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Reply Hueco Mundo~Nicodemus Celio
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Koneko Kuromira

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 25, 2010 6:20 pm

Arrancar Appearance:
User Image

Character name:
Mari Akanigai
Mari = Japanese form of "Mary"
Aka = "bloody"; nigai = "bitter"
The name Mary means "bitter", so her last name is pretty much "Bloody Mary" . . .

Actual Age:

Age you look:


127 lb




In a nut shell, Mari is sly, calculating, and rather sadistic.
Though hidden by her clothes in the picture, the hole from her spirit chain is through her heart, so it is often said that she is heartless.
She tends to appear fun-loving and playful, though her "play" often involves blood and death.

The smell of blood in the morning . . .
Sharp, pointy, objects
Killing shinigami
Anything that involves violence . . . and blood of course

Being woken up from her nap

Zanpakutou name:
Aprisa Plata
[Quick Silver]

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance
Kami Katana
Blade Length: 29"
Handle Length: 10 3/4"
Weight: 2lb 10oz
Point of Balance: 4 3/4"
Width at Guard: 1.31"
Width at Tip: .97"
Thickness at Guard: .28"
Thickness at Tip: .22"

Zanpakutou released:
See her picture at the top.
Aprisa Plata is split into a round, mirrored shield and a liquid-like mass of quicksilver.

Release phrase:
Melt, Aprisa Plata!

Release Abilities/ Attacks:
Mari can manipulate the quicksilver almost like water, using it as if it was a sword to fight.
The quicksilver can only extend out to 15 feet and still be fully effective.
The further away from her it reaches, the thinner it gets and the less effective it is.
Anything past 15 feet makes it needle-thin and only good for pin-point strikes, though she makes good use of pressure points.

Reflect: uses mirror portion of the shield to reflect a projectile attack back toward her enemy,
though she does not have as much control over it's direction as the enemy might,
relying on angles to make it go in the direction she wants

Whirlwind: splits the quicksilver into smaller chunks that are flattened out into sharp disks,
which she spins around her and shoots out at her opponents

Skills and abilities:

Bio/ History:
Mari does not remember much of her time among the living, though her time immediately after death is very vivid.
Her last memory of life is her death -- a very bloody one, murdered by a girl she thinks might have been her friend at some point, but she is not quite sure now.
As a spirit, she was tied to her the mirror in her room for some reason, a large and ornate one that might or might not have been a family heirloom.
For a time, Mari "haunted" that mirror, using what spiritual power she had to create illusions in the glass to make whomever looked in it see themselves covered in blood
-- just as she had been when she died. Of course, that attracted the attention of Hollows, and eventually, she was dragged off into Hueco Mundo.

Biography Hollow Form:
As a Hollow, Mari's sadistic streak only grew. Wearing the mask of a horned cat, she preyed on whatever weaker Hollows she could find.
Rarely did Mari venture back into the living world, but when she did, she was always oddly drawn back to the mirror.
Now, though, she could make more than just illusions, consuming anyone who looked into it too closely while she was around.
Eventually, superstition overtook whomever owned the mirror, and it was destroyed.
That did not deter Mari, however, and she moved on to other mirrors as she grew stronger.
Eventually, her strength was noticed, and she was targeted herself and transformed into an Arrancar.

Biography Arrancar Form:
Shortly after becoming an Arrancar, Mari heard the urban legend of a woman known as "Bloody Mary".
This amused her, and she took on the surname Akanigai as a joke and tribute to her years as a Hollow.
She did not give up "haunting" mirrors, however, though this time during her romps into the living world, she only reacts to the invocation of the urban legend.
Whenever anyone spoke those words three times in front of a mirror -- "Bloody Mary" -- and Mari was in town . . . she attacked.
It was all a game to Mari . . . and still is . . .

PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 2:26 pm
Arrancar Appearance:
Beneath the skeletal mask fragment lies a pair of laughing, somewhat tired eyes, partially concealed at times by dark dreadlocks, and always augmented by a sly smile plastered on the Arrancar's face. Noah has always appeared fun-loving and casual, and though some gleam in his eyes reveals his true murderous intent, it's difficult to take this man seriously. On the other hand, the jokester is only one faccet of his appearance, visible along with the robes of a full-fledged Arrancar, as well as their trademark weapon worn at his side. As simple and unthreatening as he may seem, one must never take a person like this too lightly. After all, it could just cost one's life.
User Image

Character name:
Noah Marlin

Actual Age:

Age you look:





(Applying for Fraccion)

Outwardly, Noah is known to be quick to make a joke, and even quicker to drop formalities, earning him a spot within the ranks as a joker. On top of this, he is the type of person to add in things like "bruddah" and "mon" to his regular sentences, although whether or not this is on purpose is hard to place. Noah works hard, though, and gets what he needs to do out of the way, so he can relax in the Hueco Mundo sun as long as possible. Relaxation is what his whole life is about, it would seem, when one talks to him. Just chilling out in the open air, dropping all social graces and rules, and freeing his mind; that much amounts to his perfect day.
In battle, however, Noah takes on a whole different form. He becomes a silent, calculating warrior. He never makes one wasted movement, and like a chess player, thinks three moves ahead. While his blade may not be the sharpest, or his mind the quickest, Noah clearly possesses an above-average intellect for his position. Secretly, he knows he could out-manuever any of his fellows on the mental battlefield, but as part of his relaxed personality, he makes no attempt to rise above. As far as he is concerned, his current position is just the right spot to be.

Though it is considered somewhat odd for an Arrancar, Noah's only real hobby is what he calls "taking it easy". A general session of this involves picking a nice spot around Hueco Mundo, sitting down, and simply soaking up the sun. Noah spends as much time outside as possible, leading to a nice tan on top of his natural skin tone, which he considers his mark of honor as a slacker.
As activities go, Noah only likes doing large amounts of physical work when there's someone he likes nearby to talk to. At this point, anyone willing to put up with him is alright in his book, but a special few around have been named as a friend to him.

Without others around or an end in sight, Noah hates devoting himself to strenuous physical labor. This includes pointless fights somewhat, since he's an intellectual fighter, but this Arrancar has never put hesitated to draw his sword when needed. In battle, Noah tends to shy away from using his Resurrección until absolutely neccesary, claiming that the form is "way too active for his liking".

Zanpakutou name:
Buffalo Soldier

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance:
In sealed form, Noah's Buffalo Soldier looks like any other Zanpakuto, with a mid-length blade and a handle made for two hands. The tsuba takes the shape of hexagon, with etched patterns around the face of the tsuba that depict a relaxing grassland scene, complete with a herd of bison.

Zanpakutou released:
Upon Resurrección, Noah's mask extends down onto his face, and along his spine, creating a bison skull mask with two powerful horns atop his head. Other armor over the forearms, shoulders, and legs is added, with the latter resembling the hooves of a buffalo. In addition, a black fur covers his body, keeping only his lower half of the uniform as clothing. Noah's body retains his height, but in release form, his physique increases to an impressive level.
User Image
(Note: Due to lack of propper items, I used the closest I could find. This is more to give example than to define my character)

Release phrase:
"Stand free, Buffalo Soldier."

Release Abilities/ Attacks:
Buffalo Soldier is a straightforward, no nonsense release. Though Noah himself reserves an uncommon intellect, his dislike of winning through tricks gives him a formidable form with the ability to cast aside such things. In Resurrección form, his physical ability is at its peak, making him able to crash through most objects with a force similar to a wrecking ball. To make sure his own body doesn't crack in the proccess, the armor augmenting his legs, forearms, and spine is shaped specifically to repel attacks, and absorb high impacts. With a combination of these advancements, Noah is able to charge through the battlefield, implementing Sonido to achieve the title of "Speeding Bullet" to the few that have witnessed him fight.
As before, the extreme speed, strength, and defense of Buffalo Soldier are never used in excess. Noah makes every movement intentionally, always a few steps ahead on where to dodge, how to attack, and how to take the enviorment for his own. Instead of relying on an underhanded ability or powerful ranged attack, Noah is simply a formidable hand-to-hand combatant.

