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McKaela Kiama

PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:30 pm
McKaela quirks a brow at the stranger. "Mone--hey look out for th'--!" And then he does it, slips on the same patch of ice that she'd just gotten away from. Of course, she does her best to keep from giggling, but manages not to. She offers her paw to him to help him up.

She listens to him mumble to himself before he mentions money again. "What're ya talkin' 'bout? I don't want'cher money or anythin' in between." She snorts, shaking her head and turning away. He was heading toward the back lot, and she's going the same way. Once at her car, she grabs her Victorian-style velvet jacket with corsetting and a large cross printed on the back [x] and glances over her shoulder at the stranger. "But might watch what'cha say 'round here. I've known muggers t'rape when there's nothin' t'steal." Nonchalantly she lights a joint, taking a deep puff. She was already stoned, left eye showing that with a bright golden glow piercing the cold night air, like she needed any more narcotics in her system.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:00 pm
Alma Follows his new "friend" to her car if only to amuse her. "I will keep that in mind." He laughs to himself. "Though I'm hardly a prime specimen for such an act" gesturing to himself he lets out a sigh and turns his head back to the alleyway, his breath plumes in a cloud that lingers in the cold. "But it looks as if i have quite a mess to clean up, And the nights in this town seem to be quite unforgiving."

He pulls a small flashlight from his pocket and turns to the dark alleyway. *Click* The flashlight beams into the alley and pushes the shadows before him back into their little hidey holes. Alma focus the light straight ahead and begins to tread back to the scene, Careful not to slip this time on the slick cobbles.  


McKaela Kiama

PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:06 pm
McKaela flicks on paw in dismissal of the stranger's statement. "Yer not the worst-lookin' critter I've ever seen." That didn't mean he was the best, either, though. She watches as the flashlight shines down the alleyway to the dropped items. For a moment she glances toward the mansion nearby, within the fortress walls, looming over the city. She felt, maybe it was time to go home.

However, she shakes her head and wanders back into the icy alleyway with the man, picking up the box and offering to help him. "S'my fault ya fell, I startled ya. Least I can do is help ya clean up th'mess I caused." She pays little mind to what all was in the pile of things that fell out and the few things that were left in the box, staring at the stranger for a few moments before finally asking, "Y'got a name?"
PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:56 pm
Alma rummages through the small piles of slush and snow looking for his the vials of various chemicals. "To tell the truth i saw you trying to get up i planned to pass you by without a word. You didn't startle me. yet here you are offering to help me clean up my own doing." He glances at her "It seems you are a kinder soul than i, no?" Placing a few tools into the box he continues talking."But i won't turn down your kindly offer."He tosses her a little smile.

Looking down into a rather large clump of snow of he spotted his brick of sodium. As he examins the brick and it's container he notices the container lid had slipped off. He giggles aloud. "of course it does" Alma looks back to her "Do me a favor? Hold your breath and get out of the alley as fast as you can."

He jumps up to his feet and spins in place ready to run. Getting about halfway down the alleyway before slipping on the slick and sliding the rest of the way out."Ow" he whispers to himself.  


McKaela Kiama

PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 10:14 pm
"Can't say I blame ya. I'da passed me by too," she mumbles, kneeling down and looking at the mess. "Well, if I didn't cause it, I think we should sue whoever invented ice. It got both'f us." She snickers and shakes her head lightly.

McKaela quietly picks up various items, looking over each one before placing it in the box. Most of these things she didn't even know what they were, or particularly care. "Th'hell is this stuff anyway?" It was rhetorical, she didn't honestly expect an answer.

Once finished with her section of the snow, she glances up to the stranger. "Of course it does what?" She tilts her head as he tells her to run. She's not as quick to react as he is, standing up only in time to watch him slip again. This time she can't help but let out a bit of a snicker. Still, she heeds his warning, but instead of running she quickly hops up onto a few crates and up to the roof, running to the front of it and looking down at the stranger. "What're we runnin' from again?" To most common people, even ruxiel with their impressive animal-like reflexes, someone leaping up to a rooftop would be pretty amazing.
PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 10:46 pm
"Sodium" He states while still on the laying on the cobblestones."If it mixes with water you get sodium Hydroxaite its poisonus, corrosive, dangerous to inhale, not too fun to get in the eyes, and produces quite a bit of heat... Fun stuff" he sits himself up and leans aginst the wall of the pub. I have no idea how long it will take to react not to mention how long it will take to diffuse afterwards"

"Alma, Alma Abdoe to answer your previous question. I arrived here about two days ago. Town is too cold for my tastes." He rests head in his hands. "And what about you? We just narrowly avoided a bio-hazard. This kind of thing everyday around here or what?"  


