Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:33 pm
((I'm not actually saying a line because I don't really know the script))
Henry played his part. He thought for a second that Elizabeth was catching on and noticed that his power was slipping. He fixed his voice and said his line, hoping that would fix things, and relieved that he and Sam had similar sounding voices. She's going to catch me eventually. If there's a god who loves the Heartlesses, PLEASE don't let this ruin whatever was between us before.
Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:19 pm
Alyria just nodded, "I'm Alyria, and I'll just assume that you can control golems?" ALyria said. She couldn't help but feel somewhat attracted to Francis, she stopped the thought abruptly, she almost scowled, "No, if I develop feelings, I'll just be weak and set myself up for diaster," Alyria thought angerly.
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:56 am
"Absolutely, and by extension anyone smart enough to fear me because of it. Although I will admit having a partner would be cool too. Correction, having an intelligent partner would be cool too." For a moment it seemed as though the Golems looked dejected even the closest observer wouldn't be sure. "The golems make for excellent followers save for the fact that they are very dull. Albeit, they don't seem to be so dull was to be a total write off but dull enough to make working only with them...frustrating. So shall we continue?" He said cutting to the chase again.
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:28 pm
Elizabeth shook the feeling off, for every kiss, for every touch between herself and Sam... until the very end. The death scene of Jack is when she couldn't hold it in any longer. Something was definitely different. They finished the show, and she went into Sam's dressing room and waited for him.
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:17 pm
Henry felt accomplished as he walked off the stage. he was going to let Sam go and sign the autographs instead of himself. He headed back towards Sam's dressing room. He'd locked him in the costume closet and left, so he shouldn't have had to worry. And he didn't. That is, until he saw that someone was in the dressing room. He opened the door slowly and poked his head in. It was Elizabeth. He didn't know what he was going to say to her. Or what he was going to do about Sam if she was right there. Crap. Think fast Henry. "Hi."
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 8:20 pm
ALyria nodded, "Okay then," She said turning around and walking forward again. "Well, overall, its a pretty small town. There are about three neighborhoods, the one we are currently in, one a bit farther to the north, and one farther south. The one in the south is basicly empty and almost no one even lives there anymore. There are a few scattered shops and cafes, and a department store. That is just about it, there is a local theater though,and honestly, if you want to control this place, be my guest. Almost nothing really happens here, it would be good to have some exitment here," Alyria explained, her eyes fixed on something far off in the distance.
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:24 am
Francis took in what Alyria said about the town. He himself had come from the south and controlled/terrorized most of that territory hence the emptiness as well as the reason why he wanted to expand northward. "I'm from that southern part of town, I already control a sizable portion of it...albeit, not all of it, just a sizable portion." When she said he was welcome to control the place a smile lit up his face. The smile was heartwarming yet eerie. "A theater eh? What do you say we start there?" He had automatically included Alyria in his plans. "If we can take that place and beat back the cops then the rest of this part of town will fall like dominoes. Oh hey I thought I saw a poster about a play tonight. We should move now if we are to crash the after show party good and proper." He said letting excitement seep into his voice. It seemed that he was beginning to trust Alyria.
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:53 am
Alyria smiled softly, thinking through his plan in her head, "Sounds like a good idea. So, to the theater?" ALyria said slowly. She closed her eyes, thinking of her plan, "So, lets say he does manage to take control of this town, he already sounds like he trust's me, I should take advantage of that. I have to use him and take control of this place soon," Alyria thought, "No, I shouldn't rush it, I need to make sure he doesn't suspect me," She bit the inside of her lip in deep thought.
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:39 am
"Yes the theater, now let's get a move on. If we hurry we might be able to shepard a few people back into the theater before they get too far away." He said patience gone. Course he couldn't go anywhere since he didn't know where the theater was. What he did do was stroke the sidewalk a light post and another wall of brick allowing more of his power to flow into the objects. The sidewalk tile lifted itself up and began crumbling to reform into a four foot manlike golem. Several chunks of brick did the same although they were shorter than the sidewalk tile. The metal light post on the other hand seemed to curl up at first and then as it curled and sort of folded it began to look like a metal walking outline of a human being but taller...significantly taller measuring in at about seven and a half feet. These added golems created the illusion of him being able to create as many as he wanted but that wasn't entirely true. while there was no limit as to how many he could have there was a limit to how many he could make in one day and these extra golems were pushing his limits as sweat beaded on his forehead. Huffing a few times from the effort Francis stood up straight. "Lead the way Alyria."
Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 4:32 pm
Alyria looked at Francis and his golems out of the corner of her eye, she nodded. "Got it," ALyria said, she began walking to the theater. When the theater began to come into view, Alyria smirked, "This seems almost to easy," She thought as they approached the old building.
Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:51 pm
Francis sprang into action almost immediatly after the moment they arrived. "You bunch, cirlce left around the building, leave at least one of you at each exit you find. You lot, circle right and leave at least one of you at each exit you find. You two stay with us." The two he motioned too were the former lamp post ((street lamp)) and the once sidewalk tile. As the knee height brick golems vanished around the corners of the theater Francis began to move forward to the theater with dark purpose in mind. Several of the leaving people had already been spooked by the little brick monsters and seeing that was heading for them didn't help matters. "You lot on the stairs, get back inside! The rest of you get lost." Francis had no intention of taking more than he could control, one person was brave and moved to attack him. With the wave of his hand however the lamp post crashed it's metal arm into the man's face leaving it a red mess. The brave one slumped to the ground, uncouncious or dead it didn't matter.
Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:54 am
Aiyden led Allison to a small quaint coffee shop in town. It wasn't the same place he'd been at earlier, but it was run by the same guy. That's how they new each other. Aiyden wanted to cause trouble, but didn't want Allison angry at him either. "Is Jared in? Or is he still at the other place?" Aiyden asked calmly. The cashier laughed and nodded. "What? Is he like your personal therapist or something?" Allison knew the kid shouldn't have said that. Even though she couldn't see it, she knew Aiyden was using his power. Aiyden leaned in with a whisper as the boy tried to breathe. "Her how's your breathing? I heard you weren't doing so well," he mumbled. The boy was choking, Allison could see the terror in his eyes, but wasn't sure how to fix it. She tapped Aiyden on the shoulder. "If you're going to use your power around me, you should try it on someone who's fear I CAN'T see, smart one." At that moment, Jared stepped out of his office. Aiyden released the boy and walked over to him. He passed the boy who was now holding his throat and gasping for air. "What have I told you about employees! I need them!" Aiyden shrugged and apologized without emotion. He didn't mean it, but it would stop Jared from berating him. He smiled and nodded towards Allison. "That's her?" Aiyden nodded again. Jared looked up and smiled at Allison. "Hi. I'm Jared, you are Allison I'm guessing?" "Man you suck at acting," Allison snickered. "I can red minds I know what he said to you before. Jared glared at Aiyden. "I don't remember you telling me that. Thank you for the warning." "Whatever," Aiyden laughed. Allison smiled and shook Jared's hand. "Pleased to meet you." "Oh no. the pleasure is all mine," Jared said. "Anyone who can beat up Aiyden is officially awesome in my book, even if it might not be that hard," he joked. "Hey!" Aiyden exclaimed, sitting on the counter. Everyone (excluding Aiyden and the cashier who had disappeared, trying to escape Aiyden) laughed.
Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:11 pm
Elizabeth saw him enter the room, and didn't really know what she should say. What ended up popping out of her mouth was, "Hello Jack." she sounded just like Rose... it wasn't something that she controlled.
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 7:17 pm
Henry-Sam smiled when she answered him. He still wasn't sure what he was going to do about the real Sam in the dressing room closet, but for the moment, he had to play things cool. "So what brings you to my dressing room?" Henry couldn't tell if he was that good of an actor off stage, but he felt confident that he was.
Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:25 pm
When the people on the stairs saw what happened to the one brave man they obeyed and started rushing to get back inside. Naturally there was a person amongst the crowd that was quick to panic. That person screamed and in response to that scream several others screamed in surprise. Other then that the frantic dash back inside was relatively quiet. "Come on Alyria, let's heard this mindless mob inside." Francis's actions made it look like he was trying to create a hostege situation but in reality he had no intention of keeping any of these people alive.