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PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 8:42 pm
Shinobu tore out through the back entrence to the theatre with Haku at her heels, but stopped hwen she heard someone approaching. A quick peek ahead and she saw the unmistakable feathery purple mess of Haru's hair, rising up over the lawn of the headquarters, and she narrowly avoided him by swerving up the staircase and plopping down just around the turn, clutching the cat that had been following her she'd scooped up so quickly as she hid in a frozen silence. Shinobu could hear the pounding of her heart in her chest, she knew well that just at the presence of Haru her insides began to churn, but she knew she needed to resist.

Everytime she saw the man she lost her cool.

And Shinobu had had more than enough of that.

She needed to set a good example for her sister, whom she was supposed to be looking for at the moment, but knew that if she met up with Haru it could only lead to inevitable distraction, she may even do something embaressing in the fluster she allways felt around that man. Even know her cheeks flushed with impatience, and her fingers twitched nervously as she tried not to breathe, hoping that he would pass by unknowingly.

I can't stand this... he's passing by now... Don't miaow, Haku, just remain silent...

Haru passed by.

Shinobu breathed a silent sigh of relief and waited a few minutes in the utmost quiet of her heartbeat slowly returning to normal before heading out the doors, feeling very good about herself and her mad self-control skills.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 8:50 pm
Yul laughed heartily at his younger companions ponders. He knew fully well that she seemed so young but, in reality, was capable of far greater things than her childishly pudgy face and stocky limbs would have her be.

"Youll be just fine, I'm sure. Your sister is a wonderful teacher, and she is escpeially thorough when it comes to you, Aoki. She would spare no expense to make sure that you're well prepared for your next mission." Yul said, smiling at the female.

"We must learn from our mistakes and improve upon ourselves by correction."

"And," Yul snapped instantaniously out of whatever strange funk he'd been in to utter such an out of character quote, "No matter how many missions you and your sister go on, regardless of the extremity or danger you'll face. And, of course, companions and materials making no difference, you'll grow with your negative and positive experiences to become better by simply practicing. I'm certain that that is what your sister hopes to accomplish by spending so many hours with you, I'm sure."

"That, or young Shinobu is running from her own social or psychological problems and seeks your mentoring as an excuse to escape it all." Yul chuckled. "But, it doesn't matter what her motives or yours are. Spending time with your sister, using that valuble time to study and train, and most importantly become stronger as parteners, that's what is valuable. i'm sure your sister knows that."

"but then again, what do I know?"


Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:04 pm
As Haru passed by he noticed something from beyond the corners. Shinobu? Why was she hiding? He felt pretty awkward and trying to resist saying anything. She seemed like she was trying purposefully to hide around him. She didn't even say hi or anything this time. She acts so weird that even considering her for a mission companion was out of the question. She would just get in the way after all if she was brought around she'd just be so stiff. Her face was red and she looked pretty funny. What was that all about? Haru said to himself. Could she be stalking me? Haru shivered at the thought and then continued into his room where he set his sword down. "Haru picked up some rice from a bag, a bowl, some chopsticks and a pot and began to head outside again. He was a bit cautious considering the circumstances of before.  
PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 8:53 am
Juromaru continued to walk slowly up through the hallways with his eyes closed. Walking with nowhere in particular to go.

Left, right, up the small staircase, left again...

Kiba thrummed under his palm, not helping the bloodlust brooding inside him. Juromaru was never one that did well when he was told to sit and be patient. In fact because of this he was looked on by most of the immortal thieves as the "hot-headed" one.

Alright, they might have a basis for argument. So I didn't do so well the last time I was on a mission, but who was to blame really? The only real crime was letting the groveling bastards live. They were bloodless dogs that deserved every second of pain they recieved. And it's not like it was a bad thing. Sure I killed thirteen of them, but it panicked the nightwatch...

Juromaru let out a sharp exhale through his nose. He needed something to do... He soon found himself in the auditorium section of the theatre.

"Why the hell do we even keep these seats in here anyway?"

Juromaru stood against the large framework door to the seating area tapping his left hand on the hilt of his loyal companion, Kiba.  



PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:35 am
Tomoyo snapped off the thread, swiftly knotting the ends. There-the rip in her coat was gone. It probably would have been easier simply to steal a coat before leaving town, as the tear had been fairly large, but it didn't seem right to throw away the material. A thief worrying about economy? The dark haired girl shook her head slightly. A waste was a waste. And in any case, she'd liked the coat. Heavy green silk embroidery curled around the back, over pure black cloth that had silently flowed through her hands.

