Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:42 pm
Indulge [In Words] >.< *cuddles* Aww... Gawd, I ******** hate your brother! ...sorry. You should talk to your Mum about it... >>;; There's probably something you two could do about it. {Hold} me |tender|, hold me `sweet` That's the problem!
The more we talk about it the more angry he gets it's a ******** neverending cycle!
Sometimes it gets so bad, even my mom says we should move out and find an apartment somewhere.
Nevermind. If I go on with this people'll think I'm a stupid whiny lil baby.
And I'll ruin your mood. Although that's probably already done.... Sorry. /Kill/ me *quickly* in my -sleep-
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:42 pm
you can dance if you want to, you can leave yourself behind
no idea why that just popped in my head
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:42 pm
TMMann17 haha yaaah basically. smile Ooh. Ooh. I meant to tell you. I totally made you avi art. I have to color it though.
I made some for Apple too. & other random people on my friend list.
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:42 pm
*crashes through a window and into the thread* HIYAAA! biggrin DD
Ello, all. <3
I'm... about to eat a chocolate fudge poptart. :0
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:42 pm
Indulge [In Words] Kurosakuranbo-chan Indulge [In Words] Kurosakuranbo-chan Indulge [In Words] Kurosakuranbo-chan <33 The poll should seriously be a pumpkin! x3 In honor of teh new Smashing Pumpkins Album! <3 >w< Yas!! <3 ZOMG!? j00 like 'em?! O: Never heard of them! XD;; But if they have pumpkins in their name, then they must be awesome! <33 ^^" No one ever knows who they are. *sulks* T____T They made such a big influence on modern rock though . All right! I shall go look up some of their songs!! Any suggestions?
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:43 pm
ChibiKittenChan *crashes through a window and into the thread* HIYAAA! biggrin DD
Ello, all. <3
I'm... about to eat a chocolate fudge poptart. :0 hi.....*takes the poptart and runs*
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:43 pm
ChibiKittenChan *crashes through a window and into the thread* HIYAAA! biggrin DD
Ello, all. <3
I'm... about to eat a chocolate fudge poptart. :0 eek POPTARTS
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:45 pm
ChibiKittenChan *crashes through a window and into the thread* HIYAAA! biggrin DD
Ello, all. <3
I'm... about to eat a chocolate fudge poptart. :0 -chrases through a window and right smack dab into Kittenchan-
HIYAAA! biggrin DD
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:45 pm
Teh K a a C h a n Indulge [In Words] >.< *cuddles* Aww... Gawd, I ******** hate your brother! ...sorry. You should talk to your Mum about it... >>;; There's probably something you two could do about it. {Hold} me |tender|, hold me `sweet` That's the problem!
The more we talk about it the more angry he gets it's a ******** neverending cycle!
Sometimes it gets so bad, even my mom says we should move out and find an apartment somewhere.
Nevermind. If I go on with this people'll think I'm a stupid whiny lil baby.
And I'll ruin your mood. Although that's probably already done.... Sorry. /Kill/ me *quickly* in my -sleep- You should. Or kick your brother out. I bet he doesn't own the house, therefore he has no right to scare you and your Mum out. D;
I wanna help j00! 3 You always help me.
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:46 pm
Kurosakuranbo-chan Indulge [In Words] Kurosakuranbo-chan Never heard of them! XD;; But if they have pumpkins in their name, then they must be awesome! <33 ^^" No one ever knows who they are. *sulks* T____T They made such a big influence on modern rock though . All right! I shall go look up some of their songs!! Any suggestions? My Media! <3 After j00 listen to that one, you can pick another. :]
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:46 pm
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:48 pm
Hartmen you can dance if you want to, you can leave yourself behind no idea why that just popped in my head Who sings that?! I've been dying to know!
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:48 pm
best part of the manga is when Edmund kicked that b***h in the face through the window yo
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:48 pm
ZukoMai ChibiKittenChan *crashes through a window and into the thread* HIYAAA! biggrin DD
Ello, all. <3
I'm... about to eat a chocolate fudge poptart. :0 hi.....*takes the poptart and runs* WHY HULLO THAR STRA- Hey, that's mine! D< *tackles you to the ground and takes it back* biggrin DD
Hartmen: Cha yeah! And... GUESS WHAT?! This particular one has a TON of sprinkles. Its insaaane!! o.o
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 3:49 pm
ChaosMyotismon Hartmen you can dance if you want to, you can leave yourself behind no idea why that just popped in my head Who sings that?! I've been dying to know! no idea watched bio dome couple days ago