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PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:29 pm

Luck and Kalan took a few steps back seeing the creature appear, Luck glanced back at Mirela hearing her question, he shook his head turning back to the battle.
"Babe I can't even do a quarter of what those two are doing out there," he said shaking his head.
"Some deity you are," Kalan mumbled.
Luck glared at him but hearing Mirela he turned back to see Jazz holding Birth's neck, Kalan put his hand to his head feeling a headache coming on.
"Who's side is he on anyway?" he said shaking his head.

The two turned to Mirela as she addressed them, though they were offended by the annoyance part they put it aside as she continued, seeing her smile they both looked towards the ground.
"Mirela....thanks.....I'm glad I met you too," Kalan said returning the smile.
"Since we're about the die anyway...can we-"
"Ruining the moment Luck," Kalan said interrupting him.
"Right yeah, it's been fun,"
Linora watched the battle with a heavy heart and looked around for a moment before turning back to the three.
"....where's Mistress?"

A grin formed on Reaper's face as he watched Jazz release Birth and turn to him.
"The mirror informed me, so you defeated your inner darkness did you Jazz. How disappointing."
He watched the feather's fly towards him the grin still lining his face, he didn't make any movements as Jazz summoned his spear only watching his grin widening the more he did.

Reaper watched the spear draw closer to him and chuckled as it went flying into the distance by a long black chain, Tsuliria lifted into the air darkness circling around her as four chains fell out of her sleeve, two from each.
"I'm afraid as the Envoy of Death I can't allow that," Tsuliria said as her chains moved rapidly in front of her deflecting the feather's before hovering at her sides.
Her eyes narrowed at Jazz before she continued.
"It seems you've regained your light, which means I get to snuff it out."
Darkness surrounded her as she flew towards Jazz her chains wrapping around her arms.
"Jazz Kobayashi, we're finishing this here and now. Reaper don't interrupt."
A grin rested on Reaper's face as he pushed away his darkness.
"Let's me see a real clash of Light and Dark, Envoy's,"
PostPosted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:37 pm

Jazz hit the ground, his wing fading as his eyes shifted from Tsuliria to something in the back ground.

"Tsuliria wait....Has the sky always been full of falling stars?"

Seven to eight bright lights filled the night sky, slowly falling in the distance. Jazz stared on as his mind flashed back to Birth, her descent being very similar. His eyes widened as everything started to settle in.

"Oh no..."

Birth turned her head for a moment noticing a familiar green suit before her eyes went back to the sky. Her voice rang out as her annoyed tone was directed at the one to blame.

"Luck! Tell me you shut the gate!"



PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 4:49 pm

Mirela shook her head with a smile, actually feeling like she would miss the those two arguing back and forth. Setting down her violin, Mirela moved forward, wrapping her arms around the both of them in a final hug for good-bye causing her to miss the next few events in the battle. "It's been f--"

"....where's Mistress?"

"What??" Mirela brought herself away from the two, bringing her attention back to the fight just in time to see Jazz and Tsuliria about to face off. 'Well that can't be much better than before, I'm sure we're all still in dan...ger...' Mirela's thought process trailed off at the sight of the bright lights making their presence in the sky. 'What's all this?'

"Luck! Tell me you shut the gate!"

Mirela raised an eyebrow. Her looks of sadness, fear, and confusion had turned into one of slight annoyance. "Luck...?" Glancing up at him, Mirela folded her arms across her chest before continuing. "What gate is she talking about? Are you responsible for whatever that is?" Returning her arms to her sides, Mirela quickly lifted one and pointed in the direction of the lights. "Surely you must know something about the situation."
PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 6:10 pm

Tsuliria stopped her pursuit and hovered for a moment before landing on the ground, she turned her head making sure to keep an eye on Jazz before seeing the bright lights.
Hearing Birth scream something about a gate Tsuliria looked at Reaper who had also landed.
"Seems we have more visitors, that complicates things," he said rubbing the back of his head with a sigh.
Tsuliria turned back to the bright lights and squeezed the bridge of her nose.
"I'm tired of all these interruptions," she said sighing.
Linora ran up to Tsuliria before pointing towards the horizon.
"What's going on?" Linora asked lowering her hand.
"More problems..." Tsuliria mumbled.


