Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:07 pm
((Yipes!!! cry ))
Jaime smiled. "Yea...I am," he said simply. In response to his question, he had to think for a second. "I suppose...that I guess if she were to be with someone, I'd rather her be with someone I trusted." He looked over and gave Darren a weak smile as he opened the door of the poolhouse for Darren.
Dimitri smiled. "Thanks. And you can still call me Rowdy if you want," he said warmly. "I kind of got accustomed to it," he added with a chuckle before giving Derrick a noogie.
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:15 pm
Darren walked in, "Thank you kindly." he said playfulyl since Jaime had opened the door before going to their other topic. "Would you rather she be with no one?" he asked, chuckling in amusement.
Derrick was relieved to hear this..it felt odd using the other name. "Thanks, Row." He felt himself being given a noogie and tried to laugh, except that it came out as a playful growl. Derrick stopped, blinking in surprise, "Well that was unexpected." he said simply, seeming thoughtful for a moment before looking back up at Dimitri. "So if your rival trapped you..what happened to your original body?"
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:21 pm
Jaime chuckled entering the poolhouse behind Darren, closing the door behind them. "She's my baby sister," he said. "She's supposed to be a nun." He nudged Darren playfully with his elbow.
Dimitri chuckled at the growl, but went more somber at Derrick's questions. "I wish I knew," he said with a sigh. "I've been trying to find out, and in my search, that's when I met you."
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:28 pm
Darren crinkled his noise and mock-shuddered, "Scariest nun there ever could be." As he was nudged, he grinned and poked Jaime in the side, tickling him a little bit.
Derrick considered this and nodded, before blinking as a drop of water landed on his nose. He looked upwards and saw that it was raining. Anytime it rained, he'd always taken Rowdy to the part so that they could run together in the rain..if he was going to be Rowdy for a time..well as they say, 'when in Rome'.. Derrick squirmed in Dimitri's arms, "Leggo, I wanna run with you." he said with a doggish grin. "This time I'll be running circles around you."
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:35 pm
Jaime narrowed his eyes playfully as he was tickled. Rough housing a bit, Jaime jokingly pushed Darren against the wall in the pool house. "Now are you sure you want to keep doing that?" he said, moving closer to Darren with a sly grin. "I might not do this anymore..." he said before kissing Darren passionately again.
Dimitri smiled, happy to see Derrick wasn't taking things too hard. "Alright, alright," he said with a playful exaggeration. He set Derrick on the ground as he stood, and immediately took off running, stretching his once again human legs.
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:51 pm
Darren watched him narrow his eyes and then push at him. He chuckled, and then raised a brow at the grin only to have his lips caught in a passionate kiss that he returned fully, wrapping his arms around Jaime's waist.
Derrick was a dog, he was resigned to it if only for Dimitri's sake and for the moment it was a new experience..he missed his body..but Dimitri had always been there for him, hadn't he? So Derrick could spare some time as a human for his sake. Derrick grinned at him and then chased after him, "You are so going down!" he called after the other, gaining use of his legs quickly.
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 3:05 pm
Jaime ran his fingers through Darren's hair as he kissed him with all the passion and love for him that he had inside.
Dimitri was finally getting used to his human legs again when he heard Derrick's comment from behind. "You wish!" he called back playfully, knowing full well that Derrick would be able to catch up to him in no time.
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 3:19 pm
Darren felt himself being kissed passionately and smiled into the kiss. He wanted to tell Jaime the words on his tongue, that he loved the other..but was now, in the pool house, really the best time to confess his love?
Derrick heard him call back and grinned, going faster. But he hadn’t been as excellent at his new form as he thought and he misstepped, tripping and somersaulting before landing upside down. “Ow! How did you ever run so fast, Rowdy?”
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 3:35 pm
Jaime moved his kisses down to Darren's neck again as he moved his hands down Darren's back. It was taking every fiber of his being to hold back and not yet tell Darren that he loved him. He wanted everything to be perfect...but then again...they were together, alone, kissing passionately. How much more perfect could it get?
Dimitri looked back when he heard Derrick's painful noise. Stopping immediately, he ran back to Derrick, looking at him sympathetically. Picking him up off the ground and holding him on his back, he rubbed Derrick's belly lightly. "Years of practice," he said with a weak smile.