The spool of black thread went back into a box filled with other sewing supplies, the flickering candle light snuffed out. Tomoyo pulled on her coat, walking out into the open area of the theater. It was time to get some training done.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 2:16 pm
"Well, her physcological issues may be the root cause, but we both have out fair share of issues to work out with ourselves. Especially romantic issues..." Aoki sighed while leaning back into the grass. "...Shin-onee-chan still likes 'Him'. At first I hated it, then I didn't mind it, then he broke her heart..."

While Aoki always had the tendancy to say too much, she was never one to spill all the beans. Closing her eyes in contemplationg, she turned towards Yul.

"You know, after-I'm sure- over a century of thieving and such, I would have learned everything!" Aoki pouted childishly. "I wanna go on a get-away, to some far away place and let go of it all. I'm sure that missions are not the only way to relieve stress. We certainly have enough riches for it, don't you think? After my mission with Onee-chan, do you think she would like that? I could like, stay behind with Tao-aniki-san so she wouldn't worry..."

What could her sister possibly wish to teach her? Certainly they had already mastered matial arts, instant telephathy with each other, and she mastered weapons while Aoki herself mastered illusionary techniques, but something they had not done? Impossible. Aoki closed her eyes again. This mission, could it really be that hard?

Tsubasa Reservoir


PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 7:17 pm
Yul listened to Aoki thoughtfully, he knew well that any romantic affairs considering Shinobu was any business than that of his own, so he reufsed to press for more information. But to him the silver-haired woman did not seem heartbroken, moreso awkward and pent-up with rising agression and social unfullfillment. Something Yul was sure would go away with time, so he really wasn't worried for the gurl.

"I think , aoki-chan, if you wish for a way to split from the thieving business you've currently involved yourself in, you should first speak to your sister about it, out of sheer respect, and then our supposed leader..." he trailed off. Yul wasn't too knowledgable at the subject of their ringleader, so he kept that to himself. "And then you'd be free to do as you wished. I'm certain that, if you could go three or four years without needing to grow, the world around you could accept you as one of their own, regardless of your inability to change, something we all share. You could leave quite peacfully amoung others, there's no reason you should hesistate if that is what you wish to do."

Yul paused for a moment, he himself wondering slightly what kind of training this could be, and how it would be executed. Yet again, it didn't directly concern him, but he was allowed to be curious.

"I'd say your sister wants to work with you one-on-one for some time. You and her work together a lot, you even share a mind-link, if I'm not mistaken. So I'm certain that creating a greater bond between you two, strengthening the sisterhood, as it were, would not be a bad idea."

[Alrighty! Everybody's startning to return! how invigorating! I'll have to yell at Lord Bean, next time I can catch him on msn, so that he'll start the advertising for new members. It's going to be great, I just know it.

Btw, if you'd like to add me on msn, for whatever reason, I'm;


PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:12 pm
Mihoshi gently dropped to her belly and started looking under a table. She was searching for her pet turtle, Midori, who seemed to be hiding from her this morning. She glanced over her shoulder only to see the little turtle walking slowly across the room. Mihoshi quickly skipped over to Midori and went down on her hands. Midori kept walking, slowly advancing towards wherever he was going. “Run away!” Mihoshi said, narrating what the turtle could possibly be thinking in her head.

Mihoshi picked up Midori gently. The little turtle had his head turned away curious as to what was in the room. Mihoshi lifted Midori up to her face to get his attention. “With no mission we have all the time in the world to play around!” Mihoshi then became stunned as she heard her stomach cry out for food. “But perhaps after breakfast” Midhoshi giggled, putting her pet in her pocket and then skipped down the hall.



PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 2:31 pm
(( Yes, even the psychotic and sometimes cynical "me" is back. Though, that is neither here nor there. But that's all subjective, really, as here is where I am, which to you is there. And you're there, but from you're perspective, it's really here. Quite the conundrum, really. But now I'm really straying from the matter at hand. Yes, yes. This time around, I plan on making Izumo a little more... unstable. If that's possible. Since he was far too sane before. With such energy as his there's no way a vessel of sanity is the one he'd have. But he's going to be completely logical. Anyhow, onward. ))

Izumo walked in casually. "lol hai guyz howz it goin????? is it can be hugz time naow????"

((Seriously, though, couldn't help myself.))

Dodge, strike, parry, strike, parry, parry, strike, strike, dodge, strike.

"Surely," Izumo though in quiet respite, shimmering red glistening on his blades in the morning sun, " Surely five men should be much more of a challenge." As always, however, these men were defeated as easily as any other. Not that they'd had a chance from the beginning, though; he was, after all, immortal: invincible and unending. Try as these poor men might, he would not be defeated. Even five men with a considerable amount of skill, much more than these trifles, would not pose a threat. Nothing threatened him, nor any of them. He thought of the others. The other immortals.

