Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:32 pm
Hashire Kazemeijin NintendOmega Hashire Kazemeijin NintendOmega Hashire Kazemeijin Zephyrkitty Have Gaia and the Nintendo Cult open in different tabs. But I like Gaia because the Cult's here, and I originally came to the Cult because it was in Gaia. I like them together. If they separated, both would lose a lot of entertainment value.How so? It would obviously be based on the gaia comment system, only the way it should have been done in the first place, not to mention us regulars would have a lot of influence in it's making. I say if it ever happens, it will inevitably be better than gaia. Well I'm attached to Gaia for it's avatar system. I like my chara designs, and the collection I've amassed over the two years I've been here. (Plus all my personal creations stored in my journal.) Without the avatar system, I'd probably very rarely show up at the cult site because I rarely have anything to say.Well that's what gaia is for. What this guild is for, is communication based around video games (foremost Nintendo). So a website for the cult would serve it's purpose well. Therein lies my problem. Very rarely do I post out of the Social Room. Most of my posts have nothing to do with the original purpose of the Cult. I stick to the Spam Can, Avi Battle, and various other non-game related threads. Not having an avatar system like Gaia would pretty much kill it for me.Well I'll certainly agree that gaia and the cult would be better than the cult standing alone, but if gaia ever sinks (and I'm sure it will happen) then we'll need a way to communicate. And no website would fit that requirement better than one made by us.
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:32 pm
Hashire Kazemeijin NintendOmega Hashire Kazemeijin NintendOmega Hashire Kazemeijin Zephyrkitty Have Gaia and the Nintendo Cult open in different tabs. But I like Gaia because the Cult's here, and I originally came to the Cult because it was in Gaia. I like them together. If they separated, both would lose a lot of entertainment value.How so? It would obviously be based on the gaia comment system, only the way it should have been done in the first place, not to mention us regulars would have a lot of influence in it's making. I say if it ever happens, it will inevitably be better than gaia. Well I'm attached to Gaia for it's avatar system. I like my chara designs, and the collection I've amassed over the two years I've been here. (Plus all my personal creations stored in my journal.) Without the avatar system, I'd probably very rarely show up at the cult site because I rarely have anything to say.Well that's what gaia is for. What this guild is for, is communication based around video games (foremost Nintendo). So a website for the cult would serve it's purpose well. Therein lies my problem. Very rarely do I post out of the Social Room. Most of my posts have nothing to do with the original purpose of the Cult. I stick to the Spam Can, Avi Battle, and various other non-game related threads. Not having an avatar system like Gaia would pretty much kill it for me.Agreed. Despite its flaws, Gaia holds a few attractions for me. Unfortunately, this is the only guild I post in. Seriously. Zkitty at least has a couple other spots to go to and avoid the rest of the site. Were the Cult to move, I'd be torn. I'd move with the Cult, but I would visit much less, because as oddly as it sounds, the avatar system and the EIs hold a certain attraction for me.
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:33 pm
Guys, we already tried a Cult website. It didn't work.
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:34 pm
NintendOmega Hashire Kazemeijin NintendOmega Hashire Kazemeijin NintendOmega How so? It would obviously be based on the gaia comment system, only the way it should have been done in the first place, not to mention us regulars would have a lot of influence in it's making. I say if it ever happens, it will inevitably be better than gaia. Well I'm attached to Gaia for it's avatar system. I like my chara designs, and the collection I've amassed over the two years I've been here. (Plus all my personal creations stored in my journal.) Without the avatar system, I'd probably very rarely show up at the cult site because I rarely have anything to say.Well that's what gaia is for. What this guild is for, is communication based around video games (foremost Nintendo). So a website for the cult would serve it's purpose well. Therein lies my problem. Very rarely do I post out of the Social Room. Most of my posts have nothing to do with the original purpose of the Cult. I stick to the Spam Can, Avi Battle, and various other non-game related threads. Not having an avatar system like Gaia would pretty much kill it for me.Well I'll certainly agree that gaia and the cult would be better than the cult standing alone, but if gaia ever sinks (and I'm sure it will happen) then we'll need a way to communicate. And no website would fit that requirement better than one made by us. There are other factors you've got to take into consideration, though. For instance, one of my friends had set up a forum using Freepowerboards. That was awesome, until the ads literally overran the site. You couldn't go anywhere without your loading page being interrupted by an ad page.
