Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:19 pm
Red Toxic Indulge [In Words] Red Toxic Dieu de Musique @indulge aw, that was sad but I don't really keep up with the series, so I don't care that much XD I really hated that teacher chick XP Sirius dieing? ;-; I've read every book atleast 5 times. Dolores Jane Umbridge? [Toldyouu. >>;;]
Haha, I HATED her. @ both- Cheeya. ;____; Sirius was the shitz of the series, seriously.
el oh el. Markers' and I call her Dolores UmiBitch. >D
I freaking adored Padfoot. <4325676 Hahaa. That's an awesome name. Did you notice, that in her office, the little persian kitten went to go tell her when Harry, Ron, and Hermione were in there?Me too! <3456789
Oh yea. *shivers* Those kitties are frickin' creeepppyyy~ I wish they had gone a bit deeper into that part, since it's really actually a bit funny in the book.... All the other DA members stand guard outside and start singing "Weasley is Our King" if someone comes near. xD
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:19 pm
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:20 pm
x3 thisismysn x3 TMMann17 wow my computer just unexpectedly restarted on me. sweatdrop It must be because all technology hates you.
Either that or because it's slow & old.pfft not the second option. this is my new computer.
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:20 pm
[Noi] Only for items and such. Not fer avy art or signs~
Of course I'm not gonna give the 150k to someone who gives me 100 different 100g items. ._.; Well it'd be kind of silly to spend 160k worth of items on you just to win 150k xp I'll probably just end up sending you arts 3nodding (even if it's not very good) @Bart: It's ok. You just need more blue items 3nodding
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:21 pm
BartDude BubblewrapWaffle BartDude Timsn knows that I was just kidding. BTW: she even said she failed. Do I get into your business and flame you? Tssh. Haha, calm down, that really wasn't meant as a flame x3 sorry if it seemed that way! Sorry if I sound like a total a**. Dont worry, you didnt ^^; I shouldnt really jump into others convos like that sweatdrop
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:21 pm
TMMann17 x3 thisismysn x3 TMMann17 wow my computer just unexpectedly restarted on me. sweatdrop It must be because all technology hates you.
Either that or because it's slow & old.pfft not the second option. this is my new computer. O.o Since when did you get a new computer?
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:22 pm
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:23 pm
x3 thisismysn x3 TMMann17 x3 thisismysn x3 TMMann17 wow my computer just unexpectedly restarted on me. sweatdrop It must be because all technology hates you.
Either that or because it's slow & old.pfft not the second option. this is my new computer. O.o Since when did you get a new computer?haha sense before my birthday so it can hold my cad system
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:23 pm
Indulge [In Words] Red Toxic Indulge [In Words] Red Toxic Dieu de Musique @indulge aw, that was sad but I don't really keep up with the series, so I don't care that much XD I really hated that teacher chick XP Sirius dieing? ;-; I've read every book atleast 5 times. Dolores Jane Umbridge? [Toldyouu. >>;;]
Haha, I HATED her. @ both- Cheeya. ;____; Sirius was the shitz of the series, seriously.
el oh el. Markers' and I call her Dolores UmiBitch. >D
I freaking adored Padfoot. <4325676 Hahaa. That's an awesome name. Did you notice, that in her office, the little persian kitten went to go tell her when Harry, Ron, and Hermione were in there?Me too! <3456789
Oh yea. *shivers* Those kitties are frickin' creeepppyyy~ I wish they had gone a bit deeper into that part, since it's really actually a bit funny in the book.... All the other DA members stand guard outside and start singing "Weasley is Our King" if someone comes near. xD Yeah! I know.. 3 "Weaassssslley is our Kinnnnggg. No matter how frighteennned he getsss.." Haha. I made that up. ;P >>;;
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:24 pm
TMMann17 haha sense before my birthday so it can hold my cad system Wow. Apparently I haven't been to your house in a looooong time. Last time I was over it was when your sister was barely pregggoo Hockey game maybe?
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:25 pm
x3 thisismysn x3 [Noi] Only for items and such. Not fer avy art or signs~
Of course I'm not gonna give the 150k to someone who gives me 100 different 100g items. ._.; Well it'd be kind of silly to spend 160k worth of items on you just to win 150k xp I'll probably just end up sending you arts 3nodding (even if it's not very good) @Bart: It's ok. You just need more blue items 3nodding Yep. 3nodding
@Bubba: <3
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:25 pm
ninja heart heart heart cool
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:26 pm
` mysn and waffle -
That's not what I mean though. xD;
I mean, the items don't HAVE to be high quality. I'll take store items and such as gifts too. The only thing I'm not accepting item-wise is a whole bunch of low quality items as an obvious attempt to get the gold.
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:26 pm
x3 thisismysn x3 TMMann17 haha sense before my birthday so it can hold my cad system Wow. Apparently I haven't been to your house in a looooong time. Last time I was over it was when your sister was barely pregggoo Hockey game maybe?oooh gosh i know. its craaaazyyy.
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:26 pm
Red Toxic ninja heart heart heart cool ninja heart heart heart heart surprised