Immortal Thieves, as they were known. Why they'd taken on such a name, he didn't know. Were they thieves? Well, yes, they did steal. Most of the time, only if the situation necessitated it. Wiping the red from his blade, staining the shirt on one of the men, he thought that perhaps they were thieves of a different sort. Perhaps they were known as the Immortal Thieves because what they stole was life. While everyone around them lived, grew old, perished, they stood tall, strong, youthful... stole the life of any who dared cross their path.

But perhaps it was they who were the victims. Death is, after all, a part of life, the two forever conjoined and inseperable. Yet he and several others were free from this limitation. Death was something that would never come to them. But then, without it, perhaps it was they who never lived. Perhaps it was the Immortal Thieves who had truly had their lives stolen from them. After all, Izumo pondered, walking to the small shack in his distant view, they would never be anything like the masses they had slain. These five men... Did they have families? Wives, children, friends? It was likely, he thought. It was something he'd never have, he certainly knew. The only family he'd had perished ages ago, along with any marital interests. Yet he lived, or so he'd thought. Perhaps he was never alive in the first place. But then how could he think? How could he feel alive? Such a thing, he decided, was something he was naught to have understand. All the better, since it was in fact something he couldn't fathom. But he was content with whatever his existence was; he'd had centuries to perfect his fighting style. Were he mortal now, even, he doubted any other would best him in close-quarters combat. His frenzied fighting stlye had already felled even the greatest of foes he'd encountered.

Grasping the small bauble, the reason he was here, Izumo thought of the coin he'd recieve as payment from the old fool who'd sent him here. Hired him, knowing not who, but what he was. Immortal. Indestructible. The fossil knew that regardless of skill, or stealth, or any other factor, that Izumo would return successful. Knew that no matter what, he'd live to slay the guards and deliver the trinket he had otherwise cared nothing about.

Regardless of all good intent, the old man knew others would die so that he'd get what he wanted. Perhaps, then, it was the old man, and not the five younger ones laying behind him, who should have perished. Had he not lived his life? Izumo recalled his wizened face and furrowed brow in his mind's eye; surely he'd soon be on his deathbed. Yet the one's he'd slain were mere pups compared to him, no older than twenty sets of seasons gone by.

He'd accept payment from the man regardless. But perhaps he'd slay him, too, for such wanton disregard for life. After all, taking it, Izumo knew all to well, was all too easy.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 4:35 pm

Yue had been up all night down by the lake, a relitivly small body of water a decent walk from the theatre, she had been completing her monthy ritual before the full moon. Therefore she was in a very pale silver formal kimono, made of silk finer even then her own long blue-gray hair that laid down her back over it, embroidered with dazzling night blooming flowers.

Now returning to the theatre she walked slowly and delibratly, watching the forest and breathing in the pleasant, almost musky smell of decaying leaves as she walked. She heard a cry from above and a cool smile caught her lips. A fiery red bird, its size and plumage extravagant and almost flamboyant; reds, oranges, yellows. The color of fire. Yue held out her arm, her hand in a fist. The bird then began its quick but graceful decent down, landing gently on her mistresses arm where she was immediatly greeted with a friendly stroke from yue's free hand.

"were you waiting up for me?" Yue's voice was strong but serene, echoing her personality. "you know there was no need, silly girl"
The pheonix looked at her with strangly animated eyes, she was amused and glad to hear yues voice again. Even though she knew her mistress was capable of defending herself she felt not only obligated but happy to keep a vigil upon her mistress. Though this now she lied about with her sharp sarcastic tongue, "Don't be ridiculous, you dont need me to babysit you and so why would i bother?"

"Cheeky little thing you are," she replied, her smile having grown a bit, "Come on now, were home"

They pushed through the large theatre doors and yues eyes scanned over the general areas looking for people. There standing amung the seats was Jurumaru, hot tempered and fiery as typical for him.

why do we even keep these seats in here anyway?

how damned typical of him to ask such a question. Yue let out a breif laugh at his undirected question though she diddnt speak or move from her place in the back of the autitorium, just let her laugh ring out and echo from the rooms acustics.



Vice Captain

PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:00 pm
((Okay, this post is pretty boring... Haru cooks rice... that's about it...))

As the fire began to burn a bit, Haru began setting up the materials to cook his rice. He had already gotten the water for the rice and the rice itself sit nicely and the small sack he placed the rice in. The serene atmosphere around him was the perfect setting as he hated being around many people at once. It was a bit of a bother to constantly be troubled by people however, because he was so quiet, many people don't talk to him as much. It wasn't like Haru was one of the greatest conversational speakers anyways. He rather let his mind wander and talk in silence to himself.

