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Jackal McFluffybutt

PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 11:41 am
Nick, Kyle's eight year old brother, sat happily at his work bench, molding and kneading the dough in his hands. He always liked how perfectly blended dough simply molded in his paws, leaving minimal residue. his work however was interrupted as his ear twitched to hear the crunching of gravel and dirt near the edge of the building. He looked about the store, but saw no customers. He hopped down from his stool anyway and gave a peek into the back where Kyle practiced. He was still there swinging that wood about like a knight. Nick didn't want to interrupt his brother during his important training, so he decided to be the grown up and investigate. Once outside the young dingo looked about the street. No one, the meeting should be letting out soon. He turned down the alleyway beside the bakery and found the source of the noise. A red neck wallaby was sneaking about. Braving his fears, Nick approached the girl. "E-excuse me?" he asked, padding up to her. "What are you doing?"

Meanwhile in Kyle's "practise room" The elder Dingo crumpled to the ground, writhing in pain as his head burst in white hot pain. Another migraine had peirced his concentration. And his brother was outside, ignorant to his brothers discomfort.  
PostPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 3:48 pm
Ana flinched as a loud crunching sound told her that she was no longer walking on dirt, but rather gravel. She inwardly cursed herself for not paying attention. She'd been too worried about sticking to the wall and finding an opening...

A voice! She'd been so mad at herself that she hadn't heard footsteps approaching from behind! Ana flinched visibly; and knowing that her sudden movement had given her away, she did the first thing that came to her mind: run for it. She dashed forward along the back of the shop and made a sharp turn as soon as she rounded the corner of the building, headed for the street. Which was probably not the best idea, she realized too late. She'd be seen out there. Curse it! Curse it all!

Suddenly she noticed something in the wall in front of her. An open window! She screeched into a turn, grabbed the ledge, and began to yank herself over the sill. Time and surprise were on her side. Hopefully whoever had discovered her would be too slow on the uptake to see her now. Hopefully. She pushed herself in farther, hoping wildly that her tail hadn't been dangling out the window a split second too long...

And promptly fell to the floor with a yelp of pain and a loud whumph.  



PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 2:16 am

David flinched when he felt a paw land on his shoulder, turning slightly to attack the culprit before Howel's face came into view. His face remained dangerous as Howel spoke, though his forehead slowly lost the tight wrinkle of anger. He stood there a moment after Howel had spoken, his rage sharply blunted as the boy moved away. A long sad sigh escaped him as he finally recovered his head, turning towards the crowd once more, "We must do something though, they will only keep coming back, next time it might be your family taken," he growled towards them before turning and taking his leave after Howel.

He did not move to catch the retreating figure of his friend however, instead moving towards his own home, anger still boiling within him, a determination to hammer it out upon some iron, driving him to restart the forge fire.  
PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 3:32 am
NPC Meeting

Mitch sighed softly as he watched the young Dane move off, his eyes looking over the muttering crowd silently before he continued, "Well, it seems the decision is made, the young girl has residence within the Smith's house should she desire it," he called to the crowd, "Any who meet her please advise her of this offer," he requested, watching the townsfolk as for a moment, "As for the Imon, what do we feel should be done?" he asked those gathered.

A young man within the crowd raised his paw, his voice carrying over the murmurs around him, "I agree with David, we can't sit and wait," he stated, "We must defend ourselves at least!"

A frown spread over the elder's lips at this response, many voices joining the first in conformation, something must be done.

The discussion of the town meeting continued for almost an hour, a decision made to build a wall about the main town, wood the best material on hand, and towns folk set about to begin a guard. ((Further details will be omitted, since no character now remains at the meeting.))

NPC Empty house

A loud whumph sounded within the silent house as a young wallaby girl fell in through the window. Her entrance landing her within the kitchen of a poor household, simply dishes stacked by the sink, clean of their last meal, an old wooden pantry standing across the room with a simply worn table and a few chairs in the center. Further inspection of this house would reveal a stairs to a second story just beyond the kitchen door and just beyond that a small living room with simple chairs surrounding a small fireplace. Should the girl inspect upstairs she would find three small rooms, sparsely furnished with little more then a a bed and table within each.

Just outside of this small house was another darkened building, a great heath within the center still glowing dully from dying coals.

((food would be minimal within the pantry, explain it's contents as you wish.))

NPC Bakery Backroom

As a young boy cringed from a painful headache, he was rather too enthralled with his pain to notice strands of fur gently falling from his body. They were not so many as to be noticed unless one was watching closely, nor would they be apparent for bald patches upon the boy, but they fell none the less, adding to the slowly growing layer of shed fur within the room.  



PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 5:52 am
Howel began to wistle to himself as he walked. It helped to clear his head and was simply something to do on the rather long walk back to his little shack. After such an intense meeting it was nice to get away and daydream in peace, something he did quite often despite wherever he would be at the time. As he let his mind wonder he thought about the time he had spent with each of the families in the town. The warmth with which each home had accepted him. The slight look of shock on their face when he had announced he was going to open up a fishing shack. In the end, it had been really useful to learn so many diverse talents, though he was only proficient in a few.