Luck and Kalan both smiled and went to hug her back but the two's eyes met before they glared at each other.
Seeing Mirela back away from them they started to turn and argue at each other but Luck was drawn by Birth's voice and turned to see the bright lights, Mirela's voice seemed so far away as his eyes widened watching the lights fall.
He turned back to her and held up a finger before turning back to Birth.
"Birth did I tell you how good you look today! You're glowing especially well! With that said....no....." Luck said with a smile.
"Great...." Kalan said looking towards the light.
"This...could get messy,"

The doctor stood on a nearby building his white coat blowing in the wind as he stood with his arms crossed watching the lights fall, a small smile formed on his face before he adjusted his glasses causing the glasses to glare hiding his eyes as a small chuckle escaped from him.
"The existence we know...will be no more."
The doctor put his hand over his face before his chuckle developed into laughter echoing late into the night sky as the stars continued to fall.



PostPosted: Sat Dec 25, 2010 6:23 pm

(Here comes Chapter 3, the Deity Arc)
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:14 am

The night sky was slowly diminishing as the sun began to rise in the east as the Deity's fell to earth. Five bright lights shone in the morning sky, seemingly inching towards the earth. Moments passed before five thuds were heard.

"Come Continuum, Let's go."

Smoke cleared as a tall, burly man rose. His regal clothing untouched by the dirt and smoldering rock. His right arm was concealed by a small cape attached to his shoulder. As his short brown hair blew in the wind, his eyes shone a faint red. Behind him another man rose, his white hair scuffled from the fall.

"Give me a moment Force, that hurt more than you said it would."

He stood rubbing his head, his black and white attire dirtied from the fall. His white jacket was like any other's, except one arm was completely missing, revealing his black gauntlet. He brushed off his pants as he let out a sigh, crawling out of the crater. The two exchanged looks before walking into town.

Elsewhere, two twins, a boy and a girl, made their way out of their craters.
The boy was dressed in a very bright red and orange attire made up of a sleeveless top and long baggy pants, a guard on each wrist. He brushed the dirt out of his bright orange hair before turning to his sister.

"We made it Lunes! We're on Earth!"

"Are you sure Birth won't be mad at us for coming Soles?"

"As if! We're old enough to take care of ourselves."

The sister brushed the rubble from her person. Her dark blue top was outfitted with long wide sleeves that covered her tender white hands. Her pants were slightly baggy and a dark shade of blue matching her long hair that covered her tender face. Adorned on both of their person's were a small pin. Lunes had a moon pin, placed slightly to the side of her head, where as Soles adorned a sun on his chest. They argued for a moment before starting to walk, the sun at their backs.

In the forest not too far from the city, the last deity emerged from her hole in the ground. Her bright green eyes welled as she rubbed the ground she had destroyed.

"Oh I'm so so sorry! Don't worry I'll make it all better."

Standing, she clapped her hands, the ground glowing before it returned to it's original, lush, green state. A smile met her face as she was pleased with her own work Her attire was bright an elegant. Her dress resembled that of a rose, it's lush 'petals' stopping at her ankles. Her top resembled that of a kimono. After feeling pleased with herself, she made her way through the forest, admiring the trees.

The deity's had fallen, each with their own motifs and goals. How would the world fare now that their creators were on the very planet they so long ago had lived on themselves. The events were about to unfold, the unforgiving power of the Deity's were about to be unleashed.



PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:10 am

Reaper looked up at the lights counting them with his fingers before crossing his arms.
Tsuliria noticed his smile had faded which meant it had to be something that bothered even him, with a small sigh she decided to ask.
"Reaper what are those lights?"

There was a long silence as Reaper continued stare into the distance, uncrossing his arms he sighed and ruffled his hair before glancing over at her his eyes drooping a little.
"Those would be my brother's and sisters, the other deity's. Which means they're here to ruin my fun."
Tsuliria felt a headache come on and brought her hand to her head closing her eyes.
She felt someone massage her shoulders, she glanced back to see it was Linora before turning forward.
"More of them....one gives me a headache, now there are more...."
Tsuliria glanced over at Jazz removing her hand from her head.
"Jazz, yet again we've been interrupted and I'm sure Reaper's going to give me orders soon."

