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Dedicated Seeker

PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2011 10:18 pm
Daniel looked over at Elenore when she laughed. He smiled weakly. She had a nice laugh. When she said that her thoughts weren't happy, he frowned before listening as she explained. Ruggles. Yeah. That guy was creepy, even to Daniel. He wasn't sure that Ruggles swung both ways but he found it better to be safe than sorry and just tried to avoid the man altogether. He'd found in the past that that was the best thing to do with people like Ruggles, even if their sexuality wasn't in question. Manipulative, calculating people. He wasn't like that. He could be in he wanted to but he found a more direct approach refreshing and less time-wasting.

When she told him that she thought she'd taken a couple of days off, and pointed out that he'd already called in sick for them, he grinned. He'd completely forgotten about that. Well, he might just do the same thing. It would give him some time to get some building done and the office couldn't exactly hunt him down to see if he was actually sick because they didn't know where he lived. He valued his privacy and had told them as such. Because he'd been the only person to apply for the job, they hadn't pushed him.

At her question on his thoughts, he didn't answer right away. What could he say? 'Oh yeah, I was just thinking about how I used to steal cars but not from people who could kill me and about your favorite things.' Yeah, that would go over real well. So, he settled with a simple "You." It was short, sweet and to the point. If she wanted him to elaborate, he was more than willing to. It wasn't like he was thinking of anything inappropriate so he was safe in that regard. He'd been caught out on that once. A woman he'd been seeing -as in, trying to get to sleep with him but not emotionally attached with- had been having dinner with him. As per usual at that time in his life, his mind had been in the gutter. When she'd asked him what he was thinking about, he'd panicked and frozen. She had, of course, assumed the worst, which was actually right, and stormed out after lecturing him. He'd had quite a time explaining that one to his neighbor.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 5:38 pm
To be honest, she wouldn't be surprised if Ruggles preyed upon every single co-worker in the building, or at least those that attracted him. Sighing, she leaned back in the seat and glanced over at him to see him frowning as he continued to drive. She resisted the urge to reach out and brush her finger tips against his cheek. She didn't want to destroy what they had. Looking away from him and back at the window as she waited for him to answer her question.

Her eyes returned to him when she heard his response, a small smile tugging at her lips wondering if he was thinking that she was some crazy lunatic. Some people thought that about her because of the decisions she made in life but in the end she didn't care. "Mind if I ask what exactly?" it was nice to know someone else was thinking about her for once and hopefully had good thoughts, not ones of hatred or spite. Elenore turned her head back towards the road though her eyes lingered on him for a moment longer.

Looking back on the few days that had gone by since she had known him, it was kind of strange how she had warmed up to him so quickly but then it all made sense. He had saved her from Ruggles and he had brought her kid back home safely. Taking in a deep breath she was glad that it was warm in the truck now, she didn't think she wanted to get out once they reached her car.. after all she was completely comfortable being here.



Dedicated Seeker

PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:32 pm
Daniel was aware of Elenore's eyes on him before he gave her his answer. He wasn't sure whether that was a good thing, a bad thing or simply a thing. He often looked at people when waiting for an answer from them, right? It was natural when having a conversation, especially if he wasn't the one driving. Not that he could remember the last time he'd ever been a passenger in a car but that was beside the point.

When he gave her his answer, he glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, smiling back at her when he saw her smile. She had such a gorgeous smile. At her question, he thought for a moment before slowly nodding. "Just wondering things," he told her. "Wondering what your favorite things might be. Animal, color, season. Stuff like that." He was sure that most people, especially men, wouldn't have admitted it and certainly not so openly but he didn't care. In all honesty, he did care what Elenore thought of him. Well, Elenore and the kids. And, though he'd never admit it aloud, Michael. The rest of the world could get f**ked for all he cared.

It was so odd, he realized, how quickly he had grown attached to Elenore and her kids. Certainly, he was attached more to Elenore but that was only because he spent most of the time around her rather than the little ones though he would be interested to learn more about them. He'd always liked kids, a fact that most people who knew him couldn't understand. Kids were blunt and open. He liked that. The world would have been a better place if everyone was more like kids. And kids were gullible. That was always good for a laugh, if there was nothing else to do.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 9:49 pm
Seeing him smile back, she couldn't help but feel happy. He had one of those nice smiles.. that made her forget about the world around her, even if it was just for a moment. Hearing his response, she glanced over at him. Honestly, she treasured that in a person. When was the last time she had gotten asked what her favorite color was? That would be mother's day when Deserai had wanted to make a card for her as a surprise. It had been a sweet little action and at the moment it was up on the fridge, held there by magnets. She had a few of Grace's and Nicolas' pictures up there as well.

