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The Anon Assassin

PostPosted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 4:30 pm
The white-haired man seemed as if he was studying Kain as he spoke. He didn't necessarily care about Kain's comment on his intelligence, after all, he had long ago removed himself from caring about such things as pride. He also took into account that he had not told Kain the full story about the explosion. As Kain ranted Panderas merely seemed to nod and appear vaguely interested although halfway through Kain's speech he had started to pull out the barrettes in his hair, his sensors having informed him of a change in air density equivalent to a large amount of power straining through the air.

And then the impact came and although any other human would have shielded themselves Panderas merely stuck his hands into his coat pockets and road out the wave of power. He looked to ignore the events that transpired and then began to search through his pockets. When at last the angelic creature turned to well...insult him really...Panderas merely raised what was left of an eyebrow before resuming his search through his pockets. At last, he seemed to find what he was looking for and when the angel offered him the cross the stitched-up creature was removing the stitches from his mouth. As he did, he exhaled a breath and a thick stream of red-smoke streamed from his mouth. There was a dangerous hiss as well before the scientist took the vial he had plucked from his pocket and removed the cork, pouring the bubbling black liquid from the vial into his mouth, swallowing it in one gulp.

His body shuddered and his white hair grew out growing black, his skin suddenly becoming just as healthy as it was in life, the stitches growing together of their own accord. With another, stroke-level shudder Panderas stood up again, whole and looking just as he did when he was alive. With a sigh the scientist ran a hand through his hair and then Turned his bright red eyes upon Kain's brother. " Forgive me...I thought things would be easier this way." After a pause he took the cross from the angel's hand. "I'll take this now." he stated simply, his voice fully beautiful in it's genderless way, removed of wheezing, and without more than that he walked exactly four meters from the tip of Kain's feet and stood there with the cross.

Then he took the cross in his hands and promptly broke it across his knee. He let the pieces crumble before he turned to the angel with a blank look that spoke of skepticism. "Forgive me if I find your claim to be something akin to...well...the mad ramblings of a religious fanatic. No doubt you are a powerful creature whose powers originate from light energy manipulation...however...your claim that I have broken the laws of your religion seems nothing short of a farce I'm afraid. You see, to sin is to violate the laws of Christianity, which there are ten, and I have violated none...though no doubt you will not believe as I associate with your brother who you seem to have some sort of grudge against. However you are under the wrong impression that I am no longer human...you see...the explosion never actually killed me. However I will admit that there was a miscalculation on my part which damaged my body more than I intended, thus making it much more difficult to rebuild later. I created a serum which can temporarily allow my artificle and replacement limbs to function at one-hundred percent capability."

With a cough, which sent a small puff of red smoke up from from his lips the scientist had to pause before he continued, "However, as I said, it is only temporary...and once it wears off my body returns to its previous state, something I have attempted to remedy however...I am finding it very difficult to find limbs which do not decay at an excelled rate...as it seems my body rejects the artificial limbs due to an anomaly in my immune system. No doubt caused by Weyard's tainted air. And..no doubt you may or may not have noticed that my simple explanation is no more than a delay tactic, allowing Kain with due time to escape...and for his beloved queen to arrive as well...you see I do not fight. I'm a scientist...not a warrior. You may kill me for my transgression if you wish...I do not have any regrets after all."

Pan looked on with a raised eyebrow at the clone's offer before chuckling, "I no longer have a use for the detective...as I said before...the girl may have him. However...I no longer have use for a clone either. I do not want you. I want the girl. Give HER to me...and you and the boy may leave. You may even destroy this facility if you so wish. But it's quite clear that the girl has more potential than first believed. SHE must stay...not you."
PostPosted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 11:26 am
Lilane had heard the clone's approach and turned, her eyes wide as she quickly realized he meant to attack her. She had fallen into a fighting stance, ready to fight to her last breath if that was what it took when first one wall, then another was erected between her and the clone. Lilane started and placed a hand on the wall, her dark eyes studying it for a moment before turning once more to look on the long hallway ahead of her. She felt that a change had been had in Panderas' plans. Although she was unsure what it was the teenager had an inkling that it had something to do with her. She looked to the wall one last time and let out a 'tsk' of anger before turning and bolting down the hallway.

