Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 3:32 pm
Owwin Shane-Cheshner http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/gaia/cosplay-avatar/vote/?entry_id=101368305#title OH MY GOD I have never seen anything like this. xd HAHAHAHAHAHAHA gonk @Mizu&Yuuka: D'awww. Thanks.
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 3:35 pm
Wantcookie Owwin Shane-Cheshner http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/gaia/cosplay-avatar/vote/?entry_id=101368305#title OH MY GOD I have never seen anything like this. xd HAHAHAHAHAHAHA gonk The two things going through my head right now. Should I laugh? Should I not? AAAAHHHH.
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 3:35 pm
Wantcookie Owwin Shane-Cheshner http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/gaia/cosplay-avatar/vote/?entry_id=101368305#title OH MY GOD I have never seen anything like this. xd HAHAHAHAHAHAHA gonk @Mizu&Yuuka: D'awww. Thanks. NOT GONK THAT IS FUNNY! IT HAPPENED YEARS AGO.
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 3:36 pm
Wantcookie Owwin Shane-Cheshner http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/gaia/cosplay-avatar/vote/?entry_id=101368305#title OH MY GOD I have never seen anything like this. xd HAHAHAHAHAHAHA gonk @Mizu&Yuuka: D'awww. Thanks. Unless I find something I want... XD
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 3:40 pm
Harusame Mizukishi Wantcookie Owwin Shane-Cheshner http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/gaia/cosplay-avatar/vote/?entry_id=101368305#title OH MY GOD I have never seen anything like this. xd HAHAHAHAHAHAHA gonk @Mizu&Yuuka: D'awww. Thanks. Unless I find something I want... XD The only thing anyone ever Wants is Cookie.I'm sorry, I had to. xd
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 3:48 pm
Wantcookie Harusame Mizukishi Wantcookie Owwin Shane-Cheshner http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/gaia/cosplay-avatar/vote/?entry_id=101368305#title OH MY GOD I have never seen anything like this. xd HAHAHAHAHAHAHA gonk @Mizu&Yuuka: D'awww. Thanks. Unless I find something I want... XD The only thing anyone ever Wants is Cookie.I'm sorry, I had to. xd XD
But yeah...what's something cool that costs something between 15k and 30k?
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 3:50 pm
Oh, no. I've already got a moocher looking for donations. Buzz off, noob. Wantcoookie Riku Light Blade Wantcookie Riku Light Blade Wantcookie Riku Light Blade can you plz help me get a assasin's guise i will pay you back And what, praytell, makes you think I'll help someone out of the blue without being suspicious? mostly cuz im a man of my word and i will pay you back *Sigh* I don't believe you, primarily because you've had an account since the fifth of January of last year. You've had more than plenty of time to rack up enough gold to buy it yourself, and yet you're wearing nothing but the auto-boxers. Which tells me that you're just looking for a freebie. So no. No I can't buy it for you. You might be able to do a favor for me, though: Learn to type with proper spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. Now, leave me the ******** alone. Well I don't type properly because,I am just a child.Also you really dont ave to be mean to me.I was just asking for a donatetion,gosh.Also i quit until now for your information. Well, excuse me, Princess. I suppose that little tidbit of info just makes me want to give you everything I own, out of the warm and fuzzy goodness of my heart. Here's a tip: when begging, don't continue to pester people. It makes them want to give less. And, kiddo? Age is not an excuse for improper typing skills. I'm eighteen, and I still typed perfectly back when I was ten. So, I'll say it again: Leave me the ******** alone.
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 3:51 pm
Harusame Mizukishi Wantcookie Harusame Mizukishi Wantcookie Owwin Shane-Cheshner http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/gaia/cosplay-avatar/vote/?entry_id=101368305#title OH MY GOD I have never seen anything like this. xd HAHAHAHAHAHAHA gonk @Mizu&Yuuka: D'awww. Thanks. Unless I find something I want... XD The only thing anyone ever Wants is Cookie.I'm sorry, I had to. xd XD
But yeah...what's something cool that costs something between 15k and 30k? Water Meat Set.lulz.
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 3:53 pm
Wantcookie Oh, no. I've already got a moocher looking for donations. Buzz off, noob. Wantcoookie Riku Light Blade Wantcookie Riku Light Blade mostly cuz im a man of my word and i will pay you back *Sigh* I don't believe you, primarily because you've had an account since the fifth of January of last year. You've had more than plenty of time to rack up enough gold to buy it yourself, and yet you're wearing nothing but the auto-boxers. Which tells me that you're just looking for a freebie. So no. No I can't buy it for you. You might be able to do a favor for me, though: Learn to type with proper spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. Now, leave me the ******** alone. Well I don't type properly because,I am just a child.Also you really dont ave to be mean to me.I was just asking for a donatetion,gosh.Also i quit until now for your information. Well, excuse me, Princess. I suppose that little tidbit of info just makes me want to give you everything I own, out of the warm and fuzzy goodness of my heart. Here's a tip: when begging, don't continue to pester people. It makes them want to give less. And, kiddo? Age is not an excuse for improper typing skills. I'm eighteen, and I still typed perfectly back when I was ten. So, I'll say it again: Leave me the ******** alone. Hoo boy, just wait.
