I'm not either. I've gotten used to sitting here doing nothing. I could stare at the wall all day if I wanted to.
I has the ADHD. Sitting around doing nothing isn't my forte.
Ah, I didn't know that.
What does ADHD stand for, anyways?
Attention deficit (and) hyperactivity disorder.
Can't focus, can't sit still.
Although I've gotten pretty good about not being hyper.
That doesn't sound fun for me, not being able to focus. D:
It's not so bad, at least not for me.
While most people with ADD/ADHD have learning disabilities and the like, I'm actually gifted.
Don't get me wrong, I still can't focus on boring schoolwork and stuff. It is debilitating. But when I enjoy things, such as Flash for instance, I can focus on it for hours, and excel at it.
Taking medication for it is a lot worse.
stare They make you sick and I was never hungry when I was on them. The day they took me off I gained 10 pounds. No lie.
I've tried pretty much everything to help it. Meds, biofeedback (attaching wires to my brain, no bull), special privileges in school like bring in a laptop. Nothing works.
I'm lucky I'm smart. :