"Hmm.. well my favorite color would have have to be blue." which was probably why she loved blue eyes and Daniel happened to have a pair. "Animal..." she paused, having to think about it for a moment. "Wolf." she didn't know why she was telling him all of this besides the fact that he had been wondering about it. "My favorite season would have to be fall.. or winter. It's a tie between the two." looking at him again, she really wished she could spend more time with him and perhaps the trip would take longer than she thought it would.. but then again Grace was at home.

"What about you?" she asked, curious now that she had spilled her favorite things out to him. If she knew him better she would love spending her little vacation with him as well. Perhaps she would go to the beach, she hadn't been there in ages and taking the kids with her wouldn't be such a bad idea. Nicolas would probably be happy about that as well. Deserai had only been there once and that had been about three years ago. That had been the last time she had gone as well.



Dedicated Seeker

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:52 pm
Daniel listened as Elenore answered his unasked questions though kept his eyes on the road. He knew the dangers of taking eyes off the road. He'd never been in a car accident himself but he'd seen the results that such actions could cause. They weren't pretty and he wouldn't endanger Elenore like that. She had too much to live for. She had kids to look after.

He smiled when he found out her favorite color was blue. He'd always loved the blue of the sky. It had always seemed so peaceful for reasons he couldn't understand. At her favorite animal, he nodded slowly. He didn't personally like wolves but that was only because he'd often felt like a rabbit among wolves before he'd straightened out his life. At her favorite season, he right out frowned. Fall and winter had never been good times for him, ever.

When she asked about him, he had to think for a moment before he could answer. "Blue, especially sky blue. I've always loved the color of the sky on a clear day." He paused again. "Favorite animal... Bobcat, as much as for what it is as for what it symbolizes." Ever since he'd left home and moved out to the country -where he only went into town to steal things he needed- he'd had an interest in animal symbolism. Personally, he felt he could relate with the bobcat the most. "And my favorite season is late spring, early summer. When it's warm enough to be comfortable in short and t-shirts but before the really hot weather sets in." That had always been the easiest weather to live with when he'd been without a home.

It was funny, he thought. She knew more about him after knowing him for under a week than most people who have known him -or known of him- for months, even years. Then again, how many of them had asked him questions outright?
PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:25 pm
From what she had seen so far, Daniel was actually a safe driver. Most people were impatient when behind the wheel but he seemed.. calm? Elenore could relax in the car with him driving and that was saying a lot, she rarely trusted someone enough that she didn't have her full attention on the road. Listening to his response, she glanced over at him. Blue was definitely a nice color.

Bobcat, not a bad choice. Elenore liked all animals, it didn't even matter if they were slimy but she did tend to like the furrier ones more, though snakes were pretty cool as well. Symbolizes? To be honest, she had no idea what a bobcat symbolized but now she was curious. His choice was weather was different from hers, everyone had their preferences though. "Mind if I ask what a bobcat symbolizes?" she asked, eagerly awaiting an answer.

She loved learning about people if they let her, especially people she.. She stopped her train of thought. Again her mind was going down that same path and she wasn't sure what to do about it. Yes, she did have feelings for him but what were the chances of them actually being together? Sighing, she dismissed those thoughts despite the fact that part of her still wanted to think about what could be. How could she daydream when she had three kids to feed?

Why not though? Everyone could daydream, couldn't they? Would it change anything? No, not unless she acted on it but she didn't want to ruin a friendship if it turned out badly.



Dedicated Seeker

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:59 pm
He kept his eyes trained firmly on the road but, when Elenore asked what the bobcat symbolizes, Daniel glanced over at her before looking back ahead. Would she think him weird that his liked such an animal so much? Would she ask him why he liked those qualities? He hoped not. He couldn't lie to her. But if he told her the truth, she would keep pushing, wouldn't she? Somehow, he didn't think so, but he still didn't want to risk going into his past. But he still had to answer her question. All he could do was hope she wouldn't ask any more.

