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Newbie Noob

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 3:44 pm
Vince blinked slowly under his goggles, which were completely covered in dirt. Although he was further than most of the other trainers from the source of the disturbance, he had no pokemon to shield him. Thus he found himself flat on his back at least he thought he was on his back, for a moment he couldn't tell which way was up or down. He heard faint, muffled voices of people calling. He could make out what they were saying but just barely, in an effort to answer back he tried opened his mouth to speak but soon realized that it was full of sand and dirt. Quickly, he sat up as fast as he could, his body sore and several cuts from sand grains now visible on his arms, but other than that he was fine. He looked around to locate the rest of the group, to no avil though, the sandstorm made sure of that. judging by their voice though it seemed that they were much further than when he had last seen them. Vince sputtered and coughed as he tried to free his mouth to speak but held up his arm with a thumbs up to confirm that he was ok even if he couldn't voice it at the moment, not knowing if anyone could see it.  
PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 3:44 pm
She nodded at Yuri's confirmation, then watched, standing and backing away as the Arcanine rose to its feet again, then turning her face away sharply as he shook out his coat, then realizing how silly it was, since the sands around them seemed to still be in a frenzy. She was lucky he had been close by and that she had found them at all.

What wasn't lucky was the girl's sudden coughing, spurred on by the sands in the air. Her asthma rarely gave her troubles, but this entire situation in itself was nothing like normal, and the bad air paired with the stress of it all certainly wasn't helping at all. unzipping a smaller pocket on the front of her bag, she took a long breath from her inhaler, closing her eyes and keeping balance as she waited for it to take effect. The symptoms of attack weren't too bad yet, but she definitely wasn't about to wait to see if they would get worse.

"I'm okay..." she told him, recovering from the forced chokes, looking to Sparky as he joined the two and zipping her bag more carefully before sliding it to her back again, one hand pressed to her chest. "That was my last revive though..." The thought made her all the more nervous, which was clear in her tone under the slightly rougher sound to it, but as she looked back to Link, she was glad he was up once more. They would probably need him soon. As a second thought, the girl checked her bag again, finding three more potions, a full heal, and a small bag of berries with which to heal the pokemon of the group. At the very bottom, a large roll of bandage and some tape for any minor injuries to the people with them, her inhaler, and a bottle of water.  

Tori Honoo

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Newbie Noob

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:02 pm
After making considerable effort to stand, dust himself, and keep his balance, Vince took out the Permier ball from his pack, thank goodness he had strapped it securely to himself, and released a tiny Aron out onto the ground at his feet. Even though he couldn't see very far due to the sandstorm, he knew that his pokemon would be unaffected and could help. Vince looked down at this pokemon and smiled weakly. "you up for a little excavation buddy?" the Aron nodded making a small metallic clinking sound in doing so "Arro".

Vince mustered another weak smile upon hearing his pokemon's response "Alright see if you can find anyone else that's buried ok? Go do your stuff." With that the tiny poke'mon set to work burrowing it's way through the loose dirt that had now blanketed the entire area. Although he hadn't had any battling experience Larry was very experienced when it came to digging and did so rather quick for an Aron of his size. A trail of disturbed earth traced his path through the ground as he searched for anyone still covered in dirt. At least now there was something he could do for them now.  
PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:03 pm
When the maelstrom ebbed into just a sandstorm - albeit a vicious one - Sera finally chanced a lift of her head to peek over her Absol through her goggles. She couldn't really see anyone, but she could hear them... Where was Jacques? "I'm alright," the brunette called over the wind to her friends. "Jacques?"


"Over here!" The girl called as she stood up, hoping that her pokemon would be able to find her when she could barely see farther than a few feet. Luckily, though, a shadowy figure approached that soon morphed into the dark-type as he approached, his head ducked down to try and keep the sand out of his eyes. He seemed quite weary, but at least he was conscious... Isabella, as well, seemed winded, but faired better than her comrade as she stood and shook off the sand from her fur. Now, if they could just get to the others... She just had to see them first.

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

Vice Captain


PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:05 pm
Luke leaned back, sitting on his heels, and looked from Rosie to Perdy to Rosie again. He nodded, a hand through his hair to displace the clinging sand, "Yeah. You?" He didn't spot any injuries on her, though checking made him remember the Jolteon that had been on the field when the storm hit. He made a small sound of concern, searching the sand for some indication of the electric-type - or, as his eyes wandered towards the horizon, for some indication of what had caused the sudden, violent sandstorm. Of course, there wasn't much that could be assessed with the air as thick as it was.  
PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:09 pm
The filth-covered figure slung the mud from her goggles, mouth, and general face, laughing. "I'm fine!" she called, unsure where the others were located given the mud and reduced visibility. Fathom, on the other hand, was very, very unhappy and splattered his trainer with a new spray of sludge to express his unhappiness. This was no time to be laughing.  



Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:09 pm
Lin pulled his goggles back down nearly instantly. Even if he couldn't see with them on, it didn't seem like things were much better without them on. Things were just more painful.

