Fusion_X_ Rebirth
Wow that game has very funky visuals... O.o This is for the Wii..?


Kyuubi: Gee thanks for proving their point. stare

I talking about the fact that idiot is saying that Nintendo making their console not family friendly big frickin deal. Every console is going to have 'M' rated games, the ones that don't usually end up with people hating the console. Look at the GCN despite it being more powerful than the PS2 it still sold less for the simple fact its number of violent games was severely lacking compared to the XBOX and PS2 causing it to lose in that console war big time.

Family Friendly means every person even the teenager or the occasional parent who likes to kill people on a video game. Imagine the sales of the Wii if there were no games that went above E10+. Nintendo could only keep itself afloat for so long before its numerous crappy 3rd party games would be the death of it. Also some of Nintendo's best franchises would suffer as well ex: MP3, LoZ TP, and Brawl all T. Imagine what Retro Studios would have had to do to drop that rating to a E10+. Same with Sora Ltd dropping Brawl to E10+. Or with Nintendo's LoZ team dropping TP to E10+(removing that "scene" would've been the first thing to go).

Bottom line trying to keep a console 'family friendly' is what is going to kill a console.

Want proof? Go to a site that has all games that have come out for the Wii so far this site will do. Now remove all games made by Nintendo and its 2nd party companies. Next remove all games that are Teen rated and higher. Now what do you have left? A bunch of crappy games with a few gold mines here and there.

M rating does not a good game make. mad