"Tsuliria I want you to find someone, with your forces destroyed, by the way it's all your fault."
He waved a finger and shook his head.
"Anyway it wouldn't hurt to have some extra man power," Reaper said putting his hand under his chin.
"There he goes," Tsuliria said with a sigh.
Reaper handed her a piece of paper which she put in her sleeve before he continued talking.
"Also, till this matter is resolved don't bother Jazz or Birth."
"Excuse me?"
"Though I hate to admit it, I can't fight my siblings all at once. Maybe three on one but not all at the same time, so I won't attack Birth and you don't attack Jazz. I need you at full force and fighting any of those two will damage you. That and you have some things to clean up."
"If that is your wish Reaper.....'

Reaper turned to Birth and held his hand up before grinning at her.
"Hey sorry about trying to kill ya sis...well not really but since there are more pressing matters how about a temporary truce?"

Tsuliria turned back towards the lights and let out a small sigh.
"Troublesome. Linora please deliver a message to Kalan, I'm going to need help clearing up things and other than you he's the only commander not out to kill me."
"Yes Mistress," Linora said releasing her shoulders. "What is it?"

Luck stared pacing back and forth rubbing his hands together after counting the falling numbers, he crossed his arms and tapped his finger on his arm before turning and returning to pacing.
"What's your problem?" Kalan asked.
Luck stopped and turned to him his eyes forming into glare.
"Mortal do you not understand the situation?! Deity's are falling! More of them, one's that aren't against killing, even their own kind. If Force is out than that's an even worse problem."
"What do you have to fear? You're a deity right?"
"Yes however unlike a mortal a deity can kill another deity....well easily."

Kalan put his hand under his chin before looking over at Luck.
"So does that mean your running away?"
"I may be scared but for me to abandon a babe isn't in my nature, not till she's mine. You however should run mortal, you'll be killed easily."
"If they're all like you I don't think they'll be a problem."
"What was that Mortal?"
"Did you not hear me? I called you a weakling."
''Okay that's it mortal, I've been nice and lenient but I'm going beat you down in front of the babe, actually that might make you look better won't it?"
"You can try, victor get's a date with her. Oh wait I already have one, well I'll do it just to rub your face in the dirt and ruin that bright outfit of yours."
"That's it I'm tired of your mouth, bring it mortal!"
Kalan started to pull out his straw when he saw Linora walking towards them and lowered his hand.
"What could Linora want?"

A pale hand used the wall to hold itself up, with strained breaths the figure continued to move forward through the darkness.
Dark bit's fell off the figure and stained the alleyway as it inched forward.
"Deity's huh..."
The figure stopped before falling to it's knees and coughing, it reached up and clenched it's chest before a toothy grin formed on it's face.
"Mr. Fairy...."
The figure chuckled within the darkness before coughing again.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:01 pm

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Rahj turned his attention away from the field as he counted bright lights falling from the sky. He frowned a bit, wondering what they were. The Fire Lord turned his focus back to Reaper, who seemed to be interested in the lights as well. He figured now would be a good time as any to talk to him.

Rahj descended the hill and started walking intently toward the fairly big group of people. He was here for none of them, only for Reaper. Rahj got no closer then speaking distance. He wasn't sure how he would react to his questioning.

"Reaper." Rahj spoke, his voice was very husky but also seemed to echo somewhat. "If you don't mind I'd like to ask you a few questions." He wasn't normally this polite, but if he wanted to find out what was happening to the elemental planes, he'd have to be nicer then normal.

The Indrid Cold

Aged Phantom

4,350 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Conversationalist 100
  • The Perfect Setup 150


PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:14 pm

Jazz' eyes met the ground as the situations ran through his head. There was no way he could take on any of those deities. Birth alone had struck him down without effort. He knew in order to be any use to anyone, he would have to be stronger.

"Birth....I have to leave, I have to get stronger."

Birth turned her head, her loving eyes gazing into Jazz'. She smiled seeing the maturity growing in Jazz. She nodded slightly, giving her approval as Jazz turned to walk away.

"Don't be too long Jazz...We need you."

Jazz nodded before walking off into the distance, turning back once more to wave at Tsuliria with a smile.

"When I get back, I'm gonna kick your a**! So stay alive K!?"