McKaela Kiama

PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 10:58 pm
"Sodium," McKaela repeats subconsciously, nodding. "Wait, like salt?" Already, it might be apparent that this vixen was no genius.

"Alma," McKaela again repeats, but this time most likely to try to remember it. No worries, she would forget before long. "It'll get warmer in a month'r so." She takes a puff of her joint, looking toward the chemicals blocking the path to her vehicle, and therefore her way home... she wasn't going to leave the Aston Martin in this sort of neighborhood, especially stuffed with band equipment.

To answer the man's question, McKaela hops down from the roof (onto the sidewalk in front of the building, where it was safe from ice) and steps carefully toward him, sitting down next to him, "McKaela. Mistress McKaela Kaiyou, High Commander of the Xavier Legion."

Should Alma watch television, read the paper, listen to the radio, or surf the internet, that name would mean... quite a lot. This woman was supposedly a monster, a murderous beast of a vixen if there ever was. This woman trained the troupes of the Legion to be killing machines as well. But... this woman stood at only five foot two inches tall, she was skinny and not particularly muscular (though toned), she didn't look like a threat, even to this mouse. How could she be the second-in-command over the Legion?!

"I dunno if I'd say every day, but often enough." She tilts her head lightly. "What're ya doin' with biohazard... ous... stuff anyway?"
PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 12:52 am
He tilts his head "McKaela Kaiyou you say?" Slowly he clenches his fist. "Why, thats impossible my freind. For *I* am McKaela Kaiyou, and i woulden't joke around lightly about such things if i were you. I could have you arrested for impersonateing an officer." He pulls this charade off flawlessly, Without showing a smile or even cracking his voice.

Alma leans in close to whisper to her "Im undercover. so you can't tell anyone, or the anti-legion may hear of it and hamper my progress." He pulls his head back and talks in a normal tone again "And who decided to add Mistress to my name? It makes me sound like a dominatrix.

Continueing his rant he tilts his head back and closes his eyes."But i'll play along. Your thinking sodium chloride. when you mix that little number back there" he gestures back to the alleyway with his thumb."With chloreine both pretty toxic to us things that like to live." He pops one eye open and looks at her."That makes everyones favorite condiment, salt!" By this point he is completely unaware that he is ranting and continues to talk on Mckaela's behalf.

"What was i doing with it? I was takeing it home. Used to be a researcher in robotics before i got this "wonderfull" promotion to come to "luxiourious" Kahikite as the weapons research head. I don't use sodium much in my home research and develupment of robotics, but i don't like to handle the stuff either. So i took a rather large portion to avoid more trips. That and sometimes i like to put it in my aquarium to watch it light on fire and zip around, But that's off record."

He sighs "We could rebuild limbs even entire bodys for soliders, hell for anyone. with proper funding and research of course, But apparently The leigon thinks that tearing someone apart is much more important than puting them together."  


McKaela Kiama

PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 9:15 am
McKaela listens quietly for a few moments, eyes widenning. What'd he say? He's me? Oh the thoughts that went through her head. Am I really not me? Is he? Maybe we switched bodies somehow? She stares at him all the while as he talks about being her, not sure what to really make of it, before finally deciding aloud, "Oh wait, I get it, I'm having a bad trip or something. That's it." Yes, she really did just blame the whole thing on drugs.

It takes her a few moments to even realize he was putting her on. After the realization she shakes her head. He said his name was Alma. Alma Abdoe. She nods lightly to the complaint about 'mistress'. "It's just a title, a formality... some sort'ah show'f respect they think I oughtta be given. Actually, it was Veritas' idea." She must have been the real deal, if she's talked with Veritas Xavier herself.

Quietly she listens to Alma prattle on, ears lowering as time progresses. Get him started on a subject and you may as well get comfy, it seems. She follows his gesture with her eyes, nodding. "Is it done makin' salt yet? Can I get to me car now?"

He goes on about his promotion and what all he does with this sodium stuff. McKaela does all she can to keep her mind from wandering. Her attempt is not successful. As he finishes, she stands up. "So you work for the Legion then? I'm guessin' you're workin' in th'lab with Aluna. Wonder why I'd never seen ya 'round." He must not have officially started his job yet, probably tomorrow. "Headin' to the fortress, are ya?" Without allowing him a moment to answer her, she starts walking, very carefully, down the alleyway toward her car.