"Clear vision in dark places, vigilance, suspicion, seeking ancient mystical mysteries, ability to live in solitude and the ability to see through masks." He saw so much of his old self in the bobcat. It was so much like what he used to be and, to a smaller degree, what he still was. Granted, he didn't have clear vision in dark places -unless that didn't mean literally- and he wasn't really all that interested in ancient mystical mysteries. But, otherwise, that fit him perfectly.

If he had to guess which animal he thought symbolized Elenore the most, he would have to say the buffalo. Feminine courage, generosity, hospitality, courage, strength, survival, giving for the greater good and the life builder. Somehow, she had managed to find the strength to build a new life for herself and her children following her husband's betrayal. He would always admire her for that. It had taken him over twenty years to get his own life on track. He couldn't imagine doing that while trying to take care of three children.

He didn't say anything more as the Olive Garden came into view. Pulling into the parking lot, he spotted her car and pulled into the empty space beside it. He wasn't entirely sure what to say so he remained silent. It seemed his lack of people skills were coming back to bite him.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 8:57 pm
When he finally got his answer across to her, she nodded her head. It was definitely interesting, some of it seemed to relate to him though she didn't know how much of it did and to what extent. "That's deep." she teased him lightly, not wanting the mood to stay serious. She knew that once she got home, she would have to shift into that mood but for now she simply wanted to be happy.. with him. With him. She let out a soft sigh, her eyes drifting towards the window that was on her side.

"It's always good to have a reason for liking something." she added after a few more moments of silence. Leaning back in the seat a little bit, she then closed her eyes briefly. Why couldn't she get these stupid thoughts out of her head? Yes, she liked him, she really did like him but she had three kids. Dragging him into so much responsibility wasn't something that she wanted to do to him, besides, he probably didn't want it either. When the car stopped, she looked around for a second, spotting her car next to his own.

"Thanks." Elenore smiled at him, slowly taking off the seat belt. She found that she did want to spend more time with him but right now wasn't exactly the best time to do that. "See you later.. then?" she asked him, not sure how long it would be until then, besides she still didn't have his number and now she knew she probably shouldn't have asked for it either. Running her fingers through her hair briefly, she opened the car door and stepped out. Giving him a small wave and a smile, she closed the door and unlocked her car, getting into it after a moment.

Sitting down, she started the engine and closed the door after her. The radio was playing some music but she didn't pay a whole lot of attention to it and slipped her seat belt on instead. Turning the music down a bit more, she then leaned back in the seat, wondering if she should look over or not. Why was she thinking about these little things? It was becoming ridiculous. Biting her lip once more, she then glanced into her mirrors before pulling out of the parking slot and then driving around the parking lot, reaching the exit in a matter of seconds.



Dedicated Seeker

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:35 pm
Daniel snorted in suppressed laughter when she teased him about being deep. He wasn't deep. He wasn't philosophical or wise. He was just... him. A tiny smile worked its way onto his face and tugged up at the corners of his mouth. Though, at her comment about it being good to have a reason for liking something, he glanced at her, curious. It was good to have reasons for liking certain things over others -it was logical, which made him feel better- but it wasn't necessary. Some things didn't have any rhyme or reason to them. They simply were.

Him liking Elenore was logical. She wasn't like all the other women he'd met. She was real, down-to-earth. But she was also kind and still had a kind of goodness about her, something he hadn't seen in an adult in a long time. He'd seen it in Michael, but he'd also seen the man break someone's arm over a mean comment so he didn't really count. No, Elenore wasn't like them. She was truly good. She sacrificed her dreams for her kids and worked at a job she absolutely hated with a sleaze for a boss just to put food in their stomachs. Did they really realize how much they owed her or how much some people -like him- would give to have someone care about them like that? He wondered, for a moment, if his own mother had ever been like that and, if she had, at what point she had stopped putting his needs before her own.

He had still been lost in thought when they'd pulled into the parking spot, staring ahead with a distant look on his face. When she thanked him, he blinked before turning his attention to her. He smiled back at. "You're more than welcome," he said. At that moment, a sudden thought occurred to him. His number. She'd asked for it but he hadn't yet given it to her. Reaching into his back pocket, he shoved his index and middle finger into his wallet, grasping a tiny bit of paper in there that had his name, address and phone number on it, in case it got lost or he forgot it somewhere.