The slight smell of sweets brought him out of his thoughts. He was just passing the bakery, and the smells of sweet breads and treats inside was enough to make his mouth water. Howel quickly dug through his pockets but sadly pulled out only a few pieces of lint. He sighed, than resumed his whistling; the bakery, while being one of his favorite places to have lived, was also his worst talent. "Well next time i suppose..." He turned away from the place trying to get some distance between him and the nice smells.

Howel's house was just barely outside Bouldercome, and sat on a smaller part of the river. He had to build so far away from the main part of town because all the commotion from children swimming or washing usually drove away the fish. It didnt bother him to much to live out by himself, though he had built his shack to hold at most three people. He pulled the door open carefully almost smiling as it was completely open than sighing as it, again, fell off its hinges. "I should really look into getting that thing fixed..." The dingo sighed leaning the door against the wall and walking into his little homel  
PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 1:20 pm
Nick hurried back into the bakery, having lost the mysterious person in the alley. "Hey! Hey Kyle! guess what I saw!" he announced proudly as he rushed behind the counter and into the backroom. Letting out a gasp, the little dingo watched his brother writhe on the floor in pain. This had happened many times in the past and the little pup knew what to do. First he helped up his weakly protesting brother and got him to sit. Unfortunately the sudden vertigo and increased pain brought up a wave of puke, which pooled on the floor before him. The little dingo furrowed his brow and pinched his nose to the smell. Rushing out into the main room Nick began to search for a glass of water for his bro, at the same time his parents came home.
"Hey there Nick, where's Kyle?" His father asked.
"He's sick in the backroom...." Nick admitted being picked up by his mother.
"oooohhh....." both his parents said in unison as they rushed to Kyle's aid.

In a few minutes Kyle's father had carried his son into his bed, with a wet cloth on his forehead. They shut off the lights and he fell asleep for the next couple hours.

Downstairs his parents were discussing bringing him to a healer. (healer? or doctor? I'm not sure) Agreeing to bring him in tommorow, they let the matter settle.  

Jackal McFluffybutt


PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:55 am
Ana pushed herself up into a sitting position. Where was she? The room wasn't lit by a candle or lamp, but she could tell easily enough from the low light that this was someone's kitchen. Dishes by a wash basin, a lone pantry, a small table and a few chairs... Sheesh, this was an awfully SMALL kitchen. Where were all the shelves and cabinets, the oven? I guess this is what ordinary people have, she thought. Not rich merchants, or bakers, or farmers...

She found herself standing in front of the pantry and opening it before even realizing she'd moved across the room. Her belly growled again as she fingered through the items inside. Nothing more than a few bundles, really. Some smelled like salted meat, others like bread. That was it. A good haul for her, though! Rarely did she have the opportunity to slip into an unattended kitchen unnoticed. She scooped the bundles out of the pantry and caught them in her arms. Satisfied, she turned to leave.

But she couldn't move. She stood there, clutching what precious little goods had been in that tiny pantry, unable to leave her spot. This didn't feel right. This was the entirety of one poor family's rations. This wasn't one bread loaf from a bakery, one sheet from a line, one fish from a bucket. This was different...

The girl spun around determinately and pushed all the packages back inside, save for just one, the smallest. She just couldn't bring herself to empty that pantry. She couldn't bring others into the life of ruin that she'd fallen into. She clutched the one smallest bundle to her chest and left the room quickly.

This next room had a small hearth and a couple of chairs, that was all. A hearth! It was something marvelous to be in the presence of a real fire. Part of her knew that the residents of this house would be back sometime soon, yet she couldn't resist sitting down on the floor in front of the cozy little fire and getting comfortable there. She unwrapped the small bundle, her lone prize, and found half a loaf of bread inside. She began to nibble on it, staring contemplatively into the fire, savoring its warmth. Slowly, ever so slowly, she felt her hunger slipping away. Her eyelids were growing heavy. The heat from the hearth was so soothing. Suddenly the hard ground didn't feel so hard anymore. It was inviting...

Before Ana could think anything else, she curled up on the floor, a peaceful smile on her face. She was asleep within minutes.  
PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:43 am

Still fuming under his breath, David bypassed his small house and went straight for the forge beside it. It took him some work to bring the heath back to flame, but soon enough he began to heat and beat an old sickle that had been brought in for repair, sound long steady clangs with the beat of his hammer. As he worked he fumed to himself, beating out his rage upon the already dented blade he worked, knowing full well that such work would require a complete remake of the damaged sickle.

The sound of the heavy beats rang from the old forge, penetrating the house beside it, soon intermingled with a steady chant timed to each beat, "Thus you were to hammer boys round - Old Clem!
With a thump and a sound - Old Clem!
Beat it out, beat it out - Old Clem!
With a clink for the stout - Old Clem!
Blow the Fire, blow the fire - Old Clem!
Roaring dryer, soaring Higher - Old Clem!"
David soon loosing himself in his work, no longer denting the metal but reshaping it, heating and cooling it as needed. Such a racket came from the forge that none could still sleep in the house beside, but then, everyone else was still at the meeting so there was no concern there.

