Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:01 pm
Owwin Wantcookie Owwin What are you doing here, you should all be buying Henry Hatsworth. My god, that's such a ridiculously awesome game. It just isn't fair. I haven't had this much fun on a handheld since Super Mario Land 2 and 3. Why aren't more games this awesome. The sheer amount of Britishisms is hilarious. xd
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:01 pm
Allegro Hashire Kazemeijin Allegro Hashire Kazemeijin So how long do yu plan on dressing up like Gary? Plan? lol Fine then. How long are yu going to stay dressed like Gary?Clearly you're missing the point. I think I might get said point. I'm just refusing to call yu Gary, as opposed to dressed like him, if that is indeed the point.
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:04 pm
OHGOD Castle Valet Darach bows before you begin. I don't think there's any way I can contend with that.
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:04 pm
Zephyrkitty Owwin What are you doing here, you should all be buying Henry Hatsworth. I don't have any money. emo Go rob somebody haven;t videogames taught you anything?
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:06 pm
How have you all been?
Me... good, Trolling RL is fun, ever do it?
So last like... 2 nights ago we wen't to see Wolverine in theater (or when ever star-trek came out) and to start things off, seeing your teachers in line dressed as star-trek character is creepy as ********, anyways onwards with the story, ok so my friends Alex, Evan, Kirkley and I all go to the movies and at the end of wolverine we dared my friend or I to do something stupid, so my line was going to be to yell "GREYFOX!" really loud but no... he stole all the glory, he stands up and in a mildyly loud voice (like not yelling but the whole theater could hear) "That was the WORST star-trek movie EVER, when the hell did Captian Kirk get claws?", needless to say the whole audience luled and so did we... trolling RL, we did it... and its still better then the time we blared "Never gonna give you up" at a intersection red light or played 2F2F suprise-chip...
so yea... thats what I been doing... anyways.... sup cult?
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:06 pm
Hashire Kazemeijin Allegro Hashire Kazemeijin Allegro Hashire Kazemeijin So how long do yu plan on dressing up like Gary? Plan? lol Fine then. How long are yu going to stay dressed like Gary?Clearly you're missing the point. I think I might get said point. I'm just refusing to call yu Gary, as opposed to dressed like him, if that is indeed the point....No, I don't need to pretend to be someone else, I'm comfortable with who I am. I'll put it simply: I. Don't. Care. About. Avatars.
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:08 pm
Owwin Zephyrkitty Owwin What are you doing here, you should all be buying Henry Hatsworth. I don't have any money. emo Go rob somebody haven;t videogames taught you anything? I don't have enough points in Sneak yet. I need to levelgrind some more.
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:11 pm
Allegro Hashire Kazemeijin Allegro Hashire Kazemeijin Allegro Hashire Kazemeijin So how long do yu plan on dressing up like Gary? Plan? lol Fine then. How long are yu going to stay dressed like Gary?Clearly you're missing the point. I think I might get said point. I'm just refusing to call yu Gary, as opposed to dressed like him, if that is indeed the point....No, I don't need to pretend to be someone else, I'm comfortable with who I am. I'll put it simply: I. Don't. Care. About. Avatars. derp
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:12 pm
Meta_Fish Allegro Hashire Kazemeijin Allegro Hashire Kazemeijin Fine then. How long are yu going to stay dressed like Gary? Clearly you're missing the point. I think I might get said point. I'm just refusing to call yu Gary, as opposed to dressed like him, if that is indeed the point....No, I don't need to pretend to be someone else, I'm comfortable with who I am. I'll put it simply: I. Don't. Care. About. Avatars. derp hay fish ur an oldbie cn i hav glodz
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:14 pm
Allegro Hashire Kazemeijin Allegro Hashire Kazemeijin Allegro Hashire Kazemeijin So how long do yu plan on dressing up like Gary? Plan? lol Fine then. How long are yu going to stay dressed like Gary?Clearly you're missing the point. I think I might get said point. I'm just refusing to call yu Gary, as opposed to dressed like him, if that is indeed the point....No, I don't need to pretend to be someone else, I'm comfortable with who I am. I'll put it simply: I. Don't. Care. About. Avatars. For shame. For shame.
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:15 pm
Hashire Kazemeijin Allegro Hashire Kazemeijin Allegro Hashire Kazemeijin Fine then. How long are yu going to stay dressed like Gary? Clearly you're missing the point. I think I might get said point. I'm just refusing to call yu Gary, as opposed to dressed like him, if that is indeed the point....No, I don't need to pretend to be someone else, I'm comfortable with who I am. I'll put it simply: I. Don't. Care. About. Avatars. For shame. For shame.It's sad that you can say that with conviction. xd
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:20 pm
Allegro Hashire Kazemeijin Allegro Hashire Kazemeijin Allegro Hashire Kazemeijin Fine then. How long are yu going to stay dressed like Gary? Clearly you're missing the point. I think I might get said point. I'm just refusing to call yu Gary, as opposed to dressed like him, if that is indeed the point....No, I don't need to pretend to be someone else, I'm comfortable with who I am. I'll put it simply: I. Don't. Care. About. Avatars. For shame. For shame.It's sad that you can say that with conviction. xd xd Hash, 'Legro's comment is exactly as astounding as "I don't give a ******** about fashion." I'm beginning to wonder, Hash. xd
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:21 pm
Wantcookie Allegro Hashire Kazemeijin Allegro Hashire Kazemeijin I think I might get said point. I'm just refusing to call yu Gary, as opposed to dressed like him, if that is indeed the point. ...No, I don't need to pretend to be someone else, I'm comfortable with who I am. I'll put it simply: I. Don't. Care. About. Avatars. For shame. For shame.It's sad that you can say that with conviction. xd xd Hash, 'Legro's comment is exactly as astounding as "I don't give a ******** about fashion." I'm beginning to wonder, Hash. xd Yea, why are we shaming Allegro for not caring about his avatar? >_> I mean, we've seen how often I've been changing mine lately. xD
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:22 pm
Wantcookie xd Hash, 'Legro's comment is exactly as astounding as "I don't give a ******** about fashion." I'm beginning to wonder, Hash. xd It's more like, "I don't place fashion over the interactions I can have." Gaia is about the people, not the pixels.
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 3:24 pm
Allegro Wantcookie xd Hash, 'Legro's comment is exactly as astounding as "I don't give a ******** about fashion." I'm beginning to wonder, Hash. xd It's more like, "I don't place afshion over the interactions I can have." Gaia is about the people, not the pixels. You're right, and it's funny how often people seem to lose sight of that, myself included.