"Jeeves, use your vines to keep us together. I need you and Moriko out for a bit longer, but I don't want to get too far from you two right now."
Lin crouched next to the Sawsbuck as Jeeves fastened a vine around his wrist and one around Moriko's antler.  
PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:10 pm
As the trainers rose out of the sand to get their bearings and assess their own well-being and that of their pokemon (that they could find), another form shifted in the sand as Odette spread her wings and shook herself off, and Claire stood to get a better view of what was happening with her Pikachu jumping up to climb up to her shoulder. Visibility was still down to several feet - maybe six or seven at best - and she leaned down to quickly check on her partner. His status confirmed, she tugged on his arm with a soft word before she headed in the direction of the van. Odette, once Lucas had left her vicinity, took to the sandy air with a powerful flap of her wings.

When the large Steelix came into view - the tail end of it, thankfully - Claire increased her pace and aimed for a low point before vaulting herself over it with only a little difficulty, given its size. Once on the other side, and fully expecting her partner to follow right behind her, the elite moved towards what Rockets she could see that were up. Touching the shoulders of each that were moving and offering a quick word - likely an order - she moved between them as swiftly as she could, though stopped to pull out the two paralyzed ones to judge their current status: One was hopeless, but the other - the Agent - seemed to be slowly recovering from the Thunder Wave she'd received earlier. While she checked on them, the other Rockets hastened as best they could towards the only operable vehicle.

The Steelix let out a gruff sound at the feeling of pressure near his tail. The feeling came again as Lucas moved to follow Claire beyond the pokemon barrier, but before he could cross it entirely, said pokemon swiveled his large head around and seized the Elite Agent in his wide jaws, lifting him effortlessly from the ground. The Rocket, for his part, let out a long shout that increased in intensity and distress the more he became aware of his situation. The sound attracted the attention of the Steelix's trainer, who responded in a similar distress, "Titan! No! I said no!"

The Steelix made a grumbling sound in protest, then huffed, the hot breath further disheveling his captive's hair and clothing, and looked off roughly in the direction of the police vehicles.

Alder tensed at the sounds of distress, and at a gesture towards his Braviary, the large bird took to the air as well and started flapping his wings as hard as he could, doing his best to try and clear the air to improve visibility at least a little.

The distressed, elongated shout caused the Elite to freeze in place, and the equally distressed shouts from that League woman made Claire look behind her where she expected her partner to be, then looked up to where her partner actually was. She was standing in an instant, her face several shades paler as she took a step forward, her distress matching theirs, "Lucas!"

With the various Rockets headed towards the van, their pace increasing, the Elite switched modes and with a swift motion on either side of her waist, the rest of her pokemon emerged in flashes of white light: A Typhlosion, a Charizard, and a Jirachi, while her Pidgeot screeched overhead and the cheeks of the Pikachu on her shoulder crackled with electricity. With a quick word and gestures in both directions, her two fire-types immediately lunged towards the Steelix, aiming fire attacks at its body, while her Pidgeot soared down and fretted over the man in the large steel-type's mouth, mostly because she wasn't the least bit sure how to remove him from it. The rest of her team, meanwhile, put themselves squarely between the trainers and the van the Rockets were by now sprinting towards.

"Do you want your comrade eaten?! Call your pokemon back!" Petra warned the attacking Elite Agent, her tone more frantic than threatening. "If you continue to agitate him, I don't know how long I'll be able to control him!"

The Elite in question, hearing the exchange, called down his opinion, his voice a few octaves higher than usual, "I'd really appreciate not being eaten!"

Claire most certainly did not want her partner eaten, and both his distress and the woman's tones combined to make her decision easy. Swearing under her breath, the Elite raised her hands to her mouth, calling out to her three pokemon around the Steelix, "Disengage!" While two complied uncertainly and moved to join their comrades in front of the van, her Charizard roared angrily before the woman returned him to his dark ball. Anger and distress warred on her features, making it very obvious just how not okay she was with this entire situation, as she swore again and turned to race back to join her pokemon, joining with them to stand against the trainers. Moving to protect those behind them were the remainder of the various Rocket's pokemon, joining together to form a line.

The fact that the Rockets were scrambling to return to their van didn't go unnoticed, and Alder pointed to their opponents as he shouted to the trainers, "That vehicle is unoccupied! Get to it and disable it immediately, by any means! We can't let them leave!"

((Alright, the Rockets are trying to make their escape, and a line of pokemon and an Elite stand in your way! Spoiler contains a list of Rockets, their status, and what pokemon they have out that are among those defending them.))
Any pokemon not listed were either knocked out during the battling yesterday, were knocked out because of the storm, or have yet to be called out.
Rocket 1 (M Grunt), Paralyzed: Leafeon, Dustox
Rocket 2 (M Grunt), Running to van: N/A
Rocket 3 (F Agent), Recovering from paralysis and heading towards van: Dunsparce, Dodrio
Rocket 4 (M Trainee), Running to van: Eevee
Rocket 5 (M Agent), Running to van: Lucario, Lampent
Rocket 6 (F Grunt), Running to van: Delibird, Loudred
Claire (F Elite), Defending: Pidgeot, Pikachu, Typhlosion, Jirachi
Lucas (M Elite), Damsel Elite in distress: N/A
Driver/Mechanic (M Grunt), Unconscious buried under sand: N/A

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

Tori Honoo

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:21 pm
The call from Alder was muffled from where she stood, but just clear enough for her to understand. They were trying to escape. Again.