((Just to note, old tech would mean lights would be oil lamps at best. Oh and we'll call the healers 'doctors' for now))

((Try for another post for tonight, after we'll advance to the next day, Jackal, if you want to skip a post since your character is asleep, just say skip. Extra points if you know where the song is from!))  



PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:11 am
Howel hummed to himself peacefully. It was completely silent save for his humming. The normal sounds of people around the town had faded away along his walk back. The dingo smiled to himself as he sat down in his chair. The small shack was rather impressive for being built by one person. Oh the other townspeople had offered to help but he just couldn't accept any. After housing him for years, he really couldn't ask them to do another thing for him. So far the front door had been his only reoccuring problem.

The dingo poured himself some tea as he stared out the open door towards the river. "A night swim wouldnt be all that bad...and than i'll be tired enough to sleep" He finished his tea quickly than shed his clothes and walked to the edge of the river. Howel loved how secluded it was, he didnt even have to worry about being seen. He leaped into the water and shivered at the cool temperature before starting to swim around. The current wasn't to powerful and was nice excersize to swim against.

After an hour or so of swimming he made his way back to the shore. His fur was thouroughly socked and he was far to tired to make it back up to his shack. With a shrug he flipped onto his back and starred at the stars. Howel smiled and began humming his tune again, eventually humming himself to sleep.  
PostPosted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 12:36 pm
((Yeah, I`ll skip until the next day. and thanks for pointing out the light thing X3 I didn`t even realise I wrote that X3))  

Jackal McFluffybutt


PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 11:30 am
((Sorry, guys! Seems like I'm the one who's always holding this up...))


Ana cringed as she was suddenly awoken by a horrific banging noise. She pushed herself up from the ground a bit, still sluggish from her nap. What in the world...


Her hands flew to her ears as her face contorted in pain. She rolled up into a sitting position, looking fearfully towards the door of the room. Had the occupants come home? Was she about to be discovered? And what on earth was that--


--That NOISE! Ugh! Ana had had enough. She stomped out of the room, through the house (which was still empty, thank heavens), and out the front door. The cla--


--Clanging noise was coming from this smaller building just next door. She walked up to the front door, opened it ever so slightly, and cautiously poked her head inside.


Aha! She was in a smithy. The man before her, a dingo, was singing a working song as he pounded at the red-hot metal. It was an annoying sound, yes, but Ana couldn't help but keep watching. It was amazing, the skill with which he shaped the metal.  
PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:33 am

David held up the much smoother of sickle to his eye, the headed metal drawing trails of sweat upon his fur as he examined it. With a sigh he rested it upon the anvil one more, content with the work for the night, and much calmed from the action.

He turned slowly to move towards he exit before his eyes widened significantly at the sight of a wallaby girl staring back at him, "Oh, so they found you did they? Come on, I'll show you where you'll be staying for now," he stated simply, directing her to move from the door, "Just remember, when my sister gets back it's her room okay?" he stated firmly, moving towards the house.

((It seems it'll take a post or two to get us to the end of the night, sorry guys, Filia and I will try to keep this short...))  



PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:33 am
Ana was sure she'd winced a little when the dingo noticed her. But before she could even try to get away, he'd started talking to her as if he'd been expecting her the whole time. She wasn't sure what to think. "I...what?" she stammered, nervously trotting after him, back towards the house she'd just left. "Who found me? H-How do you know who I am? Why are you...being so nice to me?"

At least they were returning to the house where she'd just been, which was good. It was rather cozy in there. But on the other hand, she couldn't help but worry about them noticing the missing loaf of bread and linking it to her.  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 2:35 am

Hardly seeming to notice the girl's edginess, David directed her into his home almost roughly. He stopped a moment when he noticed the remains of wrapping upon the floor, "Ah, well I guess you would be hungry. Make sure you thank Dad for giving you that, we don't have all that much to spare," he stated sternly. As he moved to the stairs, he signaled for Ana, "Well none-the-less you should get some rest, I'd say Dad's already out, good thing he found you huh? saves sleeping on the ground tonight," he commented with a half smile.

"This is you room for now," he stated, suddenly stopping and signaling a small room to his left, little more then a dresser and bed within, "We'll discuss rules in the morning I assume, unless Dad's already gone over them with you?"  



PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 7:58 pm
Ana was by now far too confused by all this mention of things "Dad" had apparently done with regards to her. "Uh...sure," she said as she entered the small room, unwilling to get caught up in any explanations right now. She slipped awkwardly into the bed--it felt so strange to be so cushioned!--and squirmed a bit to get settled. "Good night, I guess," she murmured.

Yet even through her uneasiness, she couldn't resist the squishy comfort of the bed. She closed her eyes and pictured herself sinking into a warm, pink cloud...  
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