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:19 pm
(Cute updates! *givez you a cookie* <3)
Darren felt kisses being moved to his neck and inhaled, body alive with sensation. And then he couldn't help it any longer. "Jaime.." Darren tilted Jaime's face back to him with a hand, looking in his eyes as he said softly, "I love you." and kissed him.
Derrick felt himself being picked up and held on his back. It was kind of unnerving, knowing how easily he could be held, how weak this body was. That was a feeling he didn't like, but he steeled himself for it..surely he wouldn't be stuck like this more than a week or two..right?
At that, he brought his snout forward to nuzzle against Dimitri's hand, "No more practice. You won't have to be anyone's dog anymore, Rowdy." As an afterthought, he gave a doggish grin, "Unless you're into that sorta thing." he said teasingly.
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:27 pm
Jaime felt his face being pulled back, and looked in Darren's eyes when he said the three words he so wanted to hear. After the kiss, he pulled away and looked at the floor. "Dammit, Darren," he said, looking back at him seriously and shaking his head. "You beat me to it," he said as a smirk crossed his face before he moved in to kiss him fiercely once again.
Dimitri kept rubbing Derrick's stomach and chest. As he was being nuzzled, a warm smile crossed Dimitri's face. He wondered if it felt that comforting when he did that to Derrick. Rubbing him behind the ears gently for the first comment, he couldn't help but laugh at the second. "No, I prefer humans, thanks," he said, tugging Derrick's ear playfully.
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:35 pm
(O-o She looks like a pirate/zorro/jedi/tavern wench that reminds me of V! (*all very good things) ^__^)
Darren watched the other shaking his head as he pulled away, and Darren grinned at the words only to be caught in a fierce kiss. The grin melted as he melted into the kiss, enjoying every moment as he brought his arms to the other's waist again and held him close.
Derrick watched the warm smile crossing the face that was his, although Dimitri had it at the moment. "I'll bet." he chuckled, blinking in surprise before giving a playful growl that constituted laughter. Having the ear tug turned on him was..kinda nice. It was familiar in a way, even though he'd always been the one doing it. "Hey..how long will I be this way, Row? It shouldn't take more than a couple weeks to find a body right?"
Theoretically, a gross understatement. They'd need to choose a body that could stay close to Derrick, one preferrably that wasn't a bum, one who deserved his body taken, and probably someone with less family or friends to recognize the difference..aside from health things, because getting a body with a terminal illness or deformity would defeat the purpose..there was a lot of thought, and a month was likely the very least it would take. And that was if they were very, very lucky.
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:44 pm
((Sweet! I was going for a Dread Pirate Roberts- the female version...lol. but I heart V!!! So that makes me happy))
Jaime grinned into the kiss, but that faded into strong love and desire for Darren. He had loved Darren for years, and now...to know that he felt the same way...it made Jaime feel like he was on cloud 9.
Dimitri was enjoying the time with Derrick. He was laughing, but grew quiet at his question. "I wish I could give you an exact timeframe," he said sadly. "But I promise...I'll move as quickly as possible and get you back where you belong ASAP." He bent down and kissed Derrick's forehead, rubbing him behind the ears.
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:50 pm
(DREAD PIRATE ROBERTS! AH!!!!!!!!!!!!! *loveeeeeeeeee* o_O yay! ^__^ V is purplenezz <3)
Darren kissed Jaime for another moment, the heady feeling nearly overtaking him before he pulled away a little, eyes darkened with lust and love. "Mmm..I could do this all day..but someone just had to go and ask for a double date." he teased, kissing Jaime's nose and then near his lip..and then trailing down to Jaime's neck.
Derrick heard this and his ears drooped a little. "You wouldn't keep me this way, would you?" he heard himself asking and almost couldn't believe he'd asked it..it wasn't that he didn't trust Dimitri..but then again, this was a man he knew nothing about..he knew Rowdy, not Dimitri..and it was Dimitri he was asking.
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:56 pm
((Hehe! Princess Bride is my flavorite movie ever biggrin And I agree on V))
Jaime smiled as Darren kissed his neck, his eyes rolling back a bit. "Yea, I should really kick my butt for that one," he said softly. "We can always pick up where we leave off later," he said, pressing his body against Darren's as his neck was being kissed.
Dimitri stopped in his tracks at Derrick's question. He held him so he could look in Derrick's eyes better. "I promise you...here and now...I will not keep you like this. You will have your body back. I promise you as your best friend...I love you and wouldn't do that to you, Derrick," he said, becoming softer at the end.