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Byako, the city of everything. A city hundreds of miles in size where anything can and does happy on a daily basis Join the random sillyness 

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King Riverbreeze

PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 12:23 pm
Broad of shoulder, the batlike entity looked up. He offered a smile. "Ahh. I fee-gured I vould be spotted... I guess ze... 'jig eez up'." One ear flicks, and he offers a questioning look. "I am very sor-ree, I am... not used to ze tongue of zis cont-ee-nent."

"I 'ope I am not... tres-pass-eeng. I merely saw 'ow vee-oo-tee-fool ze place vas, an' 'ad to come an' admire eet." Even his posture had an aristocratic 'air' to it, though his aura seemed slightly dark, his smile and expression let off the opposite. He seemed to be a play in opposites - monstrous, yet debonair.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 12:45 pm
Sarissa gasped in delight at hearing him speak and then giggled, "Yes, it is. Lady Caly has done a splendid job here at the Mansion." she floated closer to him, noticing his clothes and taking a likely to the design. She was always fascinated with other clothing. But she resisted the urge to reach out to touch them.

When she met his gaze again she reassured him, "You were not trespassing. Lady Caly always welcomes those that are curious." she giggled again as one of the various vine plants she was near reached out a tendril towards her. The little genie petted the greenery and perched atop one of the more stable vines. "It's rather peaceful out here adn the people of this Clan are nice...well if you don't count Vincent..but his story should be for another time." she tilted her head to the side a little as she let that information settle


King Riverbreeze

PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 12:52 pm
"Clan...? Oh!" His eyes brighten - literally. Where they were once obscured by his glasses, the areas where his eyes would be suddenly glow as his posture changes to one of interest. "Oo are of a House...? Eet eez a true ples-air to meet oo, zen." He offers a respectful bow.

"Mon nom est Wir'lovel. I am... vas... of House Repense. Bonjour!"

He looks around for a moment - first at the plants, then at her. "Eet must be zis continent's Clan of Beau-tee, non? From ze gardens an' oo'rself, eet must be." He nods, giving a wistful sigh. "Ow von-dear-fool. I vas worried I vould not un-dear-stand zis continent."

"Ahem." He calms himself, clearing his throat - a bewinged arm raising to fix the glasses over his eyes, which dim. "Excusez-moi. I get... excited, when eet comes to theengs of beauty."  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:06 pm
Sarissa smiled, "This is the home of Clan Karaneshii. And I am Sarissa, it's also a pleasure to meet some new people who express joy in the nature around them."

But she couldn't help but feel a faint blush rise in her cheeks. It wasn't often that a male spoke to her in such a manner and the last time had been a long time ago indeed. By at least a century.

"Perhaps you would like to explore the garden more?" she asked.


King Riverbreeze

PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:12 pm
"Oui, that I vould." He gestures along the path with his arm, wing unfolding from it. "Zoh I admit eet vould be a lot nicer eef I vas to 'ave someone to talk to along ze vay. Eef oo 'ave no press-eeng matters, I vould be 'appy to 'ave oo join me."

His bestial face shifts to one of a happy smile. He really meant it, and he had been so alone since he made it to this 'continent'. "Ples-air to be 'ere..." He looks to her, "May I ask vhat oo do? Ze vay oo move, I'd 'ave guessed a dan-sair... zoh vit zat float-eeng spell oo were oos-eeng... Oo are pro-bab-lee a great deal more important, non?"  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:42 pm
"Lady Caly does not have need of me for the moment, so I would be happy to accompany you. i've always enjoyed a lovely garden to explore and seeing as I've only recently arrived here myself, there is much to still see and take pleasure in."

But as she directed to one section of the garden she allowed her true size slowly take form. Soon she walked gracefully next to the newcomer, her bangles jingling softly. This made things a little easier to talk to him and walk alongside him. She glanced at him, her sapphire eyes twinkling as she responded, "As for me, I am a longtime friend and ally to Lady Caly. Just recently I acted as a proxy leader til she came back home." she trailed her fingers along a few flowers. "But I am on occasion a dancer. But not one meant for the type of royal court with beautiful gowns and tiaras. More of a kingdom that thrives in the desert."


King Riverbreeze

PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:55 pm
Wir stops for a moment to admire a dark purple plant before asking, "A desert? Vith ze sand an' heat? 'Ow dread-fool... zoh, ze Repense 'ome eez not much bet-tair, from ze vay mos' react to eet. Massive cave complex, built so zat ze wind from ze surface flows through to make zis... von-dear-fool, eerie music."

He sighs, ears drooping. "I miss eet... very, very much... zoh eet eez too late to go back, I vill make ze most of my time 'ere."