Stumbling toward the sound, battling both the sandy air and the impaired vision that came with it, she spotted a few figures, and motioned for Sparky to go, squinting at what she made out to be a sort of line. (Rocket 1) Luckily for her, the first pokemon she spotted within range to attack were a Leafeon and a Dustox, which she quickly directed the typhlosion to with a flamethrower which he aimed at the dustox, hoping to drive back at least two of the defending pokemon and make it easier for the rest of the team to get to the vans.  
PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:22 pm
While Sera heard the orders, she really couldn't see all that well and had no pokemon that could help improve visibility, so instead she waved off Isabella and Jacques to go help the battle, if they could find it, and she started heading uncertainly towards where most of the voices were - familiar voices, at least. "Rosie? Luke, where are you guys?"  

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Bashful Bunny

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:26 pm
Andre, hearing the shouting of the Rocket member, turned his attention towards the sound of his group. Standing near the van he could see the various Rockets trying to make their escape. "Velencia, use Sand-Attack on the Lampent. He order and the Espeon immediately leaped into action. She was agitated beyond belief and ready to tear apart whoever got in her way. She snarled and hissed, running right between the legs of Rocket 5, hoping to trip him as she aimed her attack at the Lampent. Andre, meanwhile, was digging through his pockets for one of his revival shots. Fraener would be a pain, having so little time to recuperate, but he needed the aerial advantage. Finding one in his vest pocket, he quickly administered it to his Charizard.  
PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:36 pm

He could barely see what was going on, but apparently the Rockets were making for the van. Dith released Teazer and gestured towards where he remembered the van being. "Break through the line! Stop them!"

Luna started off with a Helping Hand to Viktor once more, and once again the striped Espeon used it to power up a Psychic, which he threw at the Dustox (Rocket 1).

Zla and Teazer meanwhile teamed up to charge at the Lampent (Rocket 5), letting out a Shaowball and a Faint Attack respectively.

Dith meanwhile moved forward, keeping behind his pokemon and squinting behind his goggles in the hope that it would let him see better. If he could get past the line of pokemon perhaps he could get to the van and... and do something. Stop the Rockets getting into it? Again the possibility that there were armed floated unpleasantly to mind but what could he do about it? Nothing. He suspected his young friends would be pressing forward soon and if they were then he was too, and hopefully he would be the more obvious target if there had to be a target at all. They had come here to do a job, and they would see it through.

Hearing voices off to his side however he paused and moved towards them instead. "Sera? Is that you?" Yes, there she was, her figure coming into focus as he drew closer. "Are you okay? Not hurt?"  


Predestined Inquisitor


Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:37 pm
Lin didn't need to much encouragement to go after rockets, but he was a little more determined not to get caught in such a bad situation as he had before, if he could.

He spotted Rocket 4 and his Eevee not too far away, really, and swung himself up onto Moriko's back, making them his target.
"Moriko, Tackle the Eevee! Jeeves, try and get that guy with Wrap! Don't let him get away!" He instructed the grass type to use the attack against the fleeing Trainee.  
PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:38 pm
Yuri was about to say something to Dove when he heard a commotion outside the range of vision. This damn sandstorm was hard to see through!

However, he clearly heard what Petra had said. Relying on his memory about what direction the other van was, Yuri started to sprint in that direction with his sword in one hand and the taser in the other, followed closely by Link.

The Arcanine then sprinted ahead as he saw Rocket 3 and her Pokemon. Leaping towards the Dodrio with a Fire Fang attack. While Yuri attempted to intercept the Rocket herself by running towards her to block her path and tase her once he had a good shot.  


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Newbie Noob

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:42 pm
Vince followed the sounds of voices. He heard someone mention to get to the van before the rockets did, and responded by quickening his pace towards the general direction of the voice. Sounds were echoing all around him through the whipping sands. Suddenly realized he was without his pokemon and if he encountered an enemy along the way, he wouldn't fare too well. At this he froze and tried to determine if it was really best to make his way towards the commotion. What if he found a rocket before one of the memebers of his group? Or what if one of them mistook him for a rocket, the visibility was so poor that certainly seemed possible. Unsure of what to do Vince stayed put hoping that his Larry would make it back soon to offer him at least some protection.

The small Aron had made it's way toward the van, it could tell that some of the earth ahead was disturbed. The tiny pokemon shoveled dirt furiously as it moved closer and closer to the suspected person in toruble (Driver/Mechanic) Ignoring the sounds of battle above it. It's path clearly marked on the surface, if anyone could see it.  

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