From where he sat, the theater could just be seen beyond a tree branch. Haru made sure to get away from anything that could easily catch on fire and put damp stones to circle around the fire. The fire began roaring a bit and haru put the pot over the fire with the help of some support beams. He began to wait now for it to become a boil. The wind blew gently up against Haru. It seemed so peaceful that he felt as though he could almost fall asleep.

The water began to boil and Haru came out of of his mindless stare and put the rice inside the pot. As he began to stir the rice with a stick, he glanced up at the clouds in the sky. They seemed to be slowly drifting. It was then he noticed that the rice was beginning to get soft. Haru got up and took the pot off the fire and then put out the fire. He then poured the water out slowly to prevent the rice from spilling out and then as rice seemed to be only thing left in the pot after using a few sticks to hold back the rice, haru poured the rice into his bowl and began to eat.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:41 pm
Out in the fresh and alive feild behind the theatre's back door, stood Shinobu. She could feel her sister's presence nearby, and braintapped now and then. At first Shinobu's thought she ought to seek out her sister immediately, as training was crucial, but after a moment's thought, and a breif close-call with Haru, she's decided that perhaps it would be best for her to seek some time away from her sister, or anyone else, for that matter, and train just a little on her own, if only to hone her skills.

'Aoki. Tell Yul he's a nosy runt.' She joked, pausing only briefly to send the stunted message to her sister, and hastily took off towards the forest, easterly of the direction of her Aoki, enough not to worry about running into her.

After a quarter hour's jog through dense forest the albino woman paused and withdrew her katana, shutting every oraface in her mind and ceasing all thought, letting not a whipser break her composure, she danced about through the trees with her weapon ready, twisting and turning around the thin trunks of the trees nearby, ripping through the leaves. Her mind was alive, her bright amber eyes livid with the rush of the battle, she could see in her mind all around her the enemy, creatures, not human, not animal, but ferocious and despicable, ready to pounce. A million on more with there long gnarled black claws and sleek thorned bodies, bulging disgusting faces she loathed so.

Shinobu tore through a small feild of tall grasses, landing in a soft patch and began to hack away at the swift creatures in her mind, her headlights scrunched into needles of ferocity, her boa, still torn and scathed from her last mission rippling through the wind that rang through the grasses like a hoarse chorus of whistles and a hiss that silenced her mind once again.

She battled with the creatures.

Until she grew tired, and seated herself in the feild that had once been to her breast in reeds and was now lain with scattered piles of straw, ripped from the earth by her katana's swift blade.

"Even in my imaginary battles I take life... but... I think I've stopped caring." Shinobu broke the infinite silence with her tired voice, raspy and dignified. "I think that, perhaps, as the world is shifting around me, it becomes less and less important what is real and is a lie. I can imagine the strangest and foullest of beings, and they could never in a million lifetimes be nearly as horrendous as some of the people I've seen. Some of the things I've witnessed. Aoki can create beautiful images, phanstasmic beings of purity and light, but none can bring tears to my eyes like a frozen tree can. Like a millon silvery digits coated in snow, a frozen tree is."

Shinobu could only remember seeing them once, in an icestorm nobody loved. Nobody but her. It was hard to imagine anything comparible. Rows upon rows of living iceicles, every tree a gargantuan magnified both in mass and by the rounded mirror of it's shining skin. She's let them touch her, and although the trees were so cold, and so massive in their beauty, more overwhelming than anything, Shinobu felt tips of bristles and needles that, if not frozen in their spleandour, wouldn've torn her immortal flesh. And the silvery-white trees that wrapped themselves in a mesh with her silvery-white hair would become stained with blo.od.

Something that Shimnobu could never allow to happen.

"I wonder if it matters what is in my mind or not. It only amplifies my reaction. If it crawls out of another life or takes root in the grow, what's it's superiority to a fa.ntasy that crawls out of my mind and takes root in my dreams."

A pause.

"I wonder if Aoki could ever tell the difference."

A longer pause.

"My thoughts allways revert to her."


Shinobu retrned to the theatre, perhaps an hour later, pausing in the arch of the door frame she'd so slyly and dishonestly snuck through earlier, knowing that her ignoring of Haru was... a million times more despicable than the creatures she battled in the feild. Or the red ooze that she'd seen drip from her fingertips so many times.

She knew he knew she was there.

She knew he knew she knew he knew that she had been afraid to speak to him.

She also knew he knew nothing about her or why she acted as she did.

She knew him better than that.

She left.

