1) Who are you?
2) How do you know my language?
3) About you:
4) Has anyone ever actually seen firemen rescue a cat out of a tree?
5) Do you fancy the buttsecks?
6) Things you like:
7) Things you hate:
8#) Tell us a poo story.
9) Would you rather fly, or breathe underwater?
10) If resurrection exists, what would like to be re-incarnated as?
11) Chocolate or pastry?
12) Would you fancy the buttsecks if I gave you money?

1: ldk, who are you? meh, just call me nikki...
2: years of shitty school
3: tell ya later
4: pets are stupid and fags.
5: l fancy secks, but no.
6: l like chocolate.
7: l hate work.
8: l went poop this morning, it was stinky.
9: have wings, yes.
10: a zebra
11: both
12: give me about 90 million dollars, ASAP...