At last she came to the room where Pan was keeping her brother, and as she moved to go aide him she heard the boy's announcement of his NEW plans. Lilane stopped half-way between her move to her brother and instead turned her eyes to the red-haired boy. The flames around her grew, and she moved slowly to come between the boy and her brother, her flames engulfing the private eye, his wounds healing just as her did, though instead of the ashes flying upwards and about the ashes dropped lifelessly to the tables surface.

Lilane's eyes were steady, but shadowed as she studied the brat who had made her brother suffer so much pain, and she found she had no urge to hit him...instead she merely stared at him like one would stare at something pitiful. "And what would you do once you have me? Experiment as you did with my brother? Or do you have something else planned for me...would you slice off my arm just to see if it would grow back? What would you learn from it? What could you learn from my body that I wouldn't happily tell you myself?" she asked him steadily, her voice treating him like the child he appeared to be, instead of like an equal.

The One Faithful

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Kain M ShZual
Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 8:57 pm
"All religion's the freakin' same in the end. All has somethin' to do with some Messiah, all has somethin' to do with one particular God, and usually all has somethin' to do with one particular dark force like Lucifer, Satan, Set, what the hell ever. The shiny fairy-boy here was brought up by Earth's Vatican Church, so arguing with him or trying to get him to see any other point of view is like talking to a damned goldfish."

The flaming sword would fall to the ground soon followed by a torrent of blood that would spill from both his new wound, sadly un-cauterized given his own cursed abilities, and from his mouth. Using his right arm he'd quickly wipe the blood from his mouth, or at least as much as he could. He'd keep on his feet, though remain at a slouch. His glazed crimson hues would look to the pretty corpse with a grin, then to his little brother. His right arm would raise and soon grip his left bicep, and with a quick jerk he'd rip his own arm from his shoulder in a bloody show of gratitude as he'd then toss it over to the pretty talking corpse.

"Consider that thanks for listening to my rant n' keeping me alive. It ought to be of great use for about a week, assuming you completely deprive it of blood. I'm sure you'll figure out some way to better yourself with my DNA...besides, I need that girl down below us unharmed. This should be fair trade, right? I really don't wanna blow up the work of such a respectable mind."

With that he'd errupt with a cyclone of wind about him, and soon he'd infuse it with a miasma that filled his bloodstream via his many wounds. Thus, a few spinning streams of violet winds would begin to circle him, draining the life of whatever they touched on contact as well as releasing a toxic wind in to the air. The limb he'd thrown to the Body Thief ought to remain in perfect tact, though he couldn't promise the condition of anything else. He'd slowly begin to walk away, using the vortex about him as a shield.

Hiro would smile beneath his mask as the man first took the cross, though he'd not believe his own eyes when the cross would break over the man's knee. He'd let out a heavy sigh of disappointment, and give the man his attention, hoping that his words would grant some fine excuse to his actions, though he found nothing more than the ramblings of another sinner and the vile things he did, though once he'd catch on to the hint of the purpose of the ramblings, he'd quickly turn to watch his brother begin his recovery. Not one to cut others off from speaking, given he not only found it to be impolite but also rather untactful since people tended to reveal plans, weaknesses, everything you'd wish to know in conversation. His brother had just rambled on as much as the other being, which pissed him off quite a bit. What really made his blood boil was the fact his brother had put out the holy flames of his sword, and thanks to the miasma he was more than familiar with, he couldn't lay a hand on his brother again. He'd lost his chance yet again, though suffered no wounds this time, which he found to be a blessing. As Kain began to walk off, he'd turn and look to the limb his brother had thrown to this man and chuckle to himself a bit.

"Is the presence of an angel not some proof that Christianity must have been right somewhere along the lines? The ten cardinal sins aren't the only sins in existence, but I'm not here to lecture you...a man so devoted to science and mimicking God wouldn't understand a damn thing I'd say. Before I send you to Hell, though, I must ask why you'd save that Devil; have you a contract with him, or do you simply have a love for demons?"

