Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 5:56 pm
Hey guys, I'm imaginary. Just letting you all know.
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 5:56 pm
The Awkwardest Turtle Shane-Cheshner Wantcookie I hope you know you've just set yourself as bait, J. ;D EDIT: That's right, d***o-sig. You know exactly what I mean. FGSFDS Jack ******** Spicer. I wish I had my Monkey Staff. emo
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 5:57 pm
l-Kathulu-l Hey guys, I'm imaginary. Just letting you all know. Did one of you guys say something or was that just my imagination?
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 5:57 pm
Orphie otawara Orphie So, why does everyone like raping J so much? Better question is why don't we? Because his a**s is probably the size of a hallway by now and I'm sure that every time he walks he soils himself. .____.
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 5:58 pm
Orphie says: Because there's only the keys and the base part. There isn't a cover or anything to stop hair and crumbs from getting in between the keys Ryan*hsus says: well then stop shedding Orphie says: It's my dog Ryan*hsus says: uh huh Ryan*hsus says: sure Orphie says: It is. My hair isn't that fine. Orphie says: HEH Ryan*hsus says: hey Ryan*hsus says: don't put yourself down Orphie says: I didn't. Orphie says: I put my dog down. Orphie says: EUTHANIZATION JOKE HAHAH
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 5:58 pm
Cookie, that is an awesome avatar.
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 5:58 pm
Wantcookie The Awkwardest Turtle Shane-Cheshner Wantcookie I hope you know you've just set yourself as bait, J. ;D EDIT: That's right, d***o-sig. You know exactly what I mean. FGSFDS Jack ******** Spicer. I wish I had my Monkey Staff. emo http://www.gaiaonline.com/marketplace/itemdetail/38836 ? EDIT: Oh, I just remembered the 215678345267 episodes where he had the monkey staff. That show was awesome. Mostly because of Jack.
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 5:59 pm
Orphie Orphie says: Because there's only the keys and the base part. There isn't a cover or anything to stop hair and crumbs from getting in between the keys Ryan*hsus says: well then stop shedding Orphie says: It's my dog Ryan*hsus says: uh huh Ryan*hsus says: sure Orphie says: It is. My hair isn't that fine. Orphie says: HEH Ryan*hsus says: hey Ryan*hsus says: don't put yourself down Orphie says: I didn't. Orphie says: I put my dog down. Orphie says: EUTHANIZATION JOKE HAHAH HAHAH xd
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:01 pm
l-Kathulu-l Hey guys, I'm imaginary. Just letting you all know. Why thank you tinkle fairy!
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:01 pm
The Awkwardest Turtle Wantcookie The Awkwardest Turtle Shane-Cheshner Wantcookie I hope you know you've just set yourself as bait, J. ;D EDIT: That's right, d***o-sig. You know exactly what I mean. FGSFDS Jack ******** Spicer. I wish I had my Monkey Staff. emo http://www.gaiaonline.com/marketplace/itemdetail/38836 ? EDIT: Oh, I just remembered the 215678345267 episodes where he had the monkey staff. That show was awesome. Mostly because of Jack. The Sun Staff may be better
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:03 pm
l-Kathulu-l The Awkwardest Turtle Wantcookie The Awkwardest Turtle Shane-Cheshner Wantcookie I hope you know you've just set yourself as bait, J. ;D EDIT: That's right, d***o-sig. You know exactly what I mean. FGSFDS Jack ******** Spicer. I wish I had my Monkey Staff. emo http://www.gaiaonline.com/marketplace/itemdetail/38836 ? EDIT: Oh, I just remembered the 215678345267 episodes where he had the monkey staff. That show was awesome. Mostly because of Jack. The Sun Staff may be better xd I was joking.
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:03 pm
l-Kathulu-l The Awkwardest Turtle Wantcookie The Awkwardest Turtle Shane-Cheshner Wantcookie I hope you know you've just set yourself as bait, J. ;D EDIT: That's right, d***o-sig. You know exactly what I mean. FGSFDS Jack ******** Spicer. I wish I had my Monkey Staff. emo http://www.gaiaonline.com/marketplace/itemdetail/38836 ? EDIT: Oh, I just remembered the 215678345267 episodes where he had the monkey staff. That show was awesome. Mostly because of Jack. The Sun Staff may be better I haven't seen that show in forever, so I can't remember much about it. Like, what anything looks like.
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:04 pm
Wantcookie l-Kathulu-l The Sun Staff may be better xd I was joking. You should get a ghost so you can have Wuya. (or however its spelled) EDDEET - Turtle, it's a brown staff with a monkey on it.
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:05 pm
Wantcookie l-Kathulu-l The Sun Staff may be better xd I was joking. Yeah. I didn't get that until I remembered the aforementioned 215678345267 episodes.
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:05 pm
The Awkwardest Turtle l-Kathulu-l The Sun Staff may be better I haven't seen that show in forever, so I can't remember much about it. Like, what anything looks like. Jack Spicer is one of the best villains ever. xd Reincarnated Wuya is also ******** awesome.