Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:14 pm
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:15 pm
Kagura_Sohma -Zephyrotica- Kagura_Sohma -Zephyrotica- J of The Wind -Zephyrotica- I haven't seen Tiago online all day. I'm freaking out. *slaps* Feel better? NO D:< *slaps back* GET IN THE KITCHEN AND MAKE ME A SAMMICH @Cookie: Don't give out your rank fffffffff I know you're excited but this is a 5000-person forum fghghjgajhakga no one is going to down-vote him
no one down-voted t when he announced his rankYou can't know that for sure unless you can give me a full list of everyone who has seen this page and their intentions. The Cult is not home only to the regulars, and the Spam Can is the biggest, most popular topic here. Do you know how noobs win the arena? By telling all their friends to upvote them and down their competition, not just by mules alone. Only one person has to see Cookie at rank 1 to start a chain, and you can't tell me that there's zero possibility of it happening. neutral i think you're overreacting i don't think cookie has any enemies here or elsewhere, he'll be fineIt's not about being personal, it's about winning. >_> This is the Internet, people do underhanded things to win insignificant titles. Oh, and for attention. But whatever, it's not like anything that stands out as much as a Flubber entry could lose to over 9000 Narutos.
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:15 pm
I must say, I am NOT liking how Grandchase ups and quits out of nowhere.
Perhaps it's because of all the people on one server, basically.
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:16 pm
Zephyrkitty Harupiggy J of The Wind -Zephyrotica- J of The Wind -Zephyrotica- I haven't seen Tiago online all day. I'm freaking out. *slaps* Feel better? NO D:< *slaps back* GET IN THE KITCHEN AND MAKE ME A SAMMICH @Cookie: Don't give out your rank fffffffff I know you're excited but this is a 5000-person forum fghghjgajhakga But... I unno how to make a sammich! I only know how to tell a woman to make me one! D: LIKE THIS J! EDIT: -sings- You get sum bread, an sum cheeze, and maybe some ham, and you put them together. Cut in into triangles. Give it to the b***h, durr durr dumdedumdedumdm.[/sing] -makes a sammich- You can lick the cheese if she's being a real b***h. :3 I don't though. -throws it at Zephy-
emo I'm surprised he threw it at you.
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:18 pm
Regulust Zephyrkitty Harupiggy J of The Wind -Zephyrotica- NO D:< *slaps back* GET IN THE KITCHEN AND MAKE ME A SAMMICH @Cookie: Don't give out your rank fffffffff I know you're excited but this is a 5000-person forum fghghjgajhakga But... I unno how to make a sammich! I only know how to tell a woman to make me one! D: LIKE THIS J! EDIT: -sings- You get sum bread, an sum cheeze, and maybe some ham, and you put them together. Cut in into triangles. Give it to the b***h, durr durr dumdedumdedumdm.[/sing] -makes a sammich- You can lick the cheese if she's being a real b***h. :3 I don't though. -throws it at Zephy-
emo I'm surprised he threw it at you.
@Reg: I throw a lot of things at people. 3nodding If I have to bring it to you, I'm not enjoying it and probably won't make you an orgasmic sammich next time.
@Zyphy: D: Oh no! -makes new one- You have to come get it though.
xD If we all really did live in that N-Cult castle mansion floating fortress thingy, I would make sammiches for everyone. =D Only 'cause it's easy, and I get wacky in a good way. Grilled Egg Sammich anyone?
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:19 pm
Whoop, I'm gone. See you later, Cult.
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:22 pm
Wantcookie Whoop, I'm gone. See you later, Cult. Cya cookie.
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:23 pm
LoudKid NA NA-NA NA-NA! IN SPEC-TOR f**-GOT!NA NA-NA NA-NA NA NAAAAAAAAAA!! Returning oldbies come in waves? Who's next? Allwing? ForsakenSwordsman?
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:24 pm
[Kegan] LoudKid NA NA-NA NA-NA! IN SPEC-TOR f**-GOT!NA NA-NA NA-NA NA NAAAAAAAAAA!! Returning oldbies come in waves? Who's next? Allwing? ForsakenSwordsman? I returned like, at the beginning of the year, I just don't get on much...
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:25 pm
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:25 pm
Did you bring your ____________?
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:25 pm
wesden_girl The content/interests team has been hard at work for more guild changes. We focused on cleaning up the code, but had to make it into bite-size projects. The first release will be very soon, and guild owners/captains will be seeing some great visual changes, as well as fixes/features to help better manage the guild. At a high level, these moderator panel (oh, and the member list!) changes will allow owners/captains/VCs to: * see number of outstanding join requests * new logs consolidation * awesome new UI and pull-down menu so you don't have to keep going back to the same page * mass-action for accept/decline (join requests) * rules to prevent captain overthrow * sorting guild members by last post. There are a few other little bonuses, too, along with other bug fixes. Thanks again to the awesome dev team (pacifisticuffs, diversaurus and WonderSloth) for their hard work and endless hours smile Stay tuned...I'll post more in the Gaia Registered guilds sub-forum in the days to come.
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:30 pm
-Zephyrotica- Did you bring your ____________? Oh! I love Mad Libs! xd
Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 6:30 pm
J of The Wind -Zephyrotica- Did you bring your __ pingas__? Oh! I love Mad Libs! xd Then why didn't you fill it in >:C