As he spoke he'd summon, via the very method this man had predicted earlier, a chain of light. He would solidify this light, though, much like how Kain and Singe tended to solidify the dark. The chain would still glow a brilliant white, which would signify there were still holy properties to it. He'd send the chain at the limb Kain had thrown to this man in an attempt to remove the gift from his reach...

"What the hell could you possibly want the girl for; have you not enough data on fire on the human spirit!? There's an endless amount of possibilities with my blood; does regeneration and immortality not interest you? Surely there's some way the girl and the boy can leave here...name your price, Pan!"  
PostPosted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 10:28 pm
With a mere kick of his foot, Panderas would send the arm into the air until quite promptly it would land into his hand. With a raised eyebrow and quite a bland look the scientist would side-step the lash of the golden chain and simply stare at the angelic being as one would an interesting new breed of dog. "To be truthful you are most certainly, as I believe I said before, a creature who manipulates light energy, much, I assume, in the same way Kain manipulates dark energy. However, I am a true scientist, I do not believe in the human concepts of 'good' and 'evil' but merely the conditioned responses of society laws built on what both genetics and tradition dictate. However, to be quite truthful, I do believe in a super-natural force which you might refer to as god. However, how does one prove god exists if one can not prove it through scientific laws. The truth of the matter is I have no need to emulate god, or be god, I simply wish to prove he exists through the means of science and law. Which in a material world are all that matter. In order to prove his existence one must give up such things as emotions and ideals of 'good' or 'evil'."

With a large amount of coughing a thick amount for red smoke the scientist began rooting through his pockets once more. "Preconceived notions such as death..and...limitations must be tossed aside. In order...to find the truth...one must prove god's existence through tests...experimentation...and trials...one can begin to understand ... what exactly...GOD is. That is what I strive for through science...to understand...not to become. After all...I may have given up human limitations...but I've also given up my pride...my desire...everything...except that one thing which I need most. My belief..." At last the scientist doubled over, his body shuddering painfully, his black hair fell out and his skin paled, until he looked like he had before. With the last of his still-functioning hands the doctor took a needle and thread from his pocket and stitched his mouth together once more.

When he lifted his head, his short white hair fell over his clouded red eyes. "So go ahead and kill me....if you can. It will be a wonderful chance to study a creature...so close...to god's...power..." His voice once more took on it's scratchy tone and with one last hack, a large puff of red smoke rose from his mouth and disappeared. "My...only...wish...is to ...better...mankind...through...understanding....and...defeating..this...vengeful....world..which seeks...to destroy...us."

Pan turned to look at Lilane as she entered and decided to speak to both parties at once to satisfy both curiosity and philosophy. " Immortality? Hmm...sorry...I believe that I have already risen above such things as death. However as it seems the both of you are so curious I shall gladly enlighten you. I am more interested in a way to regenerate earth ...or rather...matter itself. After all it seems quite clear that not only is the H.E.C. a threat to the world's existence but the world itself seems intent on forcing us to kill each other. Thus the most efficient way to preserve as much as possible is to learn how to regenerate matter after it has been destroyed..or..altered. You and the girl both seem to possess this ability my dear clone Kain." With a short laugh the child pressed a button and released the private detective from the metal slab he was strapped to.

"The girl...however...seems to have a more advanced or...rather...a wider range...than you do. As the girl seems to have the ability to heal matter AROUND her as well as healing the matter within her own body. And you need not fear...I have no need to experiment on her as I did the boy. After all, she seems quite reasonable and as she fills what I needed in the same way you would have, my entire reason for torturing him was to bring you to me in first place. Now that that is accomplished I have no need to further indulge myself in pointless violence or other such negative acts." With a small grin he turned back to the screens and smirked down at the image of Kain's clone, looking smug. "Though it is cliche' to say....you're welcome to try and stop me."

