being, Never, EVER ******** with an Ursaring, ESPECIALLY during mating season.
Given the right instances, they have Energy Breath.
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:26 pm
Fish, Denko, Trenn, Wayne... Mods... The hall of the denied is the greatest thing I have ever and may ever come across. Thank you for making that. rofl
I am guild.
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:28 pm
Shane-Cheshner Fish, Denko, Trenn, Wayne... Mods... The hall of the denied is the greatest thing I have ever and may ever come across. Thank you for making that. rofl I am guild. I am thread in Gallery. Check it out.
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:32 pm
Ribbin Shane-Cheshner Fish, Denko, Trenn, Wayne... Mods... The hall of the denied is the greatest thing I have ever and may ever come across. Thank you for making that. rofl I am guild. I am thread in Gallery. Check it out. k Also before I forget, do you know of Hollywood Undead? (I think they're pretty good. Some of their stuff is annoying, but some of it's good.)
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:43 pm
I am 'eh' on Hollywood Undead. They have okay songs (See 'Young', 'Undead' was okay too.) But the rest of the s**t I've ******** terrible.
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:45 pm
They called the Red Mage's hat a 'Pimp Hat' xd
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:47 pm
Betman I am 'eh' on Hollywood Undead. They have okay songs (See 'Young', 'Undead' was okay too.) But the rest of the s**t I've ******** terrible. Exactly my opinion. Except I thought Undead was ******** incredible. Not lyrically, but sound-wise. And I like some of their other stuff (See "Sell Your Soul" or "City"). I have to hear the entire album nearly every day, so I pretty much know a s**t-ton about the band. Fun fact: their drummer actually drums for the songs.
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:53 pm
Futurama movies, I am disappoint.
Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 11:54 pm
=O O god Today is my 1000th day on gaia with this account. xd