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:35 pm
Maxim_from_Lufia Guys, we already tried a Cult website. It didn't work. Why?
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:39 pm
NintendOmega Maxim_from_Lufia Guys, we already tried a Cult website. It didn't work. Why? Many of us were still attached to the charm of the old website, I guess. That and people were constantly bitching. "Ahh, this is the worst April fool's joke ever!"
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:40 pm
Wantcookie Hashire Kazemeijin NintendOmega Hashire Kazemeijin NintendOmega How so? It would obviously be based on the gaia comment system, only the way it should have been done in the first place, not to mention us regulars would have a lot of influence in it's making. I say if it ever happens, it will inevitably be better than gaia. Well I'm attached to Gaia for it's avatar system. I like my chara designs, and the collection I've amassed over the two years I've been here. (Plus all my personal creations stored in my journal.) Without the avatar system, I'd probably very rarely show up at the cult site because I rarely have anything to say.Well that's what gaia is for. What this guild is for, is communication based around video games (foremost Nintendo). So a website for the cult would serve it's purpose well. Therein lies my problem. Very rarely do I post out of the Social Room. Most of my posts have nothing to do with the original purpose of the Cult. I stick to the Spam Can, Avi Battle, and various other non-game related threads. Not having an avatar system like Gaia would pretty much kill it for me.Agreed. Despite its flaws, Gaia holds a few attractions for me. Unfortunately, this is the only guild I post in. Seriously. Zkitty at least has a couple other spots to go to and avoid the rest of the site. Were the Cult to move, I'd be torn. I'd move with the Cult, but I would visit much less, because as oddly as it sounds, the avatar system and the EIs hold a certain attraction for me. This.
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:42 pm
Maxim_from_Lufia NintendOmega Maxim_from_Lufia Guys, we already tried a Cult website. It didn't work. Why? Many of us were still attached to the charm of the old website, I guess. That an people were constantly bitching. "Ahh, this is the worst April fool's joke ever!"April fools? s**t But to respond to the black text; again, I'm only saying "If gaia dies here's what should happen."
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:43 pm
Zephyrkitty Wantcookie Hashire Kazemeijin NintendOmega Hashire Kazemeijin NintendOmega How so? It would obviously be based on the gaia comment system, only the way it should have been done in the first place, not to mention us regulars would have a lot of influence in it's making. I say if it ever happens, it will inevitably be better than gaia. Well I'm attached to Gaia for it's avatar system. I like my chara designs, and the collection I've amassed over the two years I've been here. (Plus all my personal creations stored in my journal.) Without the avatar system, I'd probably very rarely show up at the cult site because I rarely have anything to say.Well that's what gaia is for. What this guild is for, is communication based around video games (foremost Nintendo). So a website for the cult would serve it's purpose well. Therein lies my problem. Very rarely do I post out of the Social Room. Most of my posts have nothing to do with the original purpose of the Cult. I stick to the Spam Can, Avi Battle, and various other non-game related threads. Not having an avatar system like Gaia would pretty much kill it for me.Agreed. Despite its flaws, Gaia holds a few attractions for me. Unfortunately, this is the only guild I post in. Seriously. Zkitty at least has a couple other spots to go to and avoid the rest of the site. Were the Cult to move, I'd be torn. I'd move with the Cult, but I would visit much less, because as oddly as it sounds, the avatar system and the EIs hold a certain attraction for me. This. Seconded.
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:45 pm
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:46 pm
xd T
And we were having a heated conversation.
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:46 pm
TtheHero BAM! LOOK AT THAT BACON SIZZLE. That was my first thought when people started talking about swine flu. XD
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:47 pm
Stupid Gaia and its trapping my comrades.
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:47 pm
NintendOmega xd T And we were having a heated conversation. rofl I just broke a combo didn;t I?
Anyhoo, I hear you all and I'd say that I've grown attached to this place as well.
Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 5:48 pm
NintendOmega Maxim_from_Lufia NintendOmega Maxim_from_Lufia Guys, we already tried a Cult website. It didn't work. Why? Many of us were still attached to the charm of the old website, I guess. That an people were constantly bitching. "Ahh, this is the worst April fool's joke ever!"April fools? s**t But to respond to the black text; again, I'm only saying "If gaia dies here's what should happen." I think if Gaia died, the Cult would probably die with it. People are really attached to things like avatars.
Even if we do complain about Gaia and their gimmicks.