Skills and abilities:

Bala: Noah is no expert at ranged attacks, but a well-placed Bala from him is just as effective at the rest. He actually has a below-average power with these, but through an effective tactical mind, the Bala can still be implemented.

Cero: Like the Bala, Noah's is low in power, but he can produce it with a high speed in a more concentrated area. It can still kill, but the potential is lower than most.

Garganta: Like anyone else, Noah can and will rely on a Garganta to get to safety, or transport objects back to the Hollow world.

Hierro: Because of Buffalo Soldier, Noah's natural Hierro can be amplified and focused onto certain body parts during Release. Though his skin is tough to begin with, an above-average Hierro and ingorance of pain lets him confidently plan out his next move.

Pesquisa: Noah can implement Pesquisa with much more frequent pulses, though at a shorter radius. What this leads to is an all-seeing sonar within a limited field.

Resurrección: Noah has his power sealed inside "Buffalo Soldier", a true example of a physical release at its prime. Trading up even more of his ranged skill, Noah can fight at close range with the best of them.

Sonído: Above all other skills, Noah has shown to be an adept in Sonído. He can travel at the same speed for greater distances, and due to naturally honed agility, change directions quickly after a single Sonído, then boost straight into the next one. Of any of the Arrancar skills, Sonído is definitely the one that Noah has the most skill in.

Close Quarters Combat: Like the Hakuda-users he fights against, Noah is almost exclusively a user of Brazillian martial arts, thinking of his blade as more of a tactical tool than a weapon. When it comes to his Buffalo Soldier form, that is boosted even higher, and his augmented strength is used to turn his fighting style into something much stronger. He was once said to be a Hollow with a diamond body, and with the way his limbs seem to fling the opponent around the battlefield, it isn't hard to believe.

Speeding Bullet: In a paticular battle during his career, he earned the title of "Speeding Bullet", made to describe his combination of speed and power during battle. Noah is able to combine Sonído with his close-quarter skills, making a way for him to boost into a charging attack, and immediately deliver his blow within a moment of becoming visible.

Bio/ History:

Biography Hollow Form:
Noah had the real heart of a Buffalo. He stood around most days, milling about until he found a challenger, which he would procede to kill like the hard-headed bull he was. He never liked killing, though, not unless it was to survive. As he grew in power, though, and fought off more challengers with his diamond hooves, they just kept coming. That almost came to a close upon his greatest challenge, made by a Hollow at a higher level than him. At his very last moment, Noah felt his body being broken down into something different.
Something stronger.
In his death as a hollow, his life truley began, for he would become an Arrancar.

Biography Arrancar Form:
Arrancar life began slow for Noah. He had to adapt to his new form, learn to love his new teamates, and suddenly drift away from his easy life before. Learning that his life was now all about combat was the hardest part for Noah, in the long run. No matter what he had to defeat in order to survive, he would always take a while off afterward to relax. Often times, this required simply dissapearing for a few days, but that moment of silence was somehow neccesary for him to preform his next list of duties.
As with the rest of his life, Noah's power steadily grew, and people began to take notice of his efforts. Against all of his wishes, he was then brought beyond the Números, and into the world of Fracción, in order to best use his talents in battle. He never thought about rising up, but they never asked for his opinion, so it was all the same in the end. He still doesn't wish to go beyond that, but unless one of the Espada dies, there would be no problem simply relaxing and putting forth only what he needs to in order to do his job right.

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Ghostly Phoenix

PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 2:41 pm

Arrancar Appearance:
Medium length black hair. Royal blue eyes. The remains of his hollow mask makes a small cresent moon in the middle of forehead but is covered by his hair unless he shows it by parting his hair. He wears a standard short sleeved arrancar uniform but is trying to get a hold of a new uniform that allows more mobility. His hollow is at the center of his chest.

Character name:

Actual Age:

Age you look:


126 lbs



(must apply for ranks)

Loyal even if he knows he's going to die. Will do what he thinks is for the good of the arrancar. Often feels alone and gets depressed very easily. Will only use his zanpakuto when he is either very angry (hard to get him angry) or if he just wants to finish it quickly.

training. rain. storms. sparring.


