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Shawn Darrow

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 6:17 pm
"Yeah, yeah, coming..." he grumbled, biting back a 'he started it' remark. Still, KO was right; now was not the time or place.

At Clancy's words, though, Shadow could only sigh - or he would have if he had breath to spare while running. "Later, Eel," was all he managed.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 6:25 pm

"Oh, I'm doing just bloody peachy, mate..." Clancy hissed and muttered quietly in reply to Adam.
"I've been smacked in the face by some unstable critter, pulled about by some flamin' circus rejects, and confronted by the flamin' demonic offspring of a gremlin and a rat... You?"

He frowned, confused, at Shadow.
"What's 'appening later?"  


Feral Nerd

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 6:29 pm
As the group proceeded down the stairwell and through the cave's corridor, the rocks along the walls seemed almost to move with them. Carbink, frightened from the commotion and the shaking cavern, floated around and made distressed noises, but otherwise stayed out of the way of the group. Frightened tourists occasionally ran past them, heading towards the cave's exits and away from the noises of an altercation up ahead, the din slowly growing in volume the closer they got. After turning a corner, an enraged cry could be heard emanating from a large, rounded hole in the wall further down, more than large enough to admit multiple people side by side - and, possibly, a legendary deer. "They must be in there!" Diantha said urgently as she pointed to the doorway, although the group probably needed no such prompting to head in that direction. Apart from and beyond that single doorway, the corridor they were in ended abruptly at a deadend.

The room was more brightly lit than the rest of the cavern, and in the center of its iridescent light stood the legendary pokemon Xerneas, its head thrown back as it bellowed a mighty cry. A great light took form between its jeweled antlers, and it swept its head to a side, hurling the Moon Blast at a young woman nearby. She dove out of the way just in time and rolled the moment she hit the ground, managing to stagger back to her feet and hastily swipe her hand across her brow to push her brown hair out of her face and back towards what had at one point been a neat bun but had since devolved into a Rattata's nest that barely kept her hair pulled back. Two others stood at the ready in the cavern - a young blond man, his short and bright blond hair having long since faded with dirt and dust from the cave on the opposite end, and another young man near the far back, his dark hair matted with wisps of it stubbornly hanging in his blue eyes - while an assortment of pokemon not native to Reflection Cave stood panting and shaking around Xerneas, clearly worn out. The bodies of more pokemon lay strewn about the cavern floor, though whether they were simply unconscious or had met a more brutal end was unclear.

Given their knowledge of their own organization, the group of disguised Rockets would easily be able to recognize the ranks of the Rockets scattered about the cavern: The young woman and the blond man both sported white Agent uniforms, while the dark-haired man wore an Elite uniform. All of their clothes, like their hair, were disheveled and covered in dirt or tears, and any exposed skin showed similar wear, along with cuts or scrapes that were still bleeding. Sweat trickled down their faces and they all seemed somewhat out of breath, obviously tired from tracking, chasing, and facing down the legendary by themselves.

Xerneas' head snapped towards the disguised Rangers and Diantha as they appeared, then let out an angry bellow as it reared up onto its hind legs, a second beam of light starting to form between its glittering antlers.

"Xerneas, wait!" Diantha shouted, her hands raised palms-out placatingly towards the angry legendary. "We're here to help you!"

The fairy legend lowered itself back down onto all fours with a snort as one sword-like hoof pawed at the ground, and while the orb of light between its horns diminished in size, it didn't disappear completely. Instead it stared at the group with suspicious, narrowed eyes.

((Aaaaand let's take a break! We will resume the raid in roughly an hour, at 10:30pm EST, since we've been going pretty consistently for... quite a while, now, and I'm sure everyone would like to get up and stretch their legs, and maybe get something to eat o__o;; Between now and then, please limit yourselves to one reaction post!))  
PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 6:39 pm
As they entered the cave KO skidded to a halt and looked up. Xerneas was big, not the biggest pokemon he'd ever seen but big and - like the adult Articuno - its presence was huge. For a moment it looked like it was going to attack them and he had been about to dive out of the way when Diantha managed to calm it. KO nodded his agreement with her statement, holding out splayed hands to show them empty as he scanned the rest of the cavern.

Two Agents and an Elite, they looked in poor shape but at least all of them were upright. That was more than could be said for some of their pokemon but pokemon didn't really concern him unless he had a personal attachment to one, though of course at the moment he would play up concern as much as required.