[Awwwww.... YEAH you guys! That was so aweshum in every possible way of being awwesome. Seeing your guyses posts, synthetic's and miku's, it totally inspired me to post something smextacular.

Atleast in my mind, it was. sweatdrop

Yeah. Whoa. We should roll with that. Or do we already roll with that? I any case, we should roll with one person's moitvation and role-playing expertise to rub off unto the next. If one tries hard, the next tries hard, and in a cycle.

Yeah, I think we were already rolling with that.

Also, about the frozen trees, Nina, on that walkj to your house through the icestorm, I know I was so angry at you when I got there 'cuz my a** was frozen stiff, but that row of trees alongside the benett's was... frozen trees. All along that way, and they reached out so far, because they became GIGANTIC, so... yeah... they reached into the sidealks and touched me as I walked by, and I stopped to look at them, And I damn well wish i'd taken pictures.


That's kinda what I was writing about with Shinobu.

Also, remember that hailstorm your bro almost got caught in, that flash hailstorm? I got pics of that,. Wild sh.it, man. Wild.
I'll send them to you when you send me the anime north pictures. >:0]



PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 12:46 pm
Juromaru turned and snarled at Yue. So she was back from her ritual. Personally he thought she was crazy. Honoring the moon or some such insanity. He merely rolled his eyes.

"Quiet Yue. If you weren't immortal like the rest of us I might have already spilled your blood. Kiba has been thirsty for a long while."

Juromaru stepped forward and drew Kiba. A low scraping of metal-on-metal sounded, though it more resembled the low growl of a wolf or a like animal. With a dry smile he spun to his left and brought the blade at rest a foot from Yue's right hip.

Sighing Juromaru twirled the blade around until it set in his left hand and he slid it back into it's sheath.

"Just get out of my way Yue. I need to kill someone."

Smiling with bloodlust he pushed his shoulder into her arm and forced her to the side as he reached for the door.

"And I'm sure you object, like you always do. 'Humans shouldn't just be killed because you can.' 'Our immortaility comes with a resonsibility.'
You and the rest of the 'theives' tell me the same thing. Personally I think Izumo has the right idea. I should have went with him. I bet now he's spilling some poor fool's blood."

Shaking his head Juromaru pushed open the doors and stepped outside. Sneering at the gentle scene of nature in front of him he closed his eyes as he stepped down the steps to the cobbled path that would lead to a dirt path and eventually no path at all.

I am nature's fury. I am the fires of hell. All this peace and happiness makes me sick...
PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 7:50 pm
Tomoyo stepped onto the stage top just as Juromaru stalked out, shoving away a probably confused Yue. He'd probably worked himself up over practically nothing.

It was confusing. Tomoyo got along with the others well enough, mostly by avoiding them a great deal, but there were a fair number of thieves ready to take offense from anything and anyone. It seemed impossible that they should be able to coexist for so long without having someone snap and lash out. Immortality wasn't that much of a deterrent - rather, it would seem to encourage violence, since any wounds would heal, leaving the victim more or less intact. And yet, here they were, still all together.

She didn't remember how they found each other, how they declared an abandoned theater mysterious situated in the middle of a dense forest miles from any town their base. Not knowing was disturbing, but Tomoyo was always held back by the reminder that the truth was, in all likelihoods, worse.



PostPosted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 7:59 pm
Yue let out a blunt laugh at his crude response. There was no need for cruel words here, she hadnt been mocking him so much as she could have, but then again it wasnt in her nature to be malevolent or paticuarly unkind. It was more within her natural perameters to be neutral, ballenced, slightly cold though not nessisarily withdrawn like others.

Chibi on the other hand was deeply offended by this witch she took as a threat on her mistresses life. And by a man whom she diddnt hold in any high esteem to begin with, part of the theives who dwelled in the theatre or not. "Watch your tongue you hot headed brute"

just then he pushed past yue, bumping her shoulder and throwing her off balence enough to cast Chibi from her extended fist and forarm. Chibi sprung into action flapping her wings to beat up enough resistance to propell her up and then in Juromarus general direction ready to attack him with her beak and fiery wings.

Yue though called her back with the wave of a hand and so Chibi reluctantly obeyed, returning to her mistress, temper flaming, eyes like poison darts stareing into his back as he walked away.

"Wrong Juromaru, all I was to say is that you need nothing. Youre immortal, the bloodlust will not kill you if hunger thirst and chill cannot either." Yue's voice was calm as usual, but because of this it was slightly condecending. With that she pulled her silverblue hair back out of her face in one gracefull sweep of her unocupied hand and made her way to the staircase across the hall that led to her own private mezzanine she had converted into an apartment for herself.
Immortal Thief Roleplay

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