Birth turned her head back to the sky, closing her eyes as she began to softly glow.

"This isn't good....Continuum and Force are in town. Death, you know what this means. On the other hand, Soles and Lunes are very far from here....I'd have to say the capitol, Let's deal with them after Force."

The situation had begun to look grim as the flame lord stepped forward, all attention turned to him.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:41 pm

Reaper glanced over at Birth for a moment before rubbing the back of his head hearing who had fallen, hearing Force a small smile formed on his face but it faded hearing Soles and Lunes had also fallen.
"This could get really messy," Reaper said putting his hand against his head.
His eyes widened hearing the 'let's' in her sentence, which probably meant she accepted his treaty.
"I suppose we should go and take care of them then sister," Reaper said with a small chuckle.
Reaper turned and looked back at the newcomer hearing him address him, he stared at him for a moment before a grin came across his face.
"You remind me of the demons from the underworld," he said turning towards him.
Hearing something about questions he tilted his head.
"Questions...well I suppose it depends what the question is?"

Tsuliria watched Jazz go and averted her eyes at his comment but nodded her head as an indication that she heard him.
"Fool, you should look after yourself," she mumbled.
She watched him leave with a blank expression before turning to the newcomer to hear him address Reaper, to her surprise Reaper was acting very...not him which slightly concerned her.

The dark figure continued to move forward coughing up a bit more.
"Mr. Fairy...." he mumbled.
He stepped into the light revealing his brown hair and green eyes before a smile formed on his face.
Fire circled his hand before he dismissed a low chuckle escaping from him.
"This time I won't die...." the man said standing straight up. "I Yolor...will have my revenge!"

"My how quaint."
Yolor turned to have foot slam into his chest, he fell against the brick wall before a pale hand gripped his neck and lifted him off the ground before slamming him against the wall.
Yolor gripped the man's hand trying to summon his fire but finding it wasn't working, looking down he saw his feet off the ground and silently cursed.
He looked at the man and saw a pair of red and yellow eyes behind a pair of glasses.
The man smiled as his right red eye glowed.
"Hello there Mr. Yolor. I have a feeling we're going to be good friends."
"Who....are...you?" Yolor asked with strained breath.
"You can just call me Doctor."



PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 4:46 pm

Mirela began to feel her state of being annoyed turn into one of fear once more. "Deity.. Falling?" Shaking her head she quickly knelt down to pick up her violin case, quite eager to continue on. Everything seemed like it was now out to hinder her progress of finding her mother. 'Why did I have to be dragged into all of this?' Her memory brought her back to the moment where she had become the Envoy of Birth. 'Ah, that's why.' Mirela thought back to Jazz as he took back the title of Envoy. 'At least I'm not the En..voy...' Her thought process was cut short as her eyes rested upon Linora. It was then that Mirela's mind clicked to make her realize the danger she was in.

"This isn't good!" Grabbing onto Luck's shoulder and clutching it tightly Mirela flung her other arm in the opposite direction of Linora, not realizing the slight abuse she had just put her violin through. "Luck, take me now!" Bringing her attention to Kalan, she narrowed her eyes a little. "You too, Kalan!" Releasing her grip on Luck, Mirela took a few steps back. "She's going to kill me!"

'I hate to admit it, but I'm starting to miss being the Envoy, those two weren't out to kill me then...' Mirela gave Kalan and Luck a desperate look, not wanting to stick around any longer. "Come on, let's get out of here."
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:29 pm

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Rahj smiled when he said he looked like a demon. "You should of seen what some of my slaves looked like." Some of his slaves were demons, most however were horribly disfigured humans.

"Something about your prescense has caused the elemental planes to go haywire. Water elementals bleed into mine, air winds up in the ice plane, etc." Rahj stepped a little closer to Reaper, confident that he wouldn't be killed now."Basically, it's madness down there, and I was wondering if you have the power to give an entire race new powers, and disrupt the planes without even visiting them yourself, I'm humbled. I would love to serve under you."

The Indrid Cold

Aged Phantom

4,350 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Conversationalist 100
  • The Perfect Setup 150


PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 6:52 pm

Kalan and Luck stared at each other hearing Mirela's response, Kalan saw the smile creeping on Luck's face and held his hand up.
"Don't say it," he said glaring at him.
Kalan turned towards Linora and held his hand out.
"I'll protect you, that's a promise from the almighty commander Kalan."
Luck turned towards Linora and crossed his arms.