"Zoh zat oo were trusted enough to act as a proxy lee-dair for oo'r House eez ah-may-zeeng... an' I admit, zat... size-shift-eeng spell oo 'ave mus' come een han-dee... nice to see oo fll-sized, as vell." From this distance, his 'eyes' can clearly be seen behind his glasses. Or rather, his lack of eyes.

The sockets were empty... instead, a dark mist swirled about inside his head, small flakes of silver glimmering inside... like stars. As the connection between stars is made, one of the silver sparks shoots from the corner of his right eye, across to the other socket and vanishing out the side... a 'shooting star'.

"I 'ave always enjoyed ze comp-an-ee of dan-sairs... Een my time vork-eeng for my House, I vas a diplomat an' a mag-eek oo-sair... zoh most-lee, I vas a diplomat. Ze art of peace eez... an 'ard art to mas-tair, but... vorth eet, I bell-eeve."  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 2:24 pm
She listened to him speak, enjoying the texture of his words as he continued. But after awhile she glanced at him again adn responded, "It is always worth it yes. I've always seen it as such." afterall one does not live over 6 centuries without seeing at least a couple of wars, despite that she's a genie. Even when she had been locked in her lamp, one master had used a wish a long long time ago so that she may read any book on any topic she wished while trapped. She learned alot from books in her confinment.

"But as a diplomat I'm sure you have come to also realize that." she said casually.


King Riverbreeze

PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 2:41 pm
"Ac-too-ally... zair are... some groups I vould razzer see defeated, on-lee rem-mem-baired in his-tor-ee. Sometimes, peace cannot be reached. I do not see zis as a fail-eeng on my part, simp-lee as an oppur-toon-itty to make ze world... bet-tair."

His body and voice vibrated with youth and a type of 'life' that didn't quite match up with his aura. Like how the most vibrant, lifelike painting one could find would still be a painting... and thus, unreal.

"I 'ave no love for zose who vould conquer and destroy ze theengs of beau-tee..." He reaches forward, putting his hand upon one of the trees. "Back 'ome, we 'ad zis vaterfall... I vould visit eet vit my friends every third day. Ze water vas always warm, no matter ze season, an' eet vas surrounded by zese... glow-eeng crystals that sang when oo touched zem... but... zese warriors decided eet would make a good place to keell each ozzer, an' soaked eet een blood, smashed ze crystals, an' ruined ze waterfall..."

He shook his head, "I nev-air forgave ze survivor. I myself prosecuted him. 'E vas found guil-tee, an' was tasked to repair ze damage 'e 'ad wrought." He left out the part that he was tasked to repair the damage after his death sentence as an undead, but that knowledge would have served little purpose.

"Life, beau-tee... I cannot sit an' rest vhen I see zem een dan-gair... I am no warrior or warmage, but... I 'ave my vays." He gives her a nervous, apologetic smile.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 3:03 pm
She could hear the emotions behind the words and was saddened at the end of the waterfall he loved so much. She almost wished that she could restore it for him, but knew from a couple of hints in his words that him returning back home was all but impossible.

She gave him a smile in return after his last words and found that she had to add something to it, "I have never been a warrior or sorceress, but I know those who are....they have fought and recieved wounds, but they have also fought in the way of words. Some of them are rather well versed diplomats. Sometimes, certain ways just work better." her voice was soft, the truth of what she spoke of lighting in her eyes. "And here with the Karaneshii Clan, the way of peace and caring for those of our "family" have become some of the most important ways for anyone. They flourish and are stronger for it. And I have not seen that outside of few friends and allies in a long, long time and i will do anything in my power to keep it so." then she blushed bright red. She hadn't realized just how much of her own dreams she had spoken of til then.

Feeling a little awkward now she jerked her gaze up towards his face and quickly said, "Sorry," but it was rather high pitched and rushed.


King Riverbreeze

PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 3:10 pm
"Nev-air." He states, shaking his head, "Be sor-ree for lov-eeng zose oo care about. Eet eez ze most noble theeng oo' can ev-air do. An' I am hap-pee I can hear of eet from oo." The batlike man nods, "The links between people are fass-sin-ay-teeng. I can teenk of lee-till else zat I enjoy more zan people."

"Zoh..." He looks from her, rubbing the back of his head. "I do enjoy see-eeng ze reddish hue of oo'r face. Eet eez an at-trac-teev look." The tips of his ears turn a slight reddish color, and he clears his throat.

Quickly changing the subject, he states, "Can oo tell me abou' zis... Kara-nesh-ee? Eet sounds... von-dear-fool." He looks around, fixing his glasses once more, "Any-vun who keeps such a place of von-dear on zair grounds are vor-zee enough, een my opin-ee-un."  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 3:27 pm
((Ack I think I'm getting a headache trying to sound out the words in my head with the french accent...))