He grinned, amused at her words. Yeah, they would see each other later. "Most definitely," he said, placing a hand on her shoulder, and subtly slipping the paper under the fabric of the neck of her shirt as he pulled the hand away again. She would find it sooner or later. "Good luck," he added before she slipped out of the truck. She would need it, with Grace.

When she got into her car, he didn't stick around. He put the truck into reverse and pulled out of the parking spot before driving out of the lot and heading home.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:56 pm
Well they were going to see each other later then which of course made her happy. When he wished her good luck, she thanked him once again, after all it was needed. Driving home, she noticed that it wasn't raining anymore. For some reason she felt at peace, or at least part of her did. She was still worried about her kids though Nicolas and Deserai would be fine out in the country with Aunt Rose. It was sad that she couldn't feel the same way for them here, where their home was.

It only took her a few minutes to get back home, she parked the car and locked it as well, shoving her keys into her pocket and taking whatever else she needed out of her car. Once again Elenore avoided the elevator for the same reasons as last time and another one as well. She needed time to think about what she was going to say to her daughter. Reaching the door, she unlocked that as well and stepped inside, closing it soon after as she took of her shoes and locked the door.

"Grace?" she called out softly, needed to have a serious conversation to her. Hearing a sharp in take of air, she guessed that the girl was still taking care of her wounds. Walking up to the bathroom door, she knocked on it briefly. "Can I come in?" she asked her.

Grace heard the door open and close. She had bandaged up a knife wound that she had on her leg and one on her side. Pulling on her jacket, she as she heard her mother's voice. "Yeah." she told her, knowing what was going to come. Unlocking the door and opening it, she then put rubbing alcohol onto a cotton pad and began tending to the wound on her cheek.

Leaning against the door frame, she looked at her with concern and a bit of anger as well. "Here," she said in a low voice. "Let me help." taking the cotton ball she gently helped her with her wounds as Grace lowered her head, her hands resting on the counter. This was going to be a long conversation and she wanted it to happen without them raising their voices.  



Dedicated Seeker

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:10 pm
As Daniel steadily made his way home, he wondered just how much trouble Grace was going to get into, and what exactly she had done that would get her into trouble, for she had surely done something, though he couldn't imagine what. What kind of trouble did teen girls get into? ...Aside from troubles that involved teenage boys. He knew all about that, far too well.

The lights from the city quickly vanished into nothing but dots in his rear-view mirror. Darkness was quickly falling. The moon was already out but that was no surprise. He'd seen the moon at noon before, though he definitely preferred to look at it at night. It was much more beautiful then. Would Elenore be the same? Before he could stop himself, the thought popped into his head along with a vision of laying beside her in his bed. Scowling, he shook his head. This really was getting ridiculous. He was no good for her. She had three kids to look after and he wasn't any good for them either. Most of him had already accepted that but it seemed that some part of him still wanted to defy that.

Before long, he turned off the main road and onto the dirt road that led away. In a few minutes, he came to the split where one branch led to Michael's property and one led to his own. Not feeling like talking to Michael -when did he ever?- he turned down his driveway. After five minutes of driving through dusk light, he pulled up to his house. The lights were off, of course. Turning off his truck, he sat there in the darkness for a minute, just listening to the silence around him. This was so much better than the city. That thought led him back to Elenore, wondering what she was doing right at that moment. Annoyed, he forced the thoughts from his mind and climbed out of the vehicle.

He crossed the dirt and grass between his parking spot in front of the house and climbed up the porch. After unlocking the front door, he walked in and turned on the lights. The place was empty. Not even Max was around, but he had expected that. Max usually spent the nights hunting. Walking in, he closed the door behind him. He looked around, not entirely sure what to do. Yes, he liked the quiet but, after spending time with Elenore, he didn't want to be alone.

Sighing, he ran a hand through his hair before walking into the kitchen. Supper. He would get started on his supper, he decided. Some slow-cooking thing that would be ready by the time he got hungry.
PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:36 pm
The two stayed silent for the time being before they were done with taking care of the wounds and Elenore let her daughter have a minute or two alone as she went into the kitchen, getting something to drink for both of them. Pouring a glass of orange juice for Grace and some milk for herself, she set the cups on the table and sat down, Grace coming over the next moment and doing the same thing. "What happened?" Elenore asked her, knowing it wouldn't be that easy to get something out of Grace.

