Stalin was probably an atheist, as was Pol Pot. Robert Mugabe is Catholic. He even brought it up during his speech at the UN General Assembly a couple of months ago.

I will not suggest that Mugabe's history of genocide, forced relocation, murder, opression, use of food as a political weapon, tacitly sanctioned use of rape as a means of intimidation, slow starvation of his countrymen, etc. have anything to do with his religous belief. I doubt the man in the funny hat holding the morbidly decorated stick would make the association.

Ratzinger's use of atheists as whipping boys does smack of Mugabe's tendency to scapegoat the West (conspiring with ex white farmers) for all the ills that have befallen Zimbabwe. But then, Mugabe is a dictator of the most brutal sort. He and the supposed big beard in the sky have a good deal in common...