Xerneas was quite an impressive beast, but not quite impressive enough to take his mind off the unpleasantness of his current situation. As it seemed calm however perhaps this would all be over quickly? Frost wasn't a man to 'hope' for things, he preferred to predict probable outcomes, but he was hoping right now. Just let this be finished with and let him return to his work where everything was in its proper place!


Predestined Inquisitor


Feral Nerd

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 6:51 pm
Clancy halted when the others did and took in the sight ahead.
He wasn't often impressed by pokémon. He hadn't thought a 'deer' legendary would be quite so big. Or intimidating. Or... Had it done all that? Maybe he could respect this thing... as a useful and powerful tool...
Such thoughts were eloquently translated as:
"BLOODY 'ELL! Bambitron's a big bugger ain't 'e?!"


Tambrey breathed out a sigh, in more wonder than anything else, at the sight of the Kalos legendary. It was here, really here, and so beautiful.
A fascinating fairy type legendary; what they could learn from this remarkable creature if they could secure it... The scientist wanted to reach out and touch the deer-like pokémon, but the agent- the agent who had been on such missions before- reigned in her scientist's curiosity, and bit back her enthusiasm for data and research.
There would be time for notes and things later. She would still keep a mental account of everything, but for now... She was still supposed to be 'Tara the Ranger' and 'hear to help save Xerneas from Team Rocket'. Like KO, she agreed with Diantha, and nodded enthusiastically at the legendary. The look of wonder she wore, however, was fairly genuine.  
PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 7:09 pm
"We'll talk later," the teen answered Clancy patiently. "I'm sorry you've been having a hard time, but this is how missions go. At least no one's died so far. And you haven't had a limb or an eye taken out or had to spend a month as a prisoner being tortured somewhere, so count yourself lucky."

He still remembered the time he'd spent as Galactic's prisoners on their airship with many of the Rockets with them even now. It was amazing those brave men (and woman) were still volunteering themselves for missions like these, especially knowing what was at stake and having experienced the worst consequences first-hand.

When they entered the room in the cavern, Shadow took careful note of the devastation the legendary pokemon had caused. How long had everyone been down there? He guessed the deer wasn't stupid enough to accidentally cause a cave-in on itself, but at the same time, it was cornered and possibly desperate. Who could tell what a cornered, desperate creature would do?

Glancing at the Rockets and then at his own companions, he followed suit and raised his palms out to show he was defenseless at the moment. His heart had nearly stopped when they were about to get hit by another Moon Blast and he was exceedingly grateful to Diantha for possibly keeping them from an untimely end. For now he supposed all he could do was stay still and quiet.

Shawn Darrow


Wrathful Shapeshifter

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 7:09 pm
Xerneas was gorgeous, like nearly all legendaries and despite being a prey creatures, had a dangerous air around it in its anger. Jeweled antlers and sharp hooves and suspicion. For good reason.

He let his eyes drift over the other three, two agents and an elite and exhausted pokemon, be them fainted or possibly dead and back to the regal narrowed eye legendary they were sent to capture. Who still looked rather fresh.

Lex wondered how long the battle had raged and wondered at its moves and status of them. Should they attempt to capture Xerneas first and then battle Diantha? The other way around?

What ever happen, hopefully it ended up quick, and bloodless.  
PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 7:30 pm
Adam stared in utter horror. This was... He clenched a fist to his chest. This was a nightmare. The smell and the bodies. Arceus...

"How do we... subdue that thing?" Adam almost used catch, but kept it to a hiss to the two men (Clancy and Shadow) whom he stood beside. Of course, he didn't expect to be answered.

(minor edit to include talking to Clancy and Shadow)  

Magician Arcana

Eco-friendly Shapeshifter

21,915 Points
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Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:01 pm
When none of the newcomers appeared threatening, the fairy legend seemed to calm a little. The suspicion disappeared from its gaze and the tension slowly ebbed from its posture as the bright ball of light faded from between its antlers.

At the sight of the group of 'Rangers' and the Kalos Champion, all three of the Rockets seemed to droop, as did their conscious pokemon at the sight of more opponents to face.

While the sight of the battlefield was troubling at best, given the number of downed pokemon, it would at least mean less resistance from the Rockets. The various pokemon strewn across the floor, upon closer inspection, appeared to mostly be battered and unconscious, though a couple seemed to be bleeding somewhat. The only noticeable smells were that of recently shifted earth and stone - and therefore dust - and the scent of various pokemon. Diantha smiled at Xerneas, spreading her hands entreatingly, "There, now," the Champion said gently as she took a few steps closer to it, "that's it, we're here to help you. Team Rocket won't bother you any longer, now that we're here."

