J of The Wind
Cattra Nightblade
J of The Wind
Just thinking... This girl... I think she likes me...
We were talking all day and... we have a lot in common.
Am I ready to move on like this?
Whats the worse that can happen, getting rejected isn't the end of the world, I know this yet I dread on the current one (but theres other reasons for this)
Who knows what could happen *thumbs up*
and if you don't feel ready then just hang out with her, no harm in that right?
I mean its not rejection im afraid of, but the thing is, my ex... she claims to still love me, and I still have feelings for her but im not sure if itl still work...
Guh... But your rightm no harm in friends hanging out
Just, if you plan on dating her, I mean you could... but don't make her your BEST friend... because it crushes you 100% when its ended... like what happened to me a few days ago, im a complete wreck, my parents know and I didn't even tell them, there constantly asking if everything is ok and I keep lieing, im doing un-natural things for me and etc because now I'm trying to hang onto my best friend who wants nothing to do with me for a bit and if she goes I got no one in her spot in RL (shes one I can tell anything and anything too...)
Edit: Maybe im just butthurt? I dono... just my point of view on the matter, take it for what you want it do be =/
Edit 2: its also only natural you still care for a ex unless she becomes a b***h, then its ok not too, I mean its someone you had feelings for, its only natural, but if you broke up for a serious reason then it is most likely you should stay broken up if not resolveable, I usually have a 2 strike policy, where after 2 strikes I wont take them back but we can still be best friends... only because if its a third time with the same person then something is wrong.