She blushed a little bit more when he admitted that he liked it and turned her face away to hide the blush. For the moment she became interested in the plants before her, petting a few of them and conjuring a small rain cloud for a few others. As she watched the water fall to the plants that perked up at it she answered, "To be honest I don't know a whole lot of how everyone interacts with the rest, but through letters from Lady Caly I came to know that though everyone has their quirks," she smirked at that one, "With Vincent having the most, things go well. To not let you think that it's all Light and goodness, there are Dark areas and personalities here. I would be wary of the one named Aeris as well." she glanced at him, "No matter that Caly cares for everyone here a great deal."

After a few moments she went silent as she called off the rain cloud and sent it to another area of the garden.


King Riverbreeze

PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 3:40 pm
((Sorry. XD I know it's tough, though I think it adds to the character more than stating 'he has a french accent'. With the typed accent, it actually seems like he -has- the accent.))

"Eet eez said zat ze Light shines brightest een ze Dark... I've spent most of my life een zee Dark, so I 'ave no qualms wit eet." He watches her spellwork, offering her a smile, "Oo are very talented," he comments, "Vhere I come from, ze con-jur-a-shun of elements eez a tough theeng to do. Calabrians like myself focus on ze... abtract-shuns... of ma-geec."

The man reaches up, taking off his glasses... the other hand reaches within, pulling out a swirl of the black energy within. Placing his glasses back on, he looks at the misty energy, calmly shaping it... until the mist hardened into a ball of black material... and it opened up, forming the petals of a rose, with a shining white 'pearl' in the middle, glittering softly. He pulls his hand down, forming a 'stem' from the obsidian rose.

He offers it forth. "For oo... an example, zoh I'll admit to oo-seeng more flair zan vas needed. I 'ave a weakness for theatrics vhen eet comes to beau-tee... an' beau-tee-fool females." He grins widely, laughing in a good-natured manner.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 7:02 pm
The sound of flesh tearing and the stench of blood filled the basement as Vincents creation was "born" from its fleshy cocoon. The child was Animula's height, a child of 5-6 years old. Covered in blood the childs tan skin and hair the color of fire was barely obscured.

Kneeling besides the child Vincents long ebony fingers wiped some of the blood of the childs face. Green eyes opened to the world for the first time. Two dolls souls into one being.

"Four down two to go.." Vincent said with a handsome smirk.

Animula a beautifully pale skinned, blue eyed and ebony haired child came to stand besides its master.

"Take him to the Koi pond, clean him up and find him some clothing here in the basement." Vincent said to the girl.

Animula nodded silently and bent down to pick up the boy that was her height. She slung his arm over her neck and slipped her own arm around the boy and under his arm. Hoisting him to his feet the bloody boy and cute little Animula headed out of the Kanareshii Mansion basement and into the garden.

Cy narrowed his gaze slightly at Aeris as she left. He knew what she was doing, but for Calys sake he was going to keep his mouth shut... for now. When the other aura entered the grounds, Cy looked in the direction of the newcomer. He watched as Sarrissa flew off to go greet whomever it was.

"Shall we? After all your the clans leader now. If it is another lost soul then we should at least introduce ourselves." Cy said to Caly with a light smile. At least if they did that he could get his mind off of the smell of blood coming from the basement.


The scent of blood, the smell of something dark and another... wolf? Fox? What was that smell? A bat? Vlad snapped awake. Sitting upright quickly the werewolf accidently sent the last two remaining dolls- about a foot high- tumbling to the ground.

Not noticing them Vlad got to his feet and started sniffing the air. "What.. is.. its male.." A grin graced Vlads lips, another male canine that meant possible battle, something this werewolf lived for.

Throwing his head back Vlad let out a long howl to make his presence known. He took off a second later, shifting to his white wolf form and bounding in the direction of the newcomers scent.


Anubis ceased playing with the kittens when he heard the howl from his half brother. "Oh no.. stupid mutt!" Anubis's cat ears went back against his head and he bound into the garden. A small black kitten was soon on the trail of a white wolf.. to keep him from doing anything... stupid.

Valkyrie Nightshade

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 7:41 pm
[Enters from the Jarian Base.]

Masakazu stopped to take a breath; the two large cuts on his chest were really starting to bother him. He placed a hand on his chest, having not look at it since Ravyn hit him and felt blood run down his his head and drip to the floor. The smell of it all made him wrinkle his nose up.

"I wonder if she is here.." Masakazu aske dhimself, reffering to the woman that invited him here in the first place. "Caly I think her name was. Ah well, I should start healing myself before I go any further." He told himself and then sat down on the ground.

Masakazu closed his eyes and felt his own shadow started to shift and wrap itself around his chest. The wound then started to burn a bit, but told him that it was working. After a while, his shadow moved back into its original position and he slowly opened his eyes. Well now, I think I'm getting better at that.. He thought as he continued to sit on the ground, leaning back on his hands and looking around a bit.
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