My parents are atheists, but I grew up in a very religious area. We were learning about religion in sixth grade and, as my parents had never really breached the subject, I wasn't sure what I was. The teacher said atheists were bad, and I asked if I was an atheist. She asked if I celebrated Christmas, and I said yes (as in, we exchange gifts). She told me I was a Christian, so I asked my mom about it when I got home. My mom didn't want me to say I was an atheist, and she didn't until about two years ago, but she said I wasn't a Christian. But when I asked my Dad he said, "******** what they think. Do you believe in God?" And I said no, so he said that I should tell people I'm an atheist.

I think, before this, I tried praying because my friends did it. But I don't know if I ever took it seriously. It was just sort of... empty. I never knew what I was praying to, really, and I just sort of took it as one might making a wish when they blow out the candles at their birthday party.