Stop implying that bagged milk is a thing all Canadians have >.>
It's only from Ontario to the east that has that. Provinces from Manitoba right to BC have milk in jugs, like a PROPER society does.

Also, sucks about your hand bro. Hopefully its not your happy time hand.

Oh man, thank you! I never got that either. I didn't even know the s**t existed until I came to Ontario, and I was like "The ******** is this?"
But it is my favorite taunt to Canadians on steam. "Hey whyou respawn can ya go pickmeup a baggamilk?"

Is that supposed to be a Canadian accent? xD

Also, while watching the Olympics I noticed some of the people totally have accents. Now I know where you get your stereotypes from! =D
No it is actually supposed to be more like ghetto talk.

Ah, hard to tell reading it. It actually sounds more like redneck talk when I saw it out loud. Maybe that's just because I grew up around rednecks. xD