Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:56 pm
Red Toxic Indulge [In Words] Red Toxic Indulge [In Words] Red Toxic ..Orgy thread? xDD Sweeet. >>;; That was slighty strange. Woo~ x]
@Licensed; I totally want to be in the harem too. Yep yep... Kinky Box!Sex and such... all fun. <3 I just laughed at that for some reason. xDD
@Goddess; Yeah. I would so buy something, but unless you take 873 and a Chain Wallet for the Horns, I'm out of luck. ;P I traded my Horns for a Chain Wallet. xD
Don't EVER do that. ;P It's CRAAAP. Have people been buying?;D Seriously. 'Tis our very warped minds. <3 Woo~ xDD
@Jehlo; Psh, no. It's a good eye. Very fresh. -chompchomp-Woo! is right~ Gawd, I love this guild. >////<
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:56 pm
Indulge [In Words] Licensed Indulge [In Words] Yep yep... Kinky Box!Sex and such... all fun. <3 Lol! xD
@whatser; You threw a sticky at jello?! OOO;
:'D Good times, good times... And to think it all started when I gave Pelvic her art. x3
I have this giddy feeling insideee.
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:56 pm
` Licensed -
This is it.
Look them up if you don't know who they are.
[Noi], Durrr. o3o
`Tahirah Xyloid StrawBerryApple x3 thisismysn x3 Pelvic Thrust Fairy Teh K a a C h a n Sahkrit BubblewrapWaffle c o s p l a y b o i Baja APOCALYPTIC EPIDEMIC x Random W O R D x - Tainted Star x3 - Indulge [In Words] Moonlight_Bella Sugrie pxxn Manamii [Chrissy] tamago_girl amcfastpitch A l i c e` x[Take_A_Chance]x CuriousKitty Popo-Licious CinderMist Ayumi Masamune x-kari-x Keiosu KenyakoDivination ` Modern Chemistry [adenosine triphosphate] Moet Et Chandon `Quetzalcoatl [Mimblewimble] ` Le Stripe DownwardXSpiral Liros ` ikuzo blurr to black The ORIGINAL Wafflez
1 male, 43 females. You didn't give me a limit. xD;
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:56 pm
VIII-Axel Ah! My Goddess VIII-Axel †why won't you talk!? gonk † -shrugs-
=3†eh...eh...eh...{stammers}† heh.
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:56 pm
Red Toxic x3 thisismysn x3 Diet Jello -gets a dump trunk full of chicken flavored ramen and dumps it on your front lawn- Yaaaay! Ramen for life!! whee -cough- I CAN HELP YOU WITH THAT. -coughshifty-You might want to do something about that cough. >.>
@Jello: eek Nuh-uhh! But I don't need one! I'm already tastey! D;
@Goddess: Me too. D: I stayed up late last night trying to figure out that darn puzzle of the day thingy.
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:57 pm
[Noi] ` Licensed -
This is it.
Look them up if you don't know who they are.
[Noi], Durrr. o3o
`Tahirah Xyloid StrawBerryApple x3 thisismysn x3 Pelvic Thrust Fairy Teh K a a C h a n Sahkrit BubblewrapWaffle c o s p l a y b o i Baja APOCALYPTIC EPIDEMIC x Random W O R D x - Tainted Star x3 - Indulge [In Words] Moonlight_Bella Sugrie pxxn Manamii [Chrissy] tamago_girl amcfastpitch A l i c e` x[Take_A_Chance]x CuriousKitty Popo-Licious CinderMist Ayumi Masamune x-kari-x Keiosu KenyakoDivination ` Modern Chemistry [adenosine triphosphate] Moet Et Chandon `Quetzalcoatl [Mimblewimble] ` Le Stripe DownwardXSpiral Liros ` ikuzo blurr to black The ORIGINAL Wafflez
1 male, 43 females. You didn't give me a limit. xD; That's... a lot of people. Dx
Can you narrow it down like to around 20 or something?
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:57 pm
x3 thisismysn x3 Red Toxic -cough- I CAN HELP YOU WITH THAT. -coughshifty- O.o
@Jello: It sure does. I might go make some ramen in a minute. ninja
@ Red Toxic - x_T
@ whatser_name - He? surprised
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:58 pm
Ah! My Goddess VIII-Axel Ah! My Goddess VIII-Axel †why won't you talk!? gonk † -shrugs-
=3†eh...eh...eh...{stammers}† heh.
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:58 pm
[Noi] ` Licensed -
This is it.
Look them up if you don't know who they are.
[Noi], Durrr. o3o
`Tahirah Xyloid StrawBerryApple x3 thisismysn x3 Pelvic Thrust Fairy Teh K a a C h a n Sahkrit BubblewrapWaffle c o s p l a y b o i Baja APOCALYPTIC EPIDEMIC x Random W O R D x - Tainted Star x3 - Indulge [In Words] Moonlight_Bella Sugrie pxxn Manamii [Chrissy] tamago_girl amcfastpitch A l i c e` x[Take_A_Chance]x CuriousKitty Popo-Licious CinderMist Ayumi Masamune x-kari-x Keiosu KenyakoDivination ` Modern Chemistry [adenosine triphosphate] Moet Et Chandon `Quetzalcoatl [Mimblewimble] ` Le Stripe DownwardXSpiral Liros ` ikuzo blurr to black The ORIGINAL Wafflez
1 male, 43 females. You didn't give me a limit. xD; I'M NOT ON IT. ;-;
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:59 pm
Licensed Indulge [In Words] Licensed Indulge [In Words] Yep yep... Kinky Box!Sex and such... all fun. <3 Lol! xD
@whatser; You threw a sticky at jello?! OOO;
:'D Good times, good times... And to think it all started when I gave Pelvic her art. x3
I have this giddy feeling insideee.
That's a 24/7 thing here. :B
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:59 pm
Indulge [In Words] <33 Make meh happy. :] Anyways, all the gold went to the guild, so it was killing two birds with one stone. {Hold} me |tender|, hold me `sweet` D:
J00r so nice. <3
>w< I will pay j00 back. D; somehow. >w< /Kill/ me *quickly* in my -sleep-
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 10:00 pm
Sowwy. ;o;
It's long enuff as it is, without throwing everyone I know in it. xD;
` Licensed -
Kay, I'll try. o3o
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 10:01 pm
Indulge [In Words] Licensed Indulge [In Words] Licensed Indulge [In Words] Yep yep... Kinky Box!Sex and such... all fun. <3 Lol! xD
@whatser; You threw a sticky at jello?! OOO;
:'D Good times, good times... And to think it all started when I gave Pelvic her art. x3
I have this giddy feeling insideee.
That's a 24/7 thing here. :B Yay!
I joined the happy guild! <3
@noi; THANK YOU! sweatdrop
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 10:01 pm
Licensed @whatser; I don't get a sticky!!! ;o;
Pshh. But of course! -Throws at you- You're so cool you get a WHITE sticky! ;D
@Jello: What? Dx
Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 10:02 pm
:[[ I'm depressed now. ;-;
Kay, someone talk to meee.