The Anon Assassin

The One Faithful

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 12:53 pm
Lilane lowered her eyes furiously at Pan but then seemed to calm herself and turned a pair of sorrowful eyes on her brother. She knelt and helped him to his feet. With a sad smile Lilane allowed her flames to turn into a warm red glow, which radiated off her and onto her brother, healing all of his wounds. A small pile of ash fell to his feet and Lilane would nod, as if in satisfaction. Then with a warm and gentle smile Lilane kissed her brother's forehead and held his hands in hers. "Stay safe brother. Leave here...and stay safe." Then, with a heartfelt sigh Lilane released him and walked up to Pan, the flames around her falling to a warm flicker, like a candle's flame, small and warm, and friendly. "I'm not sure what you can glean from my abilities...but if it will benefit the world...and keep my brother and friends safe...then I will go with you willingly."
PostPosted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 3:15 am
The clone, which had quite the idea and speech read for everyone, would now...more or less die off, though in truth he was being absorbed back in to Kain. Thus was the end of that particular clone's short legacy, and now it could only hope for the best for Lilane and her brother before it vanished.

Kain M ShZual
Vice Captain

The Anon Assassin

PostPosted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:28 pm
Panderas was not sure why the so-called 'angel' had left him be but he took advantage of it and immediately headed back down into his lab, his footsteps quick, precise, and worried knowing that his counterpart was no doubt causing some kind of mischief. Oh, he had known that he had caused problems already, but Panderas had been too busy with...OTHER....matters to be concerned with what his 'toy' had truly been up to. So now, now that he knew the brat had done something inexcusable, he ran.

Fredrick didn't want to believe what he was hearing. As far as he knew his sister had died along with his parents, and yet here this girl was and everyone but he himself seemed to know that she was indeed his precious younger sister. As her warm flames healed him Fredrick could only stare in wonder, after all, everything seemed to be moving to fast to truly keep up with. Draega had sent his sister, Lilane to save him...along with another. That much was clear. And now that brat, was spouting such complete nonsense about torture being necessary for the greater good of all of Weyard. It was almost too much for the detective to take in. Almost.

"Screw you brat. I am not leaving my little sister in your care. And your word means s**t to me!" the detective snapped, his patience and temper having reached it's last rope. "First...I'm going to kill you. Then me and my sister BOTH are going to leave this place and blow it all to hell so that you're vile acts can NEVER see the light of day."

The small red-headed child tilted his head to the side and simply raised an eyebrow, seeming almost confused. "Kill me? I was sure I had informed you that that was impossible. " the young boy commented. "Still...if you insist on resisting." and with a smile the child held out his arm and allowed several sparks of electricity to shoot forth from his fingertips, singing everything they touched.

Fredrick was barely able to erect a shield around his sister and himself in time and the shock bounced off the metal barrier like fire-works on the forth of july. With a irritated growl Fredrick lowered the barrier and forced the metal into hundreds of small round projectiles which hovered just outside of his sister's gentle flame. "Nice try brat, but you're entire base can be converted into my plaything. And I'm really in the mood for playing 'tag'."

"That's....quite enough...I think." A soft scratchy voice spoke, interrupting the fight as Panderas entered the room, striding in like an irritated parent about to scold a child.

Fredrick paused, hand still in the air, ready to command his make-shift bullets to riddle themselves through the kid's flesh and turned to stare at this new invader. "No...I don't think it is." the private investigator snapped.

Panderas raised one white eyebrow before shaking his head and striding toward the brat in the straight jacket. "Oh... not you. I meant ...this little ...trouble-maker." the scientist stated placing a head upon of Pan's head.

Pan recoiled and tried to shake off Panderas' steady and parental-like grip. "No! Don't you dare! You cannot command me! I am a superior being who no may command! Don't you-!" but the brat's protests were cut off and his eyes lost their light before the child slumped over into the waiting arms of Panderas, who picked him up as if he were sleeping.

"My...apologies.." Panderas stated with a nod to Fredrick. "The prototypes...can be...a bit buggy. But this one...has their...moments...as any...troublesome...child would."

Freddrick lowered his arm, his projectiles falling to the ground. His eyes lowering in thought. He was silent for a moment before at last he spoke, "The....that thing ...that BRAT...is a robot?" Fredrick asked, unsure.