"That's what you think!" The blond agent yelled defiantly, and signaled to one of the pokemon still standing - a Raichu. The electric-type growled and, with a tired but determined "chuu!" it launched a strong Thunderbolt at Xerneas. The attack hit home and caused the legendary to bellow once more and raise on its hind legs, further agitated by the actions of the Rockets, and turned to lope towards them, its horns down. The Rockets' various pokemon moved to stand between the 'Rangers' and their masters, determined to protect their Rockets at all costs.

"Wait Xerneas!" Diantha called again, but this time her plea fell on deaf ears. Her mouth formed a thin line before she pulled three pokeballs out and released her Gardevoir, Tyrantrum and her Gourgeist. "Quickly," the Champion said in urgent tones as she turned to the 'Rangers' and pointed towards the Rockets, "we must subdue them before they can harm or capture Xerneas!"  
PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:15 pm
((And here's a convenient list of conscious Rocket pokemon!))

1. Raichu
2. Greninja
3. Pyroar (female)
4. Lucario
5. Heliolisk
6. Furfrou
7. Scrafty
8. Kadabra
9. Hawlucha
10. Skiploom
11. Drifblim
12. Malamar

Vice Captain

Tiny Lunatic


Questionable Loiterer

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:17 pm
"What an idiot..." Shadow muttered, though he had just been thinking about desperate, cornered creatures being unpredictable. And since the Rockets down here were unaware of their disguised allies, what else would they be but desperate and cornered?

"Haunter, Lick the blonde guy, please?" the grunt asked quietly, keeping his gaze on Xerneas. "And try to stay invisible if you can. Don't know who might get suspicious with a pokemon non-native to Kalos."

The teen felt a clawed hand touch his shoulder in acknowledgement. He exhaled in slight relief - glad, at least, that he'd been heard.
PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:27 pm
[Attacking Skiploom and Drifblim]

Uuuuh, the other Rockets knew they were here to help right? Maybe they just thought that going down without a fight would be unrealistic, in which case it was time to put on a show! KO reached to his belt and selected four pokeballs, releasing a black Raichu, a black Umbreon, a black Arcanine, and a black Golbat.

"Umbreon, protect Xerneas from the Rockets! Arcanine, Fire Fang the Skiploom; Golbat, give it Aerial Ace! Raichu, the Drifblim!"

Duke barked, gathering power and then launching a Thunderbolt at the Drifblim.

Viceroy and Bruce also leapt into action, while Regent stayed put, ready to use protect if it was needed.


Predestined Inquisitor

Magician Arcana

Eco-friendly Shapeshifter

21,915 Points
  • Hiss of Love 200
  • Cat Fancier 100
  • Waffles! 25
PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:33 pm
[Attacking Malamar, Kadabra, and Furrfrou]

Adam released his three pokemon - A growlithe, a litwick, and a ghastly.

"Manny, Sucker Punch the Malamar! Maki use Reversal on the Furrfrou. Flicker, hit the Kadabra with a Night Shade."  
PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:35 pm
[Greninja, Lucario] (EDITED TO CHANGE TARGETS)

Oh, hey; other people were sending out their pokemon. Shadow forgot it didn't matter which were indigenous to the region as long as they weren't pretending to be wild.

"Right..." he murmured, searching for his pokeballs. "Lindsay, go! Thundershock that Greninja! Eris, help her with Shadow Sneak!" He released his Chandelure. "Jack, you attack that Lucario with Will-o-Wisp!"

As the Jolteon and Chandelure emerged from their pokeballs, the invisible Shuppet joined them. All three darted onto the battlefield, eager to obey.


Questionable Loiterer


Predestined Inquisitor

PostPosted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:38 pm
[Attacking Hawlucha.]

Frost's eyes narrowed a little as he regarded the battered, uniformed Rockets. He did hope they weren't planning to put up too much of a fight! All time wasted.

Feeling thoroughly put out Frost released Skiron, Undine and Atlas. Once they had manifested he gestured to the Rockets. "Go, subdue them. Glaceon, the lead is yours."

Skiron nodded, he was a little uncomfortable with attacking fellow Rockets but he understood that it was required for the mission. With that said he unleashed an Ice Beam on his opponent, closely followed by Aurora Beam from his daughter and Freeze Dry from Atlas.

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