1Gaia Username?
2Favorite Gaia Item?
3Item you are questing?
4What would u do if u won this contest(what would u do with the gold)?
5How many fans do u have so far if you are doing this contest?
6Did you Click the poll?(click it please if not yet ^w^)
7Post the link of your thread if u have one
8Favorite Color?
9Favorite song currently?
10Favorite Music artist/band?
11Favorite genre of music?
12Favorite anime if any?
13Favorite Character out of that anime? :c
14Which do u prefer anime or manga? o:
15Favorite Manga? o:
16Favorite character out of that manga?
17How many anime and mangas have u read/watched so far?
18Do you like gaia?---sorry im running out of questions D':---
19What would you change on gaia if you could?
20Post Your Username Again =D and now pm me for the gold