Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:50 pm
teh_n00b_huntr Owwin teh_n00b_huntr Owwin teh_n00b_huntr wait what? seriously? that's no fair >=U it took me forever to get pokerus in diamond and now in plat there might be a cave filled with pokerus unowns gonk No it was in Diamond, but I was wondering it it was in every game or just a freak coincidence. were they in your party or did they go into the PC? and how many of them were there? It was only the ones on the bottom floor, and they were sent to the PC. I know D was one of them. well it would only have been the D unown type then since those are the only ones present in the last room. @J: Pokerus is a virus that infects pokemon and doubles EV gains, it is only infectious until midnight in the game however but once a pokemon has been infected the double EV bonus remains. EV= Experience value? Also that sounds awesome. How does a pokemon get it?
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:50 pm
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:52 pm
J of The Wind EV= Experience value? Also that sounds awesome. How does a pokemon get it? Effort values, and tehy get it by being in a party with a Pokemon with the infectious form of the virus.
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:52 pm
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:53 pm
I think I'm going to sell my demon horns...
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:54 pm
Zephyrkitty teh_n00b_huntr Owwin teh_n00b_huntr Owwin teh_n00b_huntr wait what? seriously? that's no fair >=U it took me forever to get pokerus in diamond and now in plat there might be a cave filled with pokerus unowns gonk No it was in Diamond, but I was wondering it it was in every game or just a freak coincidence. were they in your party or did they go into the PC? and how many of them were there? It was only the ones on the bottom floor, and they were sent to the PC. I know D was one of them. well it would only have been the D unown type then since those are the only ones present in the last room. @J: Pokerus is a virus that infects pokemon and doubles EV gains, it is only infectious until midnight in the game however but once a pokemon has been infected the double EV bonus remains. Can't it spread if they were all in the PC together? the pokerus virus can only be spread while pokemon are in your party, when in the PC the virus is put on hold, just like the pokemon's happiness level and other invisible things
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:56 pm
teh_n00b_huntr Zephyrkitty teh_n00b_huntr Owwin teh_n00b_huntr were they in your party or did they go into the PC? and how many of them were there? It was only the ones on the bottom floor, and they were sent to the PC. I know D was one of them. well it would only have been the D unown type then since those are the only ones present in the last room. @J: Pokerus is a virus that infects pokemon and doubles EV gains, it is only infectious until midnight in the game however but once a pokemon has been infected the double EV bonus remains. Can't it spread if they were all in the PC together? the pokerus virus can only be spread while pokemon are in your party, when in the PC the virus is put on hold, just like the pokemon's happiness level and other invisible things Ah. That is extremely good luck, then.
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:01 pm
.esrever ni looc s'dnuos cisum elttaB s'L&M
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:05 pm
Goodbye horns...
Hello Demon cat! 8D
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:12 pm
teh_n00b_huntr Zephyrkitty teh_n00b_huntr Owwin teh_n00b_huntr were they in your party or did they go into the PC? and how many of them were there? It was only the ones on the bottom floor, and they were sent to the PC. I know D was one of them. well it would only have been the D unown type then since those are the only ones present in the last room. @J: Pokerus is a virus that infects pokemon and doubles EV gains, it is only infectious until midnight in the game however but once a pokemon has been infected the double EV bonus remains. Can't it spread if they were all in the PC together? the pokerus virus can only be spread while pokemon are in your party, when in the PC the virus is put on hold, just like the pokemon's happiness level and other invisible things Also only spreads to the Pokes in the party slot next to the infected 'mon, with a 1/3 chance of spreading per turn taken in a battle. So draw out the fights as long as yu can if yu're trying to spread it.
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:13 pm
I changed the sound my Recycle Bin makes when I empty it.
Now it performs a Wario Waft each time!
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:14 pm
I'm in my new house now. =o
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:15 pm
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:17 pm
Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:17 pm
Hey, Cult. Remember when I was bitching about the Aztecs vs. Spain Trial I had to defense lawyer for? Now I get to Prosecution-Witness for Hiroshima+Nagasaki vs. Harry Truman. I thought I knew all the horrors of an atomic bomb before. I was wrong. gonk