The Random FRs and repeated Mook moochers will be rolling in!
Also he said he was a 'child'?
Hm... had he said his age...
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 3:53 pm
Rocket J Squirrel says: you assbot Kriel says: thanks Rocket J Squirrel says: i hope someone shoves a tiny bomb up your d**k and it explodes Kriel says: Yeah me too. Rocket J Squirrel says: HNNNNNNNNNNNGH
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 3:55 pm
TtheHero Wantcookie Oh, no. I've already got a moocher looking for donations. Buzz off, noob. Wantcoookie Riku Light Blade Wantcookie Riku Light Blade mostly cuz im a man of my word and i will pay you back *Sigh* I don't believe you, primarily because you've had an account since the fifth of January of last year. You've had more than plenty of time to rack up enough gold to buy it yourself, and yet you're wearing nothing but the auto-boxers. Which tells me that you're just looking for a freebie. So no. No I can't buy it for you. You might be able to do a favor for me, though: Learn to type with proper spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. Now, leave me the ******** alone. Well I don't type properly because,I am just a child.Also you really dont ave to be mean to me.I was just asking for a donatetion,gosh.Also i quit until now for your information. Well, excuse me, Princess. I suppose that little tidbit of info just makes me want to give you everything I own, out of the warm and fuzzy goodness of my heart. Here's a tip: when begging, don't continue to pester people. It makes them want to give less. And, kiddo? Age is not an excuse for improper typing skills. I'm eighteen, and I still typed perfectly back when I was ten. So, I'll say it again: Leave me the ******** alone. Hoo boy, just wait.
The Random FRs and repeated Mook moochers will be rolling in!
Also he said he was a 'child'?
Hm... had he said his age...-tosses T his Secret Gaia Police badge-
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 3:55 pm
TtheHero Wantcookie Oh, no. I've already got a moocher looking for donations. Buzz off, noob. Wantcoookie Riku Light Blade Wantcookie Riku Light Blade mostly cuz im a man of my word and i will pay you back *Sigh* I don't believe you, primarily because you've had an account since the fifth of January of last year. You've had more than plenty of time to rack up enough gold to buy it yourself, and yet you're wearing nothing but the auto-boxers. Which tells me that you're just looking for a freebie. So no. No I can't buy it for you. You might be able to do a favor for me, though: Learn to type with proper spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. Now, leave me the ******** alone. Well I don't type properly because,I am just a child.Also you really dont ave to be mean to me.I was just asking for a donatetion,gosh.Also i quit until now for your information. Well, excuse me, Princess. I suppose that little tidbit of info just makes me want to give you everything I own, out of the warm and fuzzy goodness of my heart. Here's a tip: when begging, don't continue to pester people. It makes them want to give less. And, kiddo? Age is not an excuse for improper typing skills. I'm eighteen, and I still typed perfectly back when I was ten. So, I'll say it again: Leave me the ******** alone. Hoo boy, just wait.
The Random FRs and repeated Mook moochers will be rolling in!
Also he said he was a 'child'?
Hm... had he said his age... xd He just responded. "fine *********************" Stars and everything. He censors himself. rofl
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 3:56 pm
Whoop, I'll be back in a while, Cult. Got to go take care of a few things.
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 3:56 pm
Rad Electropow TtheHero Wantcookie Oh, no. I've already got a moocher looking for donations. Buzz off, noob. Wantcoookie Riku Light Blade Well I don't type properly because,I am just a child.Also you really dont ave to be mean to me.I was just asking for a donatetion,gosh.Also i quit until now for your information. Well, excuse me, Princess. I suppose that little tidbit of info just makes me want to give you everything I own, out of the warm and fuzzy goodness of my heart. Here's a tip: when begging, don't continue to pester people. It makes them want to give less. And, kiddo? Age is not an excuse for improper typing skills. I'm eighteen, and I still typed perfectly back when I was ten. So, I'll say it again: Leave me the ******** alone. Hoo boy, just wait.
The Random FRs and repeated Mook moochers will be rolling in!
Also he said he was a 'child'?
Hm... had he said his age...-tosses T his Secret Gaia Police badge- *knocks it away*
Silence you.
I work for ME.
Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 3:58 pm
Wantcookie Whoop, I'll be back in a while, Cult. Got to go take care of a few things. A'ight. See ya.