Zanpakutou name:

Zanpakuto Sealed Appearance
User Image

Zanpakutou released:
He holds his zanpakuto in the air and it disolves. Armor then materializes on his legs and arms leaving his chest and his head exposed. Two blade like weapons appear on his arms. He becomes extremely fast in this state
User Image

Release phrase:
Kaosu Shoten.

Release Abilities/ Attacks:
Time-Warp: This particular ability causes the user to slow others down to something of a snails pace and speed him up extremely fast. If he gets hit in this state it'll take time for the wound to actually open up. When he speeds up though the wound will open up faster and will cause him extreme amounts of pain. Another bad thing about it is that when he comes out of this state he himself is unable to move at normal speed for a short time if anyone were to see him like this he'd be moving like a snail.

Skills and abilities:
Master of sonido. Expert in hand to hand combat.
Bala (虚弾 (バラ), bara; Spanish for "Bullet," Japanese for "Hollow Bullet") Bala is an Arrancar alternative to Cero. The technique hardens the user's Spiritual Pressure and fires it like a bullet. Although it is weaker than a normal Cero, it moves about twenty times faster and can be fired at a much higher rate, but the damage is much the same. Stronger Arrancar can also fire a more powerful Bala, while retaining its twenty-fold speed.

Cero (虚閃 (セロ), sero; Spanish for "Zero," Japanese for "Hollow Flash," "Doom Blast" in the Viz translation) are high-powered energy blasts that can be fired from various body parts, such as mouth, tongue, hand or fingers. Only Gillians, Adjuchas, Arrancar, and the Vizard have so far been shown to use Cero attacks, and it appears that stronger entities can use it more efficiently. Various Arrancar and Hollow characters display variants of the technique, such as the Espada-exclusive Gran Rey Cero, the Cero Oscuras that Ulquiorra Cifer can use only in his released form, as well as the Cero Sincrético performed by Pesche Guatiche and Dondochakka Bilstin.

Garganta (黒腔 (ガルガンタ), garuganta; Spanish for "Throat," Japanese for "Black Cavity") is how Arrancar and Menos-class Hollows move to and from Hueco Mundo. Kaname Tōsen, Kisuke Urahara and Mayuri Kurotsuchi have also demonstrated the ability to use the technique. It literally tears open the dimensional fabric separating the worlds, revealing a tunnel of whirling, torrential energy that must be focused and solidified to create a discernible pathway.

Pesquisa (探査回路 (ペスキス), pesukisa; Spanish for "Inquiry," Japanese for "Probe Circuit") is the Arrancar equivalent of the Shinigami ability to sense Spiritual Pressure. It functions very similarly to sonar.

Resurrección (帰刃 (レスレクシオン), resurekushion; Spanish for "Resurrection," Japanese for "Returning Blade") Most Arrancar have the ability to seal their power within a Zanpakutō. Upon releasing their Zanpakutō, they gain all of their former unique Hollow abilities back, essentially 'resurrecting' their old selves. When using this ability, they essentially combine their human form and their Hollow form, incidentally increasing their power considerably. As another note, when an Arrancar uses his or her Resurrección, it heals all minor wounds.

Sonído (響転 (ソニード), sonīdo; Spanish for "Sound," Japanese for "Sound Ceremony") is the Arrancar equivalent of the Shinigami Flash Steps and the Quincy Hirenkyaku; it allows the user to travel at incredibly high speeds for short distances. Use of Sonído is punctuated by a brief static sound, in contrast to the "swish" sound caused by Flash Steps.

Bio/ History:
All his life he's been trying to prove himself worthy of being called an espada one day.

Biography Hollow Form:
Doesn't remember much other than being a wolf like adjuchas and eating other gillian's and adjuchas.

Biography Arrancar Form:
Has been following the espada around for sometime trying to find one that will make him their fraccion. He's been trying to prove his loyalty by killing multiple arrancar that have betrayed the espada in some way but none of them ever seem to notice him. He is waiting for the perfect time to show his undying loyalty to them but can't ever find that right opportunity. The only thing he has ever wanted to do was repay his debt to the one who saved him from death when he was an adjuchas. All he remembers of that arrancar was that he was an espada.
Hueco Mundo~Nicodemus Celio

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