Ydna Wolf
Blind Blindness
Ydna Wolf
Blind Blindness
Guys, how happy are you in life?
This is the scale.
1- Very unhappy
2- Unhappy
3- Marginally unhappy
4- Average/Neutral
5- Slightly happy
6- Happy/content
7- Very happy
Your answers will not be judged xD..so if it's a 3, don't be afraid to say it. If it's a 7, don't be afraid either.
This is the scale.
1- Very unhappy
2- Unhappy
3- Marginally unhappy
4- Average/Neutral
5- Slightly happy
6- Happy/content
7- Very happy
Your answers will not be judged xD..so if it's a 3, don't be afraid to say it. If it's a 7, don't be afraid either.
Why ya asking? -tilts head-
Plain curiosity x3
Okay? I'd be a 4 I think...?
Okay xD, thank you. You too Yuki