"Aluna likes t'take care of th' body rebuildin'. She needs ah lackey t'build the things to tear our enemies apart, I s'pose." She grumbles, she knew all too well what Aluna liked to do when rebuilding bodies, too.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 2:45 pm
He burys his face in his hands and sighs. "It's not making salt it's mixing with the snow to make sodiu-." He cuts himself short. " know what? Go for it, Just close your eyes, don't breathe in, and run like hell. You might get some minor skin irritation. just take a nice long shower when you get home, you'll be fine."

With that he jumps to his feet and Begins making his way home."Man, They got some pretty weird hookers here." He giggles to himself."Mckalea Kaiyou" He giggles again."I wonder if the locals find that sexy or something?" Now it turns into a full blown laugh."Ahaha... I bet it really rakes in the cash." He laughs himself the rest of the way home. Completely forgetting about how cold it is.  


McKaela Kiama

PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 4:02 pm
"Ah," McKaela mutters, nodding. "Right, close me eyes, got it." She wanders on past it and into the back parking lot.

A few moments pass, just long enough for the man to get to the end of the alleyway before he would hear the rev of a powerful engine, the sound of barking tires, and the sound of something fast approaching him. Should he turn to look, he'd see nothing but head lights coming right at him. No time to possibly react, the vehicle barely misses him before it skids to a halt (miraculously already past the patch of ice) right beside him. The window is rolled down. "I just realized, ya never answer'd me. Are ya headin' to th' fortress? I can give ya a lift."

Given her obvious inebriation and horrible driving skills, that may not be the wisest choice, but she'd persist until he accepted. Too bad she hadn't heard the hooker quip, but maybe it was for the better... may have been dead mouse instead of smelly-from-shitting-self-from-fear mouse.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 4:44 pm
He peers at her with his left hand tucked under his right shoulder. once his brain processed what had just happened to him his body relaxed. He was good at Hiding his emotions but this was too much. after stretching his arms his body took a relaxed pose.

"look, i appreciate the gesture but you are obviously horribly intoxicated. As fun as it sounds...." He stops and lets out a sigh. "Tell you what. You let me drive and you got yourself a deal. seeing as your the only person I've ran into within these two days that has had had a conversation with apart from my co-workers. I would like to see you get home safe and sound." he glares at her with a serious look on his face as he waits for an answer.  


McKaela Kiama

PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 4:54 pm
McKaela shakes her head, grinning. "Nobody drives the Aston Martin but me. She's me good luck charm, of all me vehicles she's th'only one I've ne'er crashed!" That couldn't be a good sign. "B'sides, th'fortress's only a block away, what can happen in a block?" That was a dumb question. A very dumb question. "Where ya headin' anyway?" He'd still done all but outright answer her, and she didn't take hints too well, obviously.
PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:27 pm
He shakes his head."Not far" Turning towards the fortress the chill of the night hit him once again. His hands found their way to his pockets hoping that it would shield them from the cold air, It didn't.

"But i must be on my way."Once again his feet tread the path that would take him home, and once again the ice posed itself as an obstacle. His feet slid out from under him. hitting the concrete hard and taking the blunt of the blow to the back of the head. Alma was out cold in two ways now.  


McKaela Kiama

PostPosted: Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:40 pm
McKaela quirks a brow. Awww, he didn't want a ride. She shrugs it off, revving her engine and preparing to head home when it happens; Alma slips on the ice yet again and falls and hits his head.

Leaping from the car, McKaela runs over, slipping but able to regain her balance before falling. "Alma?" She lightly shakes his shoulders, but to no avail; he's out cold in the cold winter air. Good thing she was there. "Damn," McKaela mumbles, leaning down and picking him up, then carefully putting him into the back seat of her vehicle. He was probably damn lucky to be unconscious on the trip to the mansion, because McKaela's driving was all but sane.

Once home, McKaela lifts Alma out of the seat and carries him inside. Aluna's lab would be straight ahead when entering the large mansion, but no... she decides, for some reason, that the bar would be the best place to take him. He's laid across a sofa nearby before McKaela gets up to get a drink from behind the bar. She's only gone for a few moments, making some creamy hot chocolate with butterscotch schnapps added to it, and topped off with whipped cream before wandering back in and watching Alma quietly. I hope he doesn't have a concussion... She'd know if she'd just taken him for medical care... idiot.
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