The Betman
Lord, you are such a b***h.
Later guys. Bye Betman.
@Reg: You and I both are using the Gogh Reed and Kottan Bell, just like Betman and Kirby are both using the Bone Helm. This doesn't mean one of us copied the other, just that we both came up with avatars we liked that happened to use the same items. The theme of our avatars is completely different despite some item overlap; the same goes for Betman's and Kirby's avatars.
On the other hand, T's avatar was so similar to Ginn's that when I first saw it, I thought she'd just made a couple of changes to her avatar. It wasn't identical, but it was obvious he was attempting to get as close to Ginn's avatar as he could with his current inventory, and it was close enough that the idea Ginn's avatar was going for was still apparent in T's imitation.
You don't care if someone else imitates your avatar, but other Culties do. The least someone could do is ask that person if it's all right to copycat them for whatever reason, respect their feelings on it if they say no, and credit them if they say yes.