Linora stopped in front of the three before turning and facing Kalan, she glanced at Mirela and closed her eyes collecting herself before looking at Kalan.
"You've been given new orders Kalan, they come directly from Tsuliria,"
Kalan blinked a few times but put his feet together and bowed slightly before awaiting his new orders.
Luck looked at Linora leaning to the side as he put his hand under his chin and grinned.

Linora ignored Luck and turned back to face Kalan before continuing.
"Kalan your new orders are to assassinate Mirela."
Kalan nodded before he shook his head and took a few steps back, his eyes widening as he stared at Linora her words sinking in.
"What....Linora I can't-
"If you cannot do it then Tsuliria will kill her in front of you before killing you for disobeying orders, I imagine you would be able to give her a quicker death Kalan. Do not forget you are a commander of Reaper."
Kalan lowered his head and clenched his hand into a fist, he bit his lip as he felt his heart sink.
His clenched fist shivered for a moment as Linora and Luck stared at him.
"I'm sorry," Linora said.
"Is that from Tsuliria too?" Kalan asked glaring at her.
"No....that's from me."
With that Linora turned and returned to Tsuliria.

Kalan turned to Mirela and pulling his straw out sharpened it before raising it and pointing at her, he closed his eyes pushing down the memories and his own emotions.
"Get ready....Mirela."
There was no emotions behind his words, he did his best to hide the regret and pain pulling at his heart.
Luck stepped in front of Mirela and pulled out a gold pocket watch before he met Kalan's eyes.
"Mirela....run, I'll handle this traitor," Luck said glaring at him. "Run into the village...I'll catch up."
Kalan felt a sting at the word traitor but turned his attention on Luck.

Reaper listened to the man hearing what was going on in the alternate planes deciding not to ask too much into his slaves, less a conversation start about it and with Birth nearby that would cause some turmoil.
Hearing his final words he grinned before rubbing the back of his head and chuckling.
"Well at least someone likes my shows. Sure why not I need more men anyway. However I'll need you to prove yourself."
Reaper put his hand under his chin.
"Bring me a piece of Force's clothing and I'll make you one of my commanders, he's that way," he said this pointing towards the outskirts on the other side of the town. "When you do it I'll find you so don't worry. Oh and be careful there are some violent people in the city."
PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:06 pm

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While Rahj thought the request for a simple piece of clothing was odd, he kept his mouth shut and nodded. "Thank you." he said turning away from the fallen deity.

Rahj got into an olympic running position for a moment and shut his eyes. The ground shook beneath him for a moment and he caught on fire. He mumbled something incoherently and soon he was shooting across the field, leaving a small trail of fire behind him that would die out quickly.

Within moments he was at the city, and what a god awful place it was. It didn't take him long to notice drug dealers, gang members, all that fun stuff. He entered the city and many eyes were upon him, but it didn't matter. Rahj was going to find this "Force" person.

The Indrid Cold

Aged Phantom

4,350 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Conversationalist 100
  • The Perfect Setup 150


PostPosted: Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:53 pm

Force and Continuum made their way into town, the buildings shaking as Force walked on the cobbled streets. Continuum followed close behind, his hands clasped behind his head as he stared off into the sky, his mind elsewhere.

"Filthy humans, look at what they've done to our beautiful earth."

"Yeah...Humans bad..."

"Continuum! Pay more attention, don't make me remind you of the punishment for not assisting in this endeavor."

Continuum's eyes rolled as he stared back off into space. Force's regal garbs flowed in the wind as they stopped, his right arm revealing itself from behind the cape. Around his massive wrist was a metal chain bracelet, a small purple orb attached to it. He lifted his hand as the buildings around him began to creak and crack. In one swift movement, he brought his hand down, the gravity in the area increasing to tremendous rates, flattening the five block radius. Continuum hit the ground, being jerked from his day dreaming as he struggled to stand.

"Hey, hey! Let me know before you do that!"

"Silence, We have much work to do. We will make these foolish mortals wish they were never created by that treacherous woman."

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