"Nothing that big.." she told her mother. Yeah, fighting with a gang wasn't that big was it? She lowered her head and took a long drink of the orange juice.

Elenore sighed and decided to ask another question. "What about your job?" she ran leaned back in her chair and looked at Grace who wouldn't even look up at her. She was determined to not argue with her but she did need to get some things straight with her. She wasn't going to allow this fighting to continue. It happened more than once and this time it had gone over the top. Grace never came up with so many wounds and she was sure she had more but covered them up with her jacket.

"I got fired." she told her the truth about that one. There was no point in lying about it since her mother could call in and ask. "The boss was a jerk anyway." she knew nothing about her mom's boss though who was definitely worse than her previous one.

She didn't bother to ask about the reason why. "So you decided to get into a fight?" she asked her, wanting to figure out what had happened today. Elenore knew she had gone to school since the principal would have called her if Grace didn't show up to her classes. The fighting had also happened after school and she didn't get caught by the police.

"What is this? An interrogation?" Grace asked, her head finally raised as she looked at her mother. She didn't like being put on the spot and she was stubborn as always. "I'm not asking you about the guy that's already been here twice." she could see her mother's eyes harden as she mentioned him. Honestly, what was that guy doing here anyway? Sure he had brought Nicolas home but did he need some kind of payment for it?

"I simply want to understand why my daughter had come back home with more than a few bruises and cuts. I don't want you fighting anymore Grace. Who knows what will happen next time?" hearing Grace back fire by mentioning Daniel, she sighed at her in disappointment. "That has nothing to do with what we are discussing now." she told her.  



Dedicated Seeker

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:46 pm
((I have to go. I'll reply tomorrow. Night))  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:57 pm
((Alright, good night ))  



Dedicated Seeker

PostPosted: Sun Mar 13, 2011 1:55 pm
Daniel closed the oven door before straightening up. He felt like a roast that night. Five minutes of roughly chopping up vegetables later and he was done. All he had to do now was wait an hour and everything would be ready. But now he had nothing to do. As he walked around the house, he figured he could work on the house, finishing this or that, but what was the point? He was fine with the way his house was now. The roof didn't leak. Neither did any of the pipes. The walls kept out the wind and rain. It was better than some of the places he'd lived so what was the point of finishing it? It wasn't like he had anyone to impress. Unless Elenore came over. That thought made him all but panic. He had warned her the place was a hole but, at least in part, that was an understatement. Half of the house was pretty nice. The kitchen, his bedroom and the bathroom. The living room and spare bedroom, however, were holes. He hadn't even started on the spare bedroom. Hadn't even looked into it since before he started rebuilding. He dreaded the thought of what condition that must be in.

Walking into the living room, he looked around before sighing. He had piles of wood scattered everywhere. A lot of the drywall needed to be replaced. The light bulb would need to be changed soon as it was already starting to flicker. Crossing the room, he stopped at the window facing the rear of the house. Despite the darkness of night, he could see the forest not a quarter mile away. He'd sometimes seen deer on the verge of it, or jumping around the field between it and his house. Sometimes, late at night, he would hear wolves howling. That always made him shiver. Too many times he'd felt like he'd been left at the mercy of the wolves, figuratively speaking -and once literally.

Pulling the curtain closed, he walked over to the other window and closed its curtain as well before dropping himself down onto the couch, which he needed to replace. The springs in it groaned under his weight but he ignored it. It had been groaning since the day he moved it and had yet to actually hurt him. Michael kept telling him to buy a new one before this one got him 'where the sun don't shine' with a rogue spring. He was sure it was going to happen one day but he had other things to focus on before that, like actually finishing the house. What was the point of getting new furniture if the room they were going to be sitting in wasn't finished? The furniture would just end up ruined.

He wasn't sure how long he laid there, letting his thoughts drift as they pleased. When he finally was brought back out of his thoughts, it was to the kitchen timer going off. The smell of roast vegetables and roast beef drifted through the house, making his stomach growl. With a light groan of his own, he pushed himself off the couch and made his way into the kitchen for his supper.
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