Panderas shook his head and stepped past the siblings toward a door that would not have been there moments before, but which was clearly where Panderas had come from. " A...cyborg...actually. Created from...my genes...and Micah's. Or...those I ...was able to obtain...several years ago. This one...is merely...one of ...a set. And he...often proves...to be...quite volatile. I have ...dubbed him...Envy. There are...others...but they...are a bit...dispersed. "

Fredrick's eyes widened in awe, "You...you're the real Panderas aren't you? My god what-?"

"I think...it would...be best. If we saved...THAT...conversation...for another time. For now...there is someone...who...we should...ALL ...meet." Panders interrupted turning back to the doorway.

For a moment Fredrick hesitated before he gritted his teeth and followed the once vibrant scientist, no longer sure what was ahead of him, but knowing that if he didn't follow...he would regret it.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 7:33 pm
Lilane had gazed in awe when her brother had stepped up to protect her, and then she felt pride swell and she was glad to stand beside him. She turned fierce and determined eyes upon the child, and although she would have kept to her promise, the simple knowledge that her brother wished to leave WITH her was more than enough to turn her against the idea. She had fallen into a stance the second the brat turned violent and was again awed to be protected by her brother so easily.

She hung back, a light smile fluttering upon her features more than willing to allow her brother to take out the child when someone else entered the room. It shocked her that she had not been able to sense this man's approach, even more so when she recognized him as the man from before, someone she had assumed was on the brat's side. However Lilane did not feel threatened by him, as her brother so obviously did and so instead merely watched him, intrigued as he effectively 'put to bed' the Pan she had come to know and loathe.

It did not surprise her to learn the child was not completely human, that much she had gleaned through their exchanges and unlike her brother Lilane had known the boy possessed a heart beat. Which, at the moment, had been steadied to the point of a near stand-still.

Upon her brother's revelation Lilane's eyes widened in surprise, that was something she had NOT been able to guess. She looked at the man in a new light and, albeit...a bit curiously. Lilane wished to follow him, if only to get to the bottom of it all but did not allow herself to move forward until her brother had already down so. As she and her brother followed Panderas through the dark hall Lilane finally brought herself to pose a question to the man, feeling a touch of sympathy for his obvious health problems.

"...Would...would it be alright if I healed you? You do not seem well and although my healing abilities do not work quite as well upon others...I may be able to help you."

The One Faithful

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The Anon Assassin

PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:23 pm
Panderas stopped suddenly at the girl's request and for a moment the scientist seriously considered taking the girl up on her offer. However he hung his head and then shook it almost remorsefully. "No..." he wheezed, the word holding a dangerous level of feeling behind it for the scientist, sounding both forceful and hurt. "...no..."This time more calm...once more in control. Must always be in control, emotion will lead me back down that road...back to sin. "No...I am...afraid...that this body...is beyond...recovery..." Once more he resumed his calm easy steps, his head perking up once more as he led them into a large room lined with glowing, liquid-filled tubes that shone an eerie light blue. Within them were a picture of body parts, including the arm Kain had provided him with, and children who all resembled Envy in every way.

Panderas moved through the room effortlessly, stopping only once to place Envy upon a small cot. He covered the cyborg child in a white sheet, as if he were asleep, and then moved on once more, pausing at the far wall of the room, his hand upon a rather large dashboard, his eyes upon the two siblings. " I shall... contact Humility....they should...be able to...provide us...with the correct...coordinates. "

Fredrick, who had paused at Lilane's question as well and had taken his time examining the odd floating figures within the tubes, turned from the far end of the room toward the scientist. He was still deciding whether the man was sane or not, as the tubes had begun to bode ill in his mind. What was this man's objective? Was he trying to recreate life? Was he trying to rebuild himself? Panderas was such a hard man to read. "Coordinates of what?" Fredrick asked, as calmly as his stretched nerves with allow. Though the constancy of his sister made such a thing easier for him.

Panderas eyed the detective for a moment before typing in a few buttons on the dashboard, bringing up a holographic screen which showed the backdrop of yet another lab, cleaner, brighter, and much less imposing then the one they currently resided in. A child, identical to Envy, except for a pair of small oval glasses instead of Envy's goggles, sat relaxed in a chair, their expression distant but warm, much like that of a stern but kind librarian, as they read over what appeared to be a medical chart. Then, at last, Panderas answered the detective, " The home... of a woman... named 'Nimm'...as last I... was aware...she was...one of...the few...left...on your...'side'."

Then Panderas turned his eyes to the child now watching them with mild interest, already putting the medical chart away in anticipation. "Hello Father Mother....what is it that you need?" they asked, their voice softer and a bit more mature than Envy's had been.

"The coordinates of ...subject...493NU...for teleporter...applications...password....'Holy Trinity'" Panderas answered, already moving to the opposite side of the dashboard to begin typing, lights flashing on in the far corner of the room to reveal a door to an odd, cylindrical, metallic room, which was small and devoid of furnishings of any kind.

Humility nodded and moved to a small hand held computer in which they began to type furiously, talking just as easily as they did, as if this were not something that even required thought. "The Coordinates for Nimm's lodgings are being transferred now. Teleporter should be fully programed with same coordinates in thirty seconds. It should be noted that this area has yet to be tested in and shifting may occur...data indicates no damaging effects. Teleporter will be fully functional in one minute. Percentage of error 15%. It is recommended that there be no movement during scanning in order to prevent further error percentage increase. Data indicates you should be wary of a hard fall. Will there be anything else?"

Panderas stopped his typing and turned back to the earlier portion of dashboard, his steady gaze on the cyborg on the other line. "No...that is all...Humility. Thank you." And with that Panderas canceled the link. And turned toward his guests once more, holding his arm out toward the teleporter, a green light upon his dashboard flashing into life. "If you...would please...step inside...it will only take...a moment."

Fredrick's eyes widened at the request. "You must be kidding...you've...you've developed a teleporter? And you expect us to use that thing to get to this...Nimm person? Forget it."

Panderas let out a sigh and stepped into the teleporter himself, tucking his hands into his pockets as he turned back to stare Fredrick in the eye. "It is...perfectly safe...and Nimm...is the only one...who can help...you now."

Fredrick looked on for a moment more before letting out a low curse and stepping inside the teleporter as well, waiting for his sister to join them so that they might get this horrendous experience over with.
PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:29 pm
Lilane was taken aback by Panderas' answer, however she remained silent. Apparently he thought himself beyond saving. Lilane, however, still sensed that there was life in him, and that was enough for her. She followed behind her brother, calm and collected despite the sight that created her as they wandered into the large room. Unlike her brother, who eyed such things with dread, Lilane looked upon them in a sort of intrigued wonder. She wondered if this was how he attempted to stave off death. She wondered also if this had been what Envy had meant when he said he was already 'immortal'.

Lilane's eyes turned to Panderas as he tucked Envy away, feeling a touch of sweetness toward him as obviously he felt concerned for the cyborg, despite his earlier statements. She stayed silent then, moving to stay close to her brother as silent support. And at last when they both waited for her to enter the teleporter as well she willingly obliged. She came between them, hoping to ease her brother's tension by separating them. She turned then to Panderas her eyes filled with a light sort of question. "What did...Humility mean by ...'shifting may occur'?" she asked, not really concerned but curious none the less.

The One Faithful

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The Anon Assassin

PostPosted: Tue Dec 02, 2008 11:36 pm
Panderas lifted an eyebrow at the girl's question, as if intrigued that she would choose to ask that question instead of a more pressing or ominous one. So the scientist turned to face forward as the teleporter doors hissed closed. "'Shifting'...refers to..our placement...in matter...and space...should shifting... occur we....would simply...find ourselves...not upon ...the ground anymore. But ...The air...or even...inside...the walls. It would cause...no damage...however." Pnaderas explained, remaining perfectly still as a green light filled the room, moving from their feet slowly up their bodies. "I suggest...not moving...or speaking...during this...process..." He muttered absently, falling silent as the green light reached his chest, as he knew he would not have the time to utter more.

Once the light had passed over them they would feel a tug, just around their hips, and would be temporarily blinded by a bright light, before they would find themselves at the place they were journeying to.
Folly of Man

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