Rainbowfied Mouse
Losing Freedom? Poppycock! We are gaining freedom. Each decade the minority is gaining more equality. 150years ago Slavery Abolition 80-100years ago Woman's Rights 40-60years ago Black Rights 20-30years ago Race Equality 0-10years Gay Rights. We are becoming more free if anything. The government you seem to strive for exists in a mix of the Vatican and Hong Kong... an authoritarian pseudo-theodemocracy!

You are correct we are alot better at being a Nation now then way back. I would much rather live in this country then any other also.

^_^; Yeah. I love the USA.

@LB - Yeah, this thread lost it's meaning xD

I don't think that is a totally bad thing (losing it's meaning) it just